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Professional Development Plan 2013-2014 school year PCS-NS. Presented by:Sarah Mahon. By PresenterMedia.com. Overview. FAQ’s. Staff. Current plan. Presentation at a glance. School demographics, history, data. Detail about staff. Where we need to go, and how we will get there.
Professional Development Plan2013-2014 school yearPCS-NS Presented by:Sarah Mahon By PresenterMedia.com
Overview FAQ’s Staff Current plan Presentation at a glance School demographics, history, data Detail about staff Where we need to go, and how we will get there Why this plan is necessary Where we are now and what we are doing Proposed plan data
FAQ’s - 8th school of 10 • Second year of operation • 250 students in grades k-5; will grow to be k-8 with 400 students • 80% receive free or reduced lunch • 80% of students are African American • 20% of students have IEP’s • 79% passing rate on 2011-2012 PSSA Math
Proposed Plan 2013-2014 -Rigor of tasks/student work analysis -Student discourse -Accountable talk -Common assessments -Common core standards -Key components of a math lesson -Goal setting
Staff • 2 teachers per grade level (90% have < 5 years experience) • 2 resource teachers (grades k-2, and grades 3-5) • 3 para professionals (1 grades k-2, and 2 grades 3-5) • 1 Title One interventionist grades k-5 • 2 AmeriCorps Volunteer workers • 1 literacy coach • 1 guidance counselor • 1 admin assistant • 1 full time nurse • 2 administrators
Current Status of PD 2012-2013 school year • All teachers are required to work 220 days • (20 built in days and 40 more hours on their own) • Content and grade specific PLC’s meet for 2 hours every 6 weeks (math only)
Math Block 90 minutes every day • Mini Lesson • EnVision curriculum • Teacher created tasks • Centers • 4-5 centers consisting of computers, ipads, independent practice, guided practice…
This year vs. next year Changing the way we think about teaching Targeted PD
What will the PD look like? Before the school year 2 days of content specific PD -1 day spent UICs and Common Core
What will the PD look like? Before the school year Teachers will be introduced to a new lesson planning template that redefines the block allowing more time for discovery learning and student discourse Teachers will work on defining rigorous tasks through a coach led task analysis Teachers will work on rigorous tasks to experience what students are experiencing, then dialogue about their leanings with colleagues
What will the PD look like? During the school year 2 PD days (afternoon) per trimester -1 grade level district PD per 6 weeks -Network Connections, NCTM conference -Bi-weekly onsite student work discussions facilitated by coach -Minimum 2 co-teaching session with coach with preconference and post conference -2 observations of another math teacher
What will we hear and see? Math classrooms after 1 year of PD Student End: Students will be working with each other, not just next to each other. Students will be using accountable talk strategies and will facilitate conversations Students will make connections to prior concepts while explaining their work Teacher End: Teachers will be interacted with groups of students asking questions to further understandings. Teachers will be engaged in accountable talk just as the students are Teachers will meet in meetings to discuss common assessments and work samples
How will we measure success? -Common Assessments -MAP data -4 sight data -Anecdotal data and notes -teacher comfort level with tasks and creating rigorous tasks
Why is this necessary? Though we made AYP last year, our students started all over again this year with baseline scores of zero. To me, this says that students are not retaining what they have learned the year before, because they did not learn it in the best way. Teachers has very little PD last year for math, and are getting some this year, enough to get their pallet whet, to set the stage for next year.