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Navigation What should I know? TM R Working knowledge of MS-Windows Ability to use a mouse R Mouse A Graphical User Interface (GUI) between you and your PC. Windows is an operating “environment” that makes it easier to communicate with your PC’s Operating System (DOS).
What should I know? TM R • Working knowledge of MS-Windows • Ability to use a mouse R Mouse
A Graphical User Interface (GUI) between you and your PC. Windows is an operating “environment” that makes it easier to communicate with your PC’s Operating System (DOS). Windows is NOT an O/S. DOS is an O/S. Windows is....
Multi-tasking--Windows enables you to run more than one program at a time depending on your computer’s “power” (memory) You can copy data from one Windows application to another by “cutting” and “pasting” Windows enables you to...
What is a Window? A framed area on your screen where you view an application. BANNER forms “run” in a window. BANNER 3.0 GUI Version is a Windows application--designed to run in a Window using Windows application conventions. BANNER GUI Environment
Forms can be a single screen A series of screens known as “pages” Forms may be designed to allow navigation to other forms Forms may be designed to insert, update, delete, and query data. BANNER Menu Bar Key Block First Block of Information 1st Block of information in the root window Root Window Second Block of Information 2nd Block of information in the root window BANNER GUI FORMS
Main Window: First window of a form. BANNER Menu Bar: Appears at the top line of the Main Window of every BANNER Form. Key Block: Displayed on all windows of a form. Information viewed on a form relating to the “Key”. Option Menu: Navigate to other blocks within the form or move to and from other forms. Elements/Concepts of a Form
Elements/Concepts of a Form • Blocks: A form is composed of one or more blocks. Each block is physically distinct and contains related data. • Records and fields: A block contains records composed of fields from an underlying table or view in an Oracle database. An example could be Address Information. • Each record corresponds to a row from the underlying table or view, and each field corresponds to a column from the underlying table or view.
Form Identifier: Form ID, release number, database name Key Block: Information required to record selection. Fields: Optional/Mandatory. Blocks: Framed areas of related data. Auto Help: Changes from field to field Count: Number of records retrieved by a query. Data Pointers: Caret upward/downward. Form Elements
Standard Buttons - Menus Navigate to forms and other menus Exits you out of BANNER
Navigate to fields, other blocks, other forms • Exits you out of the form. • If you’re in a branch window • and click on Exit, you will be • exited out of the form, not • just the window. • If you’re in a query mode, the • first click cancels the query; • the second click exits you out • of the form. Clears all information in the form (except for the key block); Returns you to an enterable field in the key block. Saves all the information you have entered or changed in any window in the form. Some buttons take you to more windows. Pages behind the pages Standard Buttons - Forms ID: Name: Standard Buttons on Forms More Windows Rollback Save Exit
Standard: Buttons that represent common actions (Exit, Save, Rollback) and form-specific actions (Search, Select, etc.). Radio: Radio buttons appear in groups. The user must choose from one or more (or none of the options presented by the button). LOV: List of Values Buttons - Pressing on this button will show the validation table for a particular field. BUTTONS AND MORE
Allows you to use the % wild card rather than scrolling through the list. Make your choice then click on the FIND button below. Scroll through the list. Highlight your choice and click on the OK button below. This returns you to the calling form with the chosen value. We call this Exit with Value. Exits out of the List of Values without bringing back a value. We call this Exit without Value LOV Buttons (List Of Values)
Menus: List of related forms - Allows access to other menus or forms Functional (Application) Forms: Perform specific functions: enter, update, or query information. Validation Forms: Define the values for a specific field or to view the values defined for a field. Control or Rule Forms: Provided for entering and maintaining the processing rules for system calculations. Query Forms: Used to look up existing information. Inquiry Forms: Used the same as Query Forms but can also be accessed from a Menu, another form, Direct Access or Object Search. Types of BANNER Forms
Menus Pull Down Menus Direct Access Quick Flows System Navigation
Action Menu Edit Menu Options Menu Block Menu BANNER Menu Bar • Field Menu • Record Menu • Query Menu • Help Menu • Window Menu
System Selection/Navigation Module Navigation Action Menu Submenus Block Menu Field Menu Record Menu Query Menu Help Menu What’s on the Menu?
Menus: Pull Down Menus Functional Keys: Navigate to the parts of the form. Option Menu Functions LOV Button Navigation Form Navigationwithin our forms we have:
Clear Form Rollback: Clears all information from the current form and returns the cursor to the key block. This function does not delete the information from the system, it only clears it from view. Save: Saves your current entries or deletions. You may hear the word “Commit” during your training sessions. Exit: Exits the form (from the form) or BANNER (from menu.) Form Functions
Block Menu: Allows you to navigate to blocks within the form as well as to related forms to view and enter additional information. Clear Block: Clears all information from the current block. Next Block: Moves the cursor to the form’s next block (from the last block will move the user to the first block after the key block.) Previous Block: Moves the cursor to the form’s previous block (from block immediately below the key block, takes you to the form’s last block.) Block Functions
Clear Record: Clears all information from one record from the block that contains the cursor. Does not delete information from the system. Delete Record: You must save the change. Duplicate Record: This will copy the previous record into a blank record. Insert Record: Inserts an empty record within a series of records. Record Functions
Record Functions • Next Record: Displays the record following the one in the cursor block. Record displays in the order in which they are stored in the database. • Fetch Next: Displays the next set of records. • Previous Record: Displays the preceding record.
Clear Field:Clears information from the cursor field. Does not delete the information from the system. Duplicate Field (Item):Duplicates the field (item). Next/Previous Field:Moves the cursor back through the block. Field Functions
Enter Query:Prepares BANNER to accept a search criteria. Execute Query:Executes the search criteria. All records matching the criteria will be displayed. If no search criteria is entered, then BANNER displays all related records. Count Query Hits:Displays the number of records that would be retrieved for an entered search criteria. Cancel Query:Cancels the Query Mode. Query Functions
List of Values:Again, allows you to see a list of valid codes for a field. Exit with Value:Brings that value from a table to a form when accessing a table using List of Values (LOV), Entering a Query, or Count Query Hits. Data Access Functions
Key Map Save Next/Previous Record Insert/Remove Record Print Next/Previous Block Enter/Execute Cancel Query Graphing Rollback Banner Documentation BANNER Tool Bar Banner Defined Functions: Institution Defined Functions:
Accept/Commit/Save:Saves the changes to the database. Enter Host Command:Pop-Up window which allows you to access to the operating system if you have the security. Exit:Takes you out of a form, menu, or BANNER application. You will be given the opportunity to SAVE your changes. Refresh:Repaints the current screen. Print:Print Screen to File, Print to Default Printer, Print a function key map. What other functions does BANNER offer?
Update Mode:New data may be inserted and existing data may be updated or deleted. Query Mode:Existing data may be viewed and selected based on a search criteria. Enter Query appears in the status line. Form Modes
Check Enter Query in Status Line: Some forms open in Query Mode. Enter Query: Enter a criteria to limit the search. Count Query Hits: See how many recourses your query will return. Execute Query: Displays one or more records or tells you that your search found no records. Exit with Value: Select the value and bring the record back to your working form. Query Pull Down Menu: Count Query hits, Last Criteria, Cancel, Fetch Next Set of Records How do I Query????
Help:Press at any field to display context-sensitive technical help. Block, table, data type, field length, attributes are displayed. Show Keys:Function key mapping dependent on terminal configuration. List:Refers to the LOV button for an item. Display Error:Displays additional information about a problem. Print screen will copy this information. Dynamic Help Query:Form, Block, and Field Level help are available by BANNER supplied help or local, institution specific help. Automatic Hint/Auto Help:Message appears automatically in the status line of a form. Text changes automatically from field to field. This tells which form to enter, list of functions available, and what action to take next. HELP Functions
SOAIDEN - BANNER Person/ID Search Form. SOACOMP-Non-Person Name/ID Search Form. Automatic access after pressing LIST Function at the ID field in a key block No One should be entered into the BANNER database more than once. Search Forms are opened in Query Mode. Search Forms - Name and ID
Name Search: Before you enter information about a person, you must search the database to see whether that person already has a record. Multiple Records for the same person: name change or ID change Differences between an ID and a PIDM. Common Names Soundex Searches: Search for a name by what it sounds like, rather than how it is spelled. Name and ID SearchWhat’s the difference?
For Names: Upper/Lower case Do Not enter spaces within prefixed last names (MacArthur). Do Not enter spaces with hyphenated last names (Smith-Jones). Names with a first initial and middle name should be entered with a period and one space between the initial and the name (M. Andrews) Use periods after prefixes and suffixes where applicable. Data Entry Recommendations
For Addresses: Do Not use a # sign when entering addresses. BANNER Letter Generation uses a # sign as a formatting command. Country Code is not necessary unless you are dealing with a foreign country. County Codes are defined on STVCNTY. State Codes are defined on STVSTAT. Data Entry Recommendations
Position 1=Student System Position 2=Person Module Position 3=Application Form Position 4 - 7=IDEN, Unique four character name. SPAIDEN - Student Identification Form