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Idiopathic pulm fibrosis (IPF) chronic interstitual lung dz -- honeycombed alveolar spaces alternating fibrosis and dila

Idiopathic pulm fibrosis (IPF) chronic interstitual lung dz -- honeycombed alveolar spaces alternating fibrosis and dilation Sx: resp difficulty, hypoxemia, cyanosis, cor pulmonale . IPF -- diffuse interstitual fibrosis What is the FEV1/FVC ratio? Normal b/c both are reduced.

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Idiopathic pulm fibrosis (IPF) chronic interstitual lung dz -- honeycombed alveolar spaces alternating fibrosis and dila

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Idiopathic pulm fibrosis (IPF) chronic interstitual lung dz -- honeycombed alveolar spaces alternating fibrosis and dilation Sx: resp difficulty, hypoxemia, cyanosis, cor pulmonale

  2. IPF -- diffuse interstitual fibrosis What is the FEV1/FVC ratio? Normal b/c both are reduced

  3. IPF -- persistent injury leads to fibroblast proliferation and fibrosis Which cells participate? Lymphs, macros, type II pneumocytes

  4. IPF on CXR radiodense linear streaking in lower lung fields

  5. Sarcoidosis bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy (potato nodes) systemic dz of non-caseating granulomas Immune involvement: cell-mediated rxn to unknown antigen -- anergy to common skin test antigens

  6. Sarcoidosis -- granulomas with giant cells

  7. Asteroid bodies -- inclusions in giant cells -- also found in other granulomatous dzs

  8. Schaumann bodies composed of calcium and protein. These are found in other granulomatous dz, also.

  9. Intraaveolar hemorrhage -- hemosiderin macros What syndromes are associated with this? Goodpasture’s, Idiopathic Pulm Hemosiderosis, Vasculitis-Associated Hemorrhage

  10. Silicosis thickened pleura upper lobe, white is collagen

  11. Silicosis concentric collagen bands in nodules

  12. Asbestos -- diffuse interstitual fibrosis Clinical course progressive dyspnea, cough, sputum, CHF, cor pulmonale

  13. Asbestos -- lower lobes fibrotic

  14. Asbestos -- pink homogenous fibrosis with thickened blood vessels

  15. Asbestos

  16. Asbestos bodies- beading with knobbed ends

  17. Asbestos related pleural plaques of collagen and calcium

  18. Bronchogenic carcinoma

  19. prominent interstitial markings in bases, pleural thickening at the costophrenic angles and lower lateral chest walls, and a calcified pleural plaque in the left hemidiaphragm

  20. large right pleural effusion and more extensive pleural thickening -- mesothelioma on resection

  21. Mesothelioma

  22. Thrombus

  23. Thrombus -- Lines of Zahn, indicating pre-mortum formation

  24. Recanalization of thrombus

  25. Saddle embolus

  26. Abnormal V/Q Scan

  27. Pulmonary infarct -- hemorrhagic, uncommon due to dual blood supply -- the more peripheral the embolus, the greater the chance for infarction

  28. Pulmonary hypertension -- vessel hypertrophied and septa thickened

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