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CARIBBEAN GROWTH FORUM St. Kitts and Nevis Chapter FIRST ACCOUNTABILITY WORKSHOP Marriott Hotel  June 11 , 2014. The Caribbean: The Need to Adapt to Restore Growth and Competitiveness. Wayne Mitchell International Monetary Fund Caribbean Growth Forum Phase 2 – Accountability Workshop

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  1. CARIBBEAN GROWTH FORUM St. Kitts and Nevis Chapter FIRST ACCOUNTABILITY WORKSHOP Marriott Hotel  June 11, 2014

  2. The Caribbean: The Need to Adapt to Restore Growth and Competitiveness Wayne Mitchell International Monetary Fund Caribbean Growth Forum Phase 2 – Accountability Workshop St. Kitts and Nevis Chapter Marriott Hotel June 11, 2014

  3. The recovery is picking up pace, but global risks remain… Sources: World Economic Outlook (April 2014) and ECCB

  4. St. Kitts and Nevis will recover lost ground by 2015 but not the rest of the region… Source: ECCB and IMF Staff estimates

  5. ….. but that’s no cause for complacency. Growth lags that of peer countries. Source: IMF staff

  6. Conclusion • Macroeconomic stabilization is necessary • Allocation - are we doing the right things? • promote competitiveness and private sector development • Efficiency – are we doing things right? • Success depends on technical efficiency, communication, transparency, and discipline. • The CGF is an important initiative that can facilitate the above

  7. Thanks

  8. CARIBBEAN GROWTH FORUM St. Kitts and Nevis Chapter FIRST ACCOUNTABILITY WORKSHOP Marriott Hotel  June 11, 2014

  9. OVERVIEW OF CGF PROJECT • Caribbean Growth Forum (CGF): • Regional initiative supported by Compete Caribbean, IDB, World Bank, CDB, DFID and DFATD • Aimed at: • Identifying priority actions that contribute to private sector-led growth and job creation in the region • Focusing on their implementation over the medium term • Providing accountability in monitoring progress of implementation • Launched in total of 12 Caribbean countries


  11. CGF ACTION PLANS • Three Thematic Areas: • Logistics and Connectivity • Investment Climate • Skills and Productivity • Action Plans prepared through meetings of stakeholders from the public sector, private sector and civil society • The Ministry of Finance serves as National Focal Point/Secretariat for CGF SKN Chapter • Progress reporting by Ministries/Agencies involved in implementation

  12. BENEFITS OF CGF PROCESS • Implementation supported by National Budget and CGF Grants • Contributes to the Monitor & Evaluation framework and culture of accountability for SKN.

  13. CARIBBEAN GROWTH FORUM St. Kitts and Nevis Chapter FIRST ACCOUNTABILITY WORKSHOP Marriott Hotel  June 11, 2014

  14. TRAFFIC LIGHT FRAMEWORK STATUS OF IMPLEMENTATION OF PRIORITY ACTIONS Taking Stock of a 12 month period Sept. 2013 – August 2014 Implementation of Recommendations is Delayed Implementation of Recommendations is In Progress Implementation of Recommendations is Completed No milestones to be reported for this period

  15. RESUMEN MESA 1 Logisticsand Connectivity ThematicArea Presentedby: Theodore Brown and LaunliaArchibald

  16. Thematic Area 1 – Logistics and Connectivity

  17. Thematic Area 1 – Logistics and Connectivity

  18. Thematic Area 1 – Logistics and Connectivity

  19. Thematic Area 1 – Logistics and Connectivity

  20. Thematic Area 1 – Logistics and Connectivity

  21. Thematic Area 1 – Logistics and Connectivity

  22. SUMMARY ThematicArea 1 – Logistics and Connectivity RESUMEN MESA 1 1 5 1 2

  23. RESUMEN MESA 1 InvestmentClimate ThematicArea Presentedby: DoriettaFraites

  24. Thematic Area 2 – Investment Climate

  25. Thematic Area 2 – Investment Climate

  26. Thematic Area 2 – Investment Climate

  27. Thematic Area 2 – Investment Climate

  28. Thematic Area 2 – Investment Climate

  29. Thematic Area 2 – Investment Climate

  30. SUMMARY ThematicArea 2 – Investment Climate RESUMEN MESA 1 3 3 1 1

  31. RESUMEN MESA 1 Skills and Productivity ThematicArea Presentedby: Spencer Amory

  32. Thematic Area 3 – Skills and Productivity

  33. Thematic Area 3 – Skills and Productivity

  34. Thematic Area 3 – Skills and Productivity

  35. Thematic Area 3 – Skills and Productivity

  36. SUMMARY ThematicArea 3 – Skills and Productivity RESUMEN MESA 1 4 3 2 3

  37. Summary of FirstAccountabilityWorkshop CGF Saint Kitts and NevisChapter June 11, 2014

  38. CARIBBEAN GROWTH FORUM St. Kitts and Nevis Chapter FIRST ACCOUNTABILITY WORKSHOP Marriott Hotel  June 11, 2014

  39. Caribbean Growth Forum Saint kitts & nevis Chapter Launch of the Private Sector Organizations’ Civil Observatory basseterre june 11, 2014

  40. What IS the observatory’s ROLE? • To provide, under the co-ordination of the St. Kitts & Nevis Antenna of the OECS Business Council, an independent monitoring of the CGF Action Plan • To engage Government constructively and propose corrective measures in the reforms implementation process • To report every six months, in conjunction with the Government CGF Accountability Workshops, on the progress of reforms and their related impact

  41. How will this be done? • Inclusion of CGF monitoring in the OECS Business Council’s Work Programme • Participation in the technical training on reforms delivery and accountability, together with the OECS Government’s CGF Focal Points and Private Sector Organisations (PSOs) in SKN on June 12-13, 2014 • Appointment of three PSOs to co-ordinate the monitoring of the three pillars of the CGF Action Plan, which are: • Logistics and Connectivity • Investment Climate • Skills and Productivity • Collection of evidence through the use of social accountability techniques to monitor reforms • Provision of continuous feedback to Government on reforms’ implementation

  42. What are some early milestones? • Launch of the PSOs CGF Civil Observatory by June 26, 2014 with endorsement of a MOU among interested parties • Publish by June 15th a Work Program for the following 6 months, indicating which reforms will be monitored and which techniques will be used • Organise regular meetings with specific CGF point persons responsible for the implementation of the Action Plan • Present a First Report on implementation in November 2014 (in conjunction with the Government’s Report)

  43. Who

  44. Why is this project necessary? • The PSOs Civil Observatory views this exercise as an effective means of engaging the Government of St Kitts & Nevis in constructive dialogue • Strengthen the PSOs voice and facilitate their inclusion in decision-making • Contribute to fostering a culture of accountability, dialogue and inclusiveness in the development of public policy

  45. Summary of FirstAccountabilityWorkshop CGF Saint Kitts and NevisChapter June 11, 2014

  46. CARIBBEAN GROWTH FORUM St. Kitts and Nevis Chapter FIRST ACCOUNTABILITY WORKSHOP Marriott Hotel  June 11, 2014

  47. Youth unemployment in the CaribbeanPreliminary Findings and Policy Considerations Social Protection and Labor The World Bank Mónica Parra-Torrado Saint Kitts June 11, 2014

  48. Agenda • Unemployment in the Caribbean • External shocks • Unemployment dynamics • Gender gap • Youth is at higher risk of unemployment • Youth unemployment • Key contributing factors • Risks and costs of youth unemployment • Policy recommendations • Collection of data and information systems • Active Labor Market Policies

  49. Agenda • Unemployment in the Caribbean • External shocks • Unemployment dynamics • Gender gap • Youth is at higher risk of unemployment • Youth unemployment • Key contributing factors • Risks and costs of youth unemployment • Policy recommendations • Collection of data and information systems • Active Labor Market Policies

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