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This lesson discusses the challenges in creating a term record headword, including choosing the right term, dealing with proper nouns, and understanding specialized terms related to the Japan Trench. It also explores lemmatisation, part of speech, and the concept of distinguishing meaning based on specialization.
Term lesson 8 Issues in creating a term record
headword • Choice of term • Proper nouns ? • Japan Trench ? Fosse du Japon ? • Lemmatisation
POS • subduction n.f. • normal stress n. • cosismique adj.
Subject fieldSubfield • Not included in preliminary records but vital for • indexing a database • distinguishing meaning according to specialisation
Example : dribble • Subject Field(s) Soccer (Europe: Football) • [A technique which consists in keeping the ball] moving along the ground in front of and close to one by a rapid succession of short pushes, instead of sending it as far as possible by a vigourous kick. • Subject Field(s) Basketball Handball • A continuous bouncing of the ball, the only legal means of moving with the ball. • Subject Field(s) Water Polo • swim with the ball Termium Plus
Definining at the right level • shear stress : the form of stress in a body, part, etc. that tends to produce cutting rather than stretching or bending Collins English Dictionary • ‘The component perpendicular to each plane is termed normal stress (sn) and the component parallel to each plane is termed shear stress’ San Diego State Universityhttp://www.geology.sdsu.edu/visualstructure/vss/htm_hlp/ns_ste.htm
reformulate • Observing the rules governing terminological definitions: • normal stress : […] the component perpendicular to each plane • shear stress : […] the component parallel to each plane
Universal Decimal Classification • One of the two international documentation classifications • http://www.udcc.org/ • UDC versus Dewey • Used for terminology : cf Wüster (1968), The Machine Tool, London • produit semi-fini CDU:658.515
Definitions • Using ready-made definitions • If there are already satisfactory definitions, the term is perhaps not specialised enough. • The definition may not live up to the quality criteria we aim at: • seismogram : a record produced by a seismograph • séismogramme : graphique donné par un séismographe • circular ? • presupposes definition of seismograph : • (eg. instrument used to detect and record vibrations produced by earthquakes)
Creating a network of concepts • normal fault : a fault in which the hanging wall appears to have shifted downward in relation to the footwall Termium
Wikipedia as a starting point • The two sides of a non-vertical fault are known as the hanging wall and footwall. By definition, the hanging wall occurs above the fault plane and the footwall all occurs below the fault. USGS. "Hanging wall Foot wall". Visual Glossary. Retrieved 2 April 2010 • This terminology comes from mining: when working a tabular ore body, the miner stood with the footwall under his feet and with the hanging wall hanging above him. Tingley, J.V.; Pizarro K.A. (2000). Traveling America's loneliest road: a geologic and natural history tour. Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Special Publication. 26. Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology. pp. 132. ISBN9781888035056. Retrieved 2010-04-02
New definitions • hanging wall : side of a non-vertical fault occurring above the fault plane • footwall : side of a non-vertical fault occurring below the fault plane
Check through an illustration • illustration
Using illustrations to craft definitions • Define epicentre, hypocentre
Defining adjectives asismic • free of seisms; not linked to seisms asismique - qui n’est pas lié à un séisme cosismique - lié à l’occurrence d’un séisme intersismique - lié aux déformations produites entre séismes..
Distinguishing quasi-synonyms • Cf. seismometer = ? seismograph? – the part that just detects quasi synonyms mention variant : • sismogram/sismogramme Quasi-synonym • A term that designates the same concept as another, but which is not interchangeable with the other term in all contexts as its use is limited to certain communication situations. Also partial synonym, near synonym. Pavel
Using ready-made definitions The definition must be consistent with definitions of related terms. Eg faults - dip-slip fault (vertical) - reverse fault - normal fault - strike-slip fault (horizontal) - oblique-slip fault (components of both)
synonymy • sismographe de fond de mer • sismomètre de fond de mer • OBS • L'Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, […] a mis en place en place une opération d'intervention pluri-instruments et pluridisciplinaire. Cinq sismographes du réseau Lithoscope (INSU) et six OBS (sismomètres de fond de mer) ont été ajouté au réseau permanent de l’Observatoire Volcanologique et Sismologique de Guadeloupe (OVSG) pour préciser la localisation des répliques et déterminer précisément la portion de faille responsable du séisme. http://www.ipgp.fr/pages/03020503.php
Synonymy 2 • low tide = low water ? • HAT Highest Astronomical Tide • MHHW Mean Higher High Water • MHW Mean High Water • DTL Diurnal Tide Level • MTL Mean Tide Level • MSL Mean Sea Level • MLW Mean Low Water • MLLW Mean Lower Low Water • Etc. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) http://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/datum_options.html
Tree diagrams • What are the relations between: • altered rock • igneous rock • contact aureole • Adamell contact aureole *
contact aureole • Defining context: • ‘The area surrounding an igneous intrusion that has been metamorphosed as a result of the heat released by the magma is called a contact aureole.’ • EENS 2120 Petrology Prof. Stephen A. Nelson Tulane University http://www.tulane.edu/~sanelson/eens212/contactmeta.htm
Knowledge rich context • Relationship: • A contact aureol has been metamorphosed • It is therefore a metamorphic rock • Metamorphic rock = altered rock Metamorphic rock igneous rock Contact aureol
Meronymic relations • crust • contact aureole • hornfels • ‘Contact metamorphism is usually restricted to relatively shallow depths (low pressure) in the Earth because it is only at shallow depths [… ]’ • EENS 2120 Petrology Prof. Stephen A. NelsonTulane University http://www.tulane.edu/~sanelson/eens212/contactmeta.htm
Defining the component • the common rocks types produced are fine grained idioblastic or hypidioblastic rocks called hornfels. • In metamorphic rocks individual minerals may or may not be bounded by crystal faces. Those that are bounded by their own crystal faces are termed idioblastic. • EENS 2120 Petrology Prof. Stephen A. NelsonTulane University http://www.tulane.edu/~sanelson/eens212/contactmeta.htm
Finding the equivalent Crochet terminologique • Identité des traits sémantiques trouvés dans plusieurs contextes ou définitions et prouvant l'uninotionnalité des données consignées sur une fiche. • http://www.termiumplus.gc.ca/didacticiel_tutorial/francais/glossaire/crochet_terminologique.html
Rock weakening • equivalent in French ? • Find the defining context : • ‘Material failure law has been employed to determine the line of failure from the observed acceleration in earthquakes…’ material failure law line of failure acceleration in earthquakes
Finding the same reference in French texts • rock weakening [Voight, 1988; 1989] • divergence de déplacements en loi de puissance omiv.osug.fr/DOC/DEMANDE_SNO_OMIV2011-1.doc • ou à l'altération de ses roches. ... l'analyse des données d'une dizaine d'éruptions à caractère explosif [Voight, 1988] www.ipgp.fr/~beaudu/download/1998_Beauducel_these.pdf
Collocations and compound terms • earthquake cycle process • earthquake cycle effects • unbalanced earthquake cycle • megathrust earthquake cycle • great earthquake cycle • model of earthquake cycle • earthquake cycle model • beginning of earthquake cycle
Term candidates • ‘Avec prudence, la plupart des concepteurs [d’extracteurs automatiques] parlent plutôt de « termes candidats » […], ce qui souligne à la fois que les outils peuvent « faire des erreurs », mais aussi qu’il n’y a pas une définition consensuelle de « terme »’. Condamines & Dehaut (2011: 271)
Look for signs of isonymy • Meade, B. J. (2010), The signature of an unbalanced earthquake cycle in ... deformation for a clustered earthquake cycle… Publications : Crustal Dynamics at Harvard University
Need for expert knowledge • effective normal stress • normal stress • effective stress • In how far can we extract knowledge from texts?