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European Trade Union Institute (ETUI)

Learn how to prioritize project ideas and work within a strategic framework for the ETUI. Explore the impact, sustainability, and exploitation of project outcomes.

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European Trade Union Institute (ETUI)

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  1. European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Information Day ICTU-ETUI , 6 April 2011

  2. Using projects in a strategic way A project is generally defined as a programme of work to bring about a beneficial change and which has: Start and end Multi-disciplinary team Constraints of time, cost, quality Unique scope Uncertainty

  3. Using projects in a strategic way • Project ideas should be prioritised • Project managers, typically, will not be the ones developing overall strategic plan, but they must be familiar with the strategy and work within it • Projects conducted outside the strategic framework are wasteful and ultimately unproductive

  4. Using projects in a strategic way • High quality expectations of funding programmes • Projects expected to contribute to improving the quality of education in Europe by developing and disseminating high quality products and outcomes • Projects should also expect to provide a systematic overview of a thematic field at European level • Role of ETUC in developing consensus and prioritising actions • The level of funding does not necessarily correspond with these high expectations – benefits expected to outweigh costs • Avoid “chasing the money”; focus on common needs and identify options to accommodate all

  5. The impact and sustainability • Projects are expected to have an impact not only within the partner institutions of the consortium and its immediate environment, but within European education generally • The project is expected to have benefits beyond its lifetime • Effective dissemination will improve the accessibility and visibility of the project’s activities and outcomes • Mainstreaming will exploit the results and validate the project.Ensure project outcomes are sustainable and can be applied to and achieved by other groups Good practices

  6. Exploitation and sustainability • Dissemination and exploitation should be carefully planned and partners encouraged to develop individual dissemination plans • Consider informal dissemination – awareness within own organisation and amongst associated non-consortium organisations • Utilise new technology to disseminate effectively – web sites, twitter, blogs, etc. • Do not ignore traditional methods – leaflets, conferences, etc.

  7. GOOD PRACTICE “A camel is a horse designed by a committee” Objective Result

  8. Cooperation • Ensure involvement of consortium partners, administrative and financial team during the planning stage • The various project tasks are agreed, fully discussed and clarified , the reporting regime and commitment required are fully understood by each partner • Continue to involve members of the financial team in the broader work of the project • Regular communication with the partner organisations • Carefully consider the time and resources required to implement project – the project will require dedicated staff time

  9. Cooperation • Open dialogue with potential partners at an early stage • Involve and consult partners prior to and regularly during the application process • Factor in time for drafting and reviewing contributions from partners • Working with existing networks • Working with ‘older’ partners as well as new will limit possible difficulties

  10. EUBudget headings , Programmes,Structural Funds • Differences • Procedures : calls for proposals published in Official Journal • Guidelines objectives/priorities/target/eligibility/procedure/EU funding/length of projects/ • Different in each Call and Grant –plan the time to read

  11. Funding opportunities for trade unions • DG EMPLOYMENT ,SOCIAL AFFAIRS and INCLUSION • DG EDUCATION AND CULTURE • OTHER DGs ( Research, IPA, EuropeAid, Development, Justice and Fundamental Rights, Communication)

  12. DG Employment social affairs and inclusion • Budget headings supporting social dialogue • Progress: equality,employment,social protection and integration, working conditions, discrimination • Globalization Fund • European Social Fund

  13. Industrial Relations and social dialogue04.03.03.01 Aim: promoting social dialogue at cross-industry and sectoral level ,on • modernisation of the labour market, quality of work, • anticipation, management of change and restructuring, flexicurity, skills, mobility and migration, youth employment, • contributions to the health and safety strategy, reconciliation of work and family life, gender equality, action in the field of anti-discrimination, active ageing,inclusion and decent work.

  14. Industrial Relations and social dialogue04.03.03.01 • 2 sub-programmes ►European social dialogue ►Industrial relations

  15. Eligible activities and promoters04.03.03.01 • Meetings, seminars, conferences; • Surveys and studies; • Networks, round tables ; • Training events • National or regional social partner organisations; european social partners; research centres and institutes, universities; • Non-profit-making networks of companies or of workers’orgs

  16. EU grant • 12 months • 80% eligible costs • 20% own contribution • Average EU funding: 184.000 €

  17. Deadlines in 2011 • 25 March 2011 (start of the action 25.5.2011 and 22.12.2011) • 30 August 2011(start of the action 30.10.2011 e 22.12.2011) • Procedure: directly to DG Employment

  18. Information and training measures for workers‘ organisations- • Objectives:to grant information and training measures on the implementation of the European Union action in the social dimension of the internal market, including gender equality issues, and monetary union • Eligibility :social partner organisations representing workers, at European, national or regional level,with legal status, and registered offices in EU

  19. Information and training measuresfor workers' organisations- ● EU funding: 90% eligible costs • Average grant : 150.000 € • Participants to the action: from UE and candidates • 18 April 2011 (start between 18.6.2011 and 22.12.2011) • Procedure: directely to the DG Employment

  20. Information,consultation and participation of representatives of undertakings- Budget heading Aims ►strengthening transnational co-operation between workers' and employers' representatives in respect of information, consultation and participation within undertakings operating in more than one MS ► fostering the development of employee involvement in undertakings, by promoting Directives on EWC, European Company and European Cooperative Society , on cross-border mergers, and fostering transnational company agreements

  21. Eligible activities ►Conferences, seminars, short training actions and exchange of information and good practices involving workers' and/or employers' representatives ►Analysis papers ►Websites, publications, newsletters and other means of dissemination of information

  22. Eligible promoters • Representatives of workers or employers, thus: • for workers: works councils or similar bodies ensuring the general representation of workers; regional, national, European, sectoral or multi-sectoral trade unions based in one of the EU Member States • for employers: the management of the undertakings, organisations representing employers at regional, national, European, multi-sectoral or sectoral level • Joint proposals • Research bodies or education institutes , mandated by social partners • Important to involve Candidate countries

  23. EU funding deadlines and procedure • EU grant: max 80% • Average grant: € 130 000 • Deadlines 28.3.2011 (for activities starting not before 28.5.2011) 6.9.2011 (for activities starting between 6.11.2011 and il 22.12.2011) ● Procedure: directely to the DG Employment

  24. Common elements of budget headings for social dialogue • Proposals as implementation of Europe 2020 strategy and its flagships • European year 2012 on active ageing • Yearly calls (launch Jan/February) • Transnationality • ETUI training : early February each year

  25. Programme PROGRESS • employment • social protection and social inclusion • working conditions • anti-discrimination and diversity • gender equality

  26. Eligible applicants ,EU funding and Procedures • Public and private bodies, actors and stakeholders, from Member States, local and regional authorities, public employment services and national statistical offices, research bodies and universities, social partners, and NGOs. Candidate countries are also eligible • A maximum of 80% co-financing • Calls for proposals

  27. EGF - European Globalisation Adjustment Fund Measures Job-search assistance, occupational guidance, tailor-made training and retraining including IT skills and certification Time-limited measures, such as job-search allowances, mobility allowances or allowances to individuals participating in lifelong learning and training activities.

  28. EGF: How does it fit in with other EU funds The EU Structural Funds, in particular the European Social Fund (ESF), support the anticipation and management of change with activities, such as life-long learning, with a strategic and long-term perspective. The EGF, on the other hand, provides one-off, time-limited individual support geared to helping workers who have suffered redundancies as a result of globalisation.

  29. Procedure EGF Contacts - Ireland • Mr Padraig CREED Employment and Training Strategy Unit, Department of Education and Skills, padraig_creed@education.gov.ie • Mr John Mc DERMOTT,john_mcdermott@education.gov.ie • Mr Pat HAYDEN, pat_hayden@education.gov.ie

  30. Programme YOUTH 2007-2013 • the EU’s mobility and non-formal education programme targeting young people aged between 13 and 30 years Open to • a non-profit or non-governmental organisation; • a local, regional public body; • an informal group of young people; • a body active at European level in the youth field (ENGO ) • profit-making organisation organising an event in the area of youth, sport or culture

  31. Programme YOUTH 2007-2013 • Action 1 - Youth for Europe • Action 2 - European Voluntary Service • Action 3 - Youth in the World • Action 4 - Youth Support Systems • Action 5 - Support for European cooperation in the youth field • Procedure: according to the action

  32. IPA-EUROPE AID/Civil Society Empowerment of Women for Western Balkans and Turkey • Study tours, regional awareness, campaigns for womens’rights, gender, women empowerment • Information, networking, benchmarking • Open call ►31.5.2011

  33. Programme Europe for Citizens 2007-2013 Aims • Giving citizens the opportunity to interact and participate in constructing an ever closer Europe • Developing a sense of European identity • Fostering a sense of ownership of the European Union among its citizens • Mutual understanding between European citizens, respecting and promoting cultural and linguistic diversity whilst contributing to intercultural dialogue.

  34. Programme Europe for citizens 2007-2013 • Action 2 - 'Active civil society in Europe' • support for projects initiated by civil society organisations (this activity replaces the previous separate calls for proposals run by cross-sectoral trade union organisations, NGOs and European associations/federations). • Debates, exchanges, visits to EU institutions • Yearly Call • Also Croatia, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Albania

  35. The transnational project work • Transnational cooperation requires a specific set of values and often the development of new working practices • Diversity of institutions (and approaches) • Diversity of individuals, expertise, experience ,age, role, etc. • A consortium with a range of expertise and experience and inclusion of partners with limited knowledge of subject area is considered good for transfer of knowledge helping the ‘cross-fertilisation’ of ideas • Need to transform disparate (and dispersed) group of individuals into a competent functioning project team capable of delivering results to strict timetable

  36. The transnational project work • Select appropriate partners that have right combination of expertise and experience – tasks allocated appropriately • Vary the geographical partnership – north/south old/new member states • Combination of types of partner – expertise may need to be subcontracted, evaluator should be external and independent research specialist/institute • Ensure support staff are experienced and understand the project objectives and procedures • Ensure all partners understand the European priorities and their requirements

  37. The transnational project work • Make the most of face-to-face meetings including those of the Project Management team • Clearly define roles and responsibilities within the team • Distribute the work evenly between the partners and individuals • Consider allocating tasks to smaller groups that may share knowledge of specific areas

  38. The transnational project work • Language barriers, different values, norms, cultural habits and different work cultures (including within national trade union confederations) can lead to misunderstandings • Communication between partners can be a time-consuming and process and can lead to delays in activity • Huge benefits from diversified input of European partners and the consortium ‘blend’ is significant and important to the Commission

  39. The transnational project work • Clearly defined partnership agreements are crucial (and a Commission requirement) • Joint working terminology is helpful • Understanding each other’s circumstances – work realities, patterns, responsibilities and contexts • Individuals need to be aware and conscious of possible issues – culture, language etc

  40. Information advice training exchange for trade unions • ETUI Service SETUP (Support for European trade union projects) www.etui.org/education/SETUP-Support-for-European-Trade-Union-Projects

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