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SSA and OCSE. Making Waves in Collections for Our Children. ERICSA 2011 Atlantic City, New Jersey. May 25, 2011. SSA can identify. Disabled persons receiving SSA Title II benefits, including dependent children and spouses Retirees receiving Title II benefits

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  1. SSA and OCSE Making Waves in Collections for Our Children ERICSA 2011 Atlantic City, New Jersey May 25, 2011

  2. SSA can identify • Disabled persons receiving SSA Title II benefits, including dependent children and spouses • Retirees receiving Title II benefits • Persons receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) • Incarcerated persons • Deceased persons

  3. Where does the FPLS find a disabled obligor ? SSA/SVES Title II (Retirement, Survivors and Disability Insurance) • Recipient’s name, SSN and DOB • Claimant/beneficiary ID • Claim status (paid, suspended, denied) • Payment amount • District office address to send IWO • Suspensions may be temporary • Denied claims may be overturned on appeal Send IWOs on suspended and denied claims Did you know Title II data is available for children?

  4. Where else does the FPLS find a disabled obligor? SSA Title II Pending File • Claimant name, SSN and DOB • Claimant address • Claim type • District office address for IWO • States should send the IWO in case benefits are awarded; make sure IWOs are filled in properly for current support and for arrears applied to any lump sum Send IWO – ASAP! Automation = $$$$ Send the Option Form to get the Title II Pending Claim file!

  5. Where else does the FPLS find a disabled obligor? • Claimant’s name and DOB • Claimant address • Claim type • Payee information • Benefit amount • SSI cannot be garnished • Should be factored into case actions • Assists with locate SSA/SVES TITLE XVI (Supplemental Security Income) How does your state proceed with a case when the obligor receives SSI? Periodically review SSI cases

  6. Is the obligor at retirement age? SSA/SVES Title II (Retirement, Survivors and Disability Insurance) • Were you getting wage records but they stopped? • By submitting a SVES locate request, you’ll know whether the obligor is now getting retirement benefits from SSA • AND, you’ll get the district office address to send an IWO What other sources do you use to identify retired obligors? Are there in-state sources? Send the Option Form to get SVES proactively for NCPs, CPs and children!

  7. Where does the FPLS find obligors who have applied for retirement? SSA Title II Pending File • If you signed up for Title II Pending claim matches, you’ll know proactively when the obligor files for retirement benefits! • SSA sends a match immediately through the FCR • By sending the IWO you’ll make sure money goes to the family from the first benefits payment Send a locate request for obligors 62 or older Send the Option Form to get Title II Pending Claim file!

  8. Could the obligor be incarcerated? SSA/SVES Prisoner record • States receive matches from 7,200 institutions covering 99% of the country’s inmate population • States may garnish prisoner accounts • Some states consider order modifications • States may have outreach efforts to assist obligors in meeting family responsibilities What other source does your state use to locate incarcerated obligors? Does your state obligate incarcerated NCPs? Does your state garnish prisoner accounts? Send the Option Form to get SVES proactively!

  9. Let’s make sure we’ve covered every angle Title II Sweep • Provides baseline • Reduces locate requests • May match on all participant types Must receive SVES proactively! Send the Option Form to request Title II Sweep!

  10. Is the obligor deceased? Maybe Monthly Proactive Match with SSA’s Death Update File • Monthly, states receive new death information • If needed, SSA reports corrections • Date of death is stored on the person’s FCR record and returned on proactive matches or FCR queries • States may request an FCR Reconciliation File to obtain death information Remember – additional verification required! Send the Option Form for specialized reconciliation!

  11. Is the obligor deceased? Definitely • SSA verifies death information for persons receiving Title II or Title XVI (SSI) benefits • States obtain Title II and SSI by submitting a SVES locate request • States may elect to obtain Title II and SSI information proactively SSA/SVES Title II (Retirement, Survivors and Disability Insurance) SSA/SVES Title XVI (Supplemental Security Income) Depending on state policy – could lead to case closure! Send the Option Form to get SVES proactively when person added/changed on FCR!

  12. SSA data can help you all the way!! • Locate – beneficiary address • Locate – correctional facility address SVES/Title II SVES/Title XVI Prisoner records SVES/Title II SVES/Title XVI • Establishment – use benefit amount • Enforcement – garnish benefit • Review and adjustment Title II Pending • Arrears management SVES death data • Case closure Result = $ $ $ $

  13. When it comes to our children, use every resource! SSA data from the FPLS makes a difference in the lives of families and children $65M last month! QUESTIONS? For more information, please contact your FPLS state technical support liaison at: http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/cse/newhire/contacts/fcrtscontacts.htm

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