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Platform Updates

Platform Updates

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Platform Updates

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  1. Platform Updates App ads, Parse SDK, and Graph API

  2. Platform Updates Facebook has updated an app ads, they highlighting an update to the Parse SDK, announcing a new release to the Graph API and showcasing a new case study. These updates include: • App Ads format and ad helper tool • The New Parse PHP SDK • Graph API v2.1, updated iOS & Android SDKs • New Facebook Games Case Study - Throne Rush

  3. App Ads format and ad helper tool • Facebook has start migrating both mobile and desktop ads (that were in the old format) to new format. The ads will also connected to app's Facebook Page. • Facebook has also made a new tool available, called the app ads helper. • This tool will helpful to answer the common questions around your app and app ads.

  4. The New Parse PHP SDK • With the new PHP SDK, developers have now access Parse from PHP rather than going from the REST API. • Documentation has also been updated via new Quick start and PHP Guide. • This is their first SDK for a server-side language, and the first open-source.

  5. Graph API v2.1, updated iOS & Android SDKs • Facebook has also released Graph API v2.1, with updated iOS and Android SDKs. • Facebook has announced the release of Graph API v2.1 as well as updated iOS and Android. • The new SDKs is specifically designed to work with this new version.

  6. New Facebook Games Case Study - Throne Rush • In the first week of August, they published a new showcase: Throne Rush, from Nexters. • Throne Rush is a strategy based game created by Nexters in Moscow, Russia. • Throne Rush grew rapidly and to reach 9 million MAU across all platforms and 3.5 million DAU on mobile.

  7. Resources • "Facebook Games & Business App Developers Company." Cygnis Media. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Aug. 2014. http://www.cygnismedia.com/social-media-application/facebook-developer.html • "Facebook Policy Changes and Updates - ZDirect.com." ZDirectcom. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Aug. 2014. http://www.zdirect.com/facebook-policy-changes-and-updates/ • "Platform Updates: App ads, Parse SDK, and Graph API." Facebook Developers. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Aug. 2014. https://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/2014/08/07/platform_updates_080714/

  8. Thanks

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