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Understanding Stress: Effects and Coping Strategies

Learn about stress, its types (eustress, distress), sources, physical effects, and stages (alarm, resistance, exhaustion). Discover how stress impacts mental and physical health, and when to seek counseling.

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Understanding Stress: Effects and Coping Strategies

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  1. Stress Chapter 17

  2. What is stress? • Arousal of one’s mind and body in response to demands made upon them • Eustress-positive stress that keep people alert and involved in taking on a challenge or reaching for a goal • Distress- intense pressure or anxiety that can have severe psychological effects • When stress is too severe or prolonged, it can strain a person’s ability to adjust to various situations • Can impair ability to experience pleasure or cause health problems • Should seek counseling in these situations

  3. Source of Stress • Frustration- being blocked from obtaining a goal • Daily Hassles result from feelings of tension nervous worry and sadness • Life Changes- Moving, serious illness, Death • Conflict- Being pulled in different directions

  4. Physical Effects of StressGeneral Adaptation Syndrome • The Alarm Reaction • Body is in high alert • heart beating faster • breath quicker • muscles are tense • Fight or flight mode • Adrenaline and noradrenaline arouse the body to help cope with the stress

  5. Physical Effects of StressGeneral Adaptation Syndrome • Resistance Stage • If stress is not removed, the body copes, Hormones released but at lower levels, strain continues, body continues balance self

  6. Physical Effects of StressGeneral Adaptation Syndrome • Exhaustion Stage • Body stops producing hormones, heart and breathing slow down • As you reach this breaking point, the body begins to break down, health problems • Immune system- stops producing white blood cells leads to illness, heart disease, even cancer may occur (leading cause of death in the U.S.)

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