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Proposed Marine Management Areas in St. Kitts and Nevis

Explore the Southeast Peninsula Area in St. Kitts, with a focus on its biodiversity and protection of sea turtle nesting beaches. Learn about the legislative framework, revenue management, and monitoring plans for marine protected areas. Public conservation education initiatives are also highlighted.

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Proposed Marine Management Areas in St. Kitts and Nevis

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  1. Proposed Marine Management Areas in St. Kitts and Nevis Emile Pemberton

  2. Southeast Peninsula Area in St. Kitts • Shallow area with seagrass beds

  3. Beach seine operations are forbidden here • Sunset over the Southeast Peninsula

  4. Southeast Peninsula Area Nevis • The channel between the two islands – only about 2 miles wide

  5. Brief Background • St. Kitts and Nevis are two islands separated by about two miles of water at the nearest point. These shallows are an area rich in biodiversity.

  6. Lovers Beach • Marine Protected Areas will seek to Protect Sea Turtle Nesting Beaches

  7. Legislative Framework • A few areas are de facto marine parks but have not been declared so under the laws of the country

  8. Proposed Marine Park off Sandy Point MAP 1: SANDY POINT AREA

  9. Marine Protected Areas on the Southeast Peninsula of St. Kitts

  10. Public Conservation Education • Public Education Through Participation: Families on Beach Patrol

  11. Turtle watching • Turtle watching – land and water based is a proposed marine park activity

  12. LEGAL FRAMEWORK • The National Conservation and Environment Protection Act, (NCEPA) No.5 of 1987 provides for the establishment of National Parks. • The Fisheries Act No.4 of 1984 provides for the establishment of Fishing Priority Areas and Marine Reserves. • Special regulations will be developed, with assistance from the Government’s legal Department.

  13. Fee structure for activities in the MPAS

  14. REVENUE MANAGEMENT • A special account will be established for fees and other money received or collected. • Proper accounting procedures will be established, including annual audits by a competent independent auditor. The Executive Director of the Authority is responsible for the management of the account. Quarterly allocations will be made available in accordance with approved budget submissions.

  15. Monitoring • Monitoring is needed firstly to guide management decisions, and secondly to determine the effectiveness of management. The Monitoring methods listed below would provide some of the necessary information. Some monitoring activities are already underway within the proposed MPAS but will need to be expanded. Other methods need to be started as soon as possible.

  16. Monitoring • Monitoring environmental variables as indicators of potential impacts on the marine ecosystem such as: • Salinity at selected stations • Sedimentation rates and water clarity at selected sites • Water quality, specifically the levels of inorganic and organic pollutants.

  17. Major’s Bay on the Southeast Peninsula of St. Kitts • This area soon to be developed for tourism

  18. BURNABY TAMARIND BAY Beach Coral Sea Grass

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