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Commissioning in Redbridge

Commissioning in Redbridge . Presentation to the Redbridge CVS Network 6-11-2013. John Turkson. Principal Officer Adult Social Services - Commissioning- Community Partnerships. Scope of Presentation. What is Commissioning LBR Commissioning intentions

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Commissioning in Redbridge

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Commissioning in Redbridge Presentation to the Redbridge CVS Network 6-11-2013 John Turkson. Principal Officer Adult Social Services - Commissioning- Community Partnerships

  2. Scope of Presentation • What is Commissioning • LBR Commissioning intentions • What services do we Commission • How do we Commission -process • LBR 12-month Commissioning programme • Helpful Hints • Grant funding • Discussion/Q & A

  3. What is Commissioning? “the process of identifying needs within the population and developing policy direction/service models and the market to meet those needs in the most appropriate and cost effective way”. It offers opportunities for councils to better fulfil their role as ‘place-shapers’ of their local areas.

  4. Commissioning intentions • Key Drivers • Joint Strategic Needs Assessment • Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy • SUrG/provider Forums consultations/meetings • Central government/H& Social Care Bill/reports • Market Position Statement • Financial pressures • Partners/joint arrangements • Public Health • Clinical Commissioning Group • Hospital trusts • Neighbouring boroughs • Market testing/service development /provider forums • Voluntary sector/strategic Partners

  5. What do we Commission Supported Living (formerly Supporting People) • Provides funding for 74 services to a wide range of vulnerable people:- • Older People • People with Mental Health Problems • People with Learning Disabilities • Single Homeless • Rough Sleepers • Women & Children at Risk of Domestic Violence, • Ex-offenders • Young People at risk • Homeless Families • Refugees.

  6. How do we commission services • Tender Process • Open Tender (One stage) • Restricted Tender (Two Stage) • Documentation: • Advert • Conditions of Contract (Volume A); • Specification (Volume B); • Quotation Documents (Volume C), comprising Instructions for Quoting, Evaluation Criteria and Method Statements, Qualifying Questionnaire; and • Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 (TUPE) Staffing Details (Volume D)

  7. Summary Commissioning programme to Dec. 2014 • Children • Early intervention • Family support • Transition support • Special needs • Adults • Young people at risk • Single homeless • Mental health • Domestic violence • Older people services • Information and advice

  8. Helpful Hints • Read pack carefully • Make sure all policies are up to date • Ensure your response answers WHAT has been asked for. • Submit all the required documentation on time How to Get Involved • Redbridge-i • The London Portal • Arrange to meet with us • Attend our Supported Living/Voluntary Sector Forums

  9. Grant Funding • Strategic Partners Fund Key and Umbrella organisations • Emerging Need and New Initiatives • Project-based • Redbridge Community Fund • innovative projects/encourage joint/consortium bids

  10. Thank you/merci! Discussion/ Q & A

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