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HSA Single Point Billing Tutorial. by. To our Clients; EBDS now offers a web based data-update interface along with the attached tutorial that allows our clients to easily update their participants’ contributions and view billing statement information.
To our Clients; EBDS now offers a web based data-update interface along with the attached tutorial that allows our clients to easily update their participants’ contributions and view billing statement information. For your convenience, we are providing a tutorial that will allow you to learn to manage your data updates via our website application. Our goal is to provide you with an efficient method to make your desired updates at your convenience, thus eliminating any waiting periods involved with remote updates by EBDS database managers. We encourage you to use this web interface for management of your account. In addition, a version is also available on the web at the following URL: http://www.ebdsbenefits.com/eSPB/HSAHome.htm Please bookmark this URL, as it will lead to a constantly-updated version of our tutorial. If participants encounter difficulties with their individual HSA accounts they should contact PFPC at 1-877-245-0116 for assistance. If you have any questions about the web interface or about the Single Point Billing System service in general, feel free to contact the SPBHSA team at our email address: SPBHSA@EBDS.COM Thanks! The SPBHSA Team
Table of Contents • Basic Information 4 • Statements 7 Modifying Statement 9 • Participants 13 Adding or Modifying Elections 19 • Reports 22 • Frequently Asked Questions 26 - 29 • Appendix A 30 • Appendix B 31
The HSA Single Point Billing Home Page can be accessed by enteringwww.ebdsbenefits.com/ehsa
Billing statements are generated automatically based on the schedule selected by the group. An email alert is generated 3 days prior to the group’s statement date and is sent to the group contact’s email address, advising the contact that the billing statement is available.
Management StatementsA statement is a snapshot of the participants’ elections as of the statement date.To view the statement or to make any changes, click on the statement date.
Management StatementYou can view the selected statement by participant or product. Make any necessary changes to the selected statement via the Participant Summary Tab. Changes made here will only alter the current statement and will not change any upcoming statements.
Management StatementsParticipant SummaryTo make changes click on the details button to the right of the participant’s name.
Management StatementParticipant SummaryEnter the revised deduction amount into the New Deduction box and select an Adjustment Reason from the drop down box. When you are finished modifying the participant, click the Save button. The Back button returns you to the participant summary (SEE APPENDIX B for further details).
Management StatementOnce amounts are verified, the group can accept the statement by clicking the Accept button. An acceptance alert email is automatically generated advising the Single Point Billing office that the funds are ready for transfer. The entire funds transfer process, from the date the billing statement is accepted to the date the funds are posted to the participants’ HSA accounts, can take up to 5 business days.
ParticipantsA participant can be found by various selection criteria. Leave all fields blank and click the Search button to see a list of every participant.
ParticipantsClick on the participant’s name to view more detailed demographics.
ParticipantsParticipant information can be updated by using the Edit button at the bottom of the screen. (Edit button not shown)
Participant ElectionsClicking on Elections tab takes you to the next screen, which allows you to permanently change the participants’ contributions and status (SEE APPENDIX B for further details).
Participant ElectionsTo add a participant, click the New Participant button, which will take you to the Verification screen.
Adding a ParticipantThe first step in adding a participant is validating that they have an open HSA account with a custodial fiduciary. To do this, you must input their Social Security number and month and year of birth and click Verify. This compares the individual’s data to our records to ensure they have an active HSA account. After you validate the participant, you will be taken to a Participant Information screen for the newly-created participant. You must add any contribution in the Participant Elections screen as normal (SEE APPENDIX A for further details).The participant will appear on all future statements. For the participant to appear on a pending statement you must email SPBHSA@EBDS.com to request a regeneration of your statement.
Participant ElectionsTo add an election, simply click the Add button. To change participant’s contribution amount click on the HSA Contribution taking you to the next screen.
Participant ElectionsTo Cancel coverage, remove the green check mark under the No Level column and enter an expiration date in the Expires box, then click on the Update button.
Participant ElectionsTo alter a participant’s contribution amount, enter the new value in the Per Pay box and click the Update button (SEE APPENDIX B for further details).
You can tailor your reports based on the setup of your organization by clicking on Reconciliation by Participant Summary.
Participant Report Excel FileYou can retrieve an excel file of your participant contributions for a particular period by using the dropdown boxes to select the period and clicking the Download button to generate an Excel file of the data.
Participant ReportYou can save the report or open it directly from the Single Point Billing website.
Participant ReportSample participant report in Excel format.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS How do I get to the EBDS website and log on? Go to http://www.edbsbenefits.com/ehsa. The website site will ask for your user name and password that were provided to you in an email during the account set up process. If you have lost or forgotten you user name and password, please contact SPBHSA@ebds.com for a replacement. If your user name and password are not working, or if you need to add users or delete users from your account, please contact SPBHSA@ebds.com. How do I complete the HSA template? This can be found in the HSA Single Point Billing Setup Process information – GROUP STEP 2 – complete HSA Upload Template
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS What kind of response time can I expect from the SPB HSA Team? Messages sent to the SPBHSA@ebds.com box are monitored constantly during business hours. In general responses are sent within 48 hours. When can I view my statement online ? An email is sent to the group contact’s email address advising the current contribution period statement is ready for viewing and accepting on the website. Statement viewing and accepting can be found starting on page 8 of this tutorial. Can I make changes to an “Accepted” statement? No. Changes can not be made to a statement once it is “Accepted”. Changes can be completed at anytime prior to accepting your next statement. When will the participants funds be available in their HSA accounts after I have accepted the statement? If the statement is accepted before 3:30pm EST the funding process will begin the same day. If the statement is accepted after 3:30pm EST the funding process will start the following business day. The funding process takes up to 5 business days.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS How can I add a participant to the HSA program via the website? New participants can be added at anytime prior to accepting your next statement. Instructions for adding new participants starts on page 17 of this tutorial or in the Appendix A. Please note: By adding a participant to the HSA website this process will also confirm if the participant has opened their account with PFPC. How can I terminate a participant in the HSA program via the website? Participants can be terminated at anytime prior to accepting your next statement. Instructions for terminating a participant can be found in the Appendix A. Can I view my employee’s individual accounts on the website? No. Due to Privacy laws only the individual account holder my view their balances on the PFPC website or contact PFPC at 1-877-245-0116.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS How often can I modify a participants election permanently? Participant elections can be modified as many times as necessary but always must be completed prior to accepting the current statement. Instruction on modifying participant elections starts on page 19 of this tutorial and in Appendix B. Can I modify a participants election for a single statement? Yes. Participants elections can be modified for a single statement by following the Instructions in Appendix C. Why do I have different user names and passwords for my companies two separate pay schedules? Individual accounts can have only one pay period schedule. If your company has a multiple payroll schedule, you will have multiple accounts (for example: Weekly and Bi-weekly payrolls)
ADDING a Participant: Click on PARTICIPANTS tab Click on NEW PARTICPANT at the bottom of the PARTICIPANT SELECTIONS box Enter in required information Click on VERIFY If the Participant has an open HSA account you will be taken to the next screen – if the Participant does not have an open account an ERROR message will appear. Click on the ELECTIONS tab Click on ADD tab Select the Contribution by “Checking” the box under the NO LEVEL Column. EE for Employee / ER for Employer Enter the contribution amount in the PER PAY BOX Click on UPDATE to save TERMINATING a Participant: Click on PARTICIPANTS tab Click on SEARCH at the bottom of the Participants Selection box. Click on the Name of the Participant to be terminated. Click on the ELECTIONS tab above the Participant Information box. Click on the Underlined contribution to terminate: ER HSA Contribution EE HSA Contribution Click on the box under the NO LEVEL column to UNCHECK it. Curser will automatically go to EXPIRES box Type in the date of Termination Click on UPDATE to save. APPENDIX A Adding & Terminating Participants
Modifying Participant Elections for Single Statement Click on the MANAGEMENT tab Click on the STATEMENTS tab Click SEARCH in the Billing Statement Selections box. Click on the UNDERLINED Pending Review statement date Click on PARTICIPANT SUMMARY tab On the line of the participant who needs an election modified click on the DETAILS button to the right Click on the Underlined Contribution-EE/ER within the Search Results box Enter the new amount into the New Deduction box and select RATE ADJUSTMENT from the Adjustment Reason drop down box Click on SAVE button Modifying Participant Elections Permanently for Future Statements: Click on PARTICIPANTS tab Click SEARCH at the bottom of the Participant Selections box Click on the Underlined Participant with the modified election. Click on the ELECTIONS tab next to highlighted Participant Info tab Click on the Underlined Election (ER/EE) to be modified. Override the PER PAY Box with the new contribution amount Click UPDATE Please note: The “Current pending statement” will not show the modified election until the participant is also modified in The “Pending Review Statement” – follow the instructions “MODIFYING PARTICIPANT ELECTIONS FOR SINGLE STATEMENT” Future Statements will show the new election contribution amount. APPENDIX B Modify Participant Elections – Single or PermanentPlease note: Changes must be completed before accepting current “Pending Statement”