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Derby City Year 11 Progression Analysis 2009 Presentation

Derby City Year 11 Progression Analysis 2009 Presentation. Introduction.

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Derby City Year 11 Progression Analysis 2009 Presentation

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  1. Derby City Year 11 Progression Analysis 2009 Presentation

  2. Introduction • The aim of this presentation is to provide an overview of the progressions of Year 11 2009 school completers in Derby City based on their activity in November 2009. The statistics reflect the progression of all Year 11 students including those in mainstream schools, support centres, home tuition and those educated at home or not on school roll. • Connexions Derbyshire has a vital role in collecting, producing and disseminating labour market information to support young people to make well-informed realistic decisions. • Distribution of data to partners is also an important function. This ensures there is a comprehensive and coherent approach to the planning and development of services and provision for young people in Derby City.

  3. Definitions • Full-time Education – 16 hours or more guided learning a week. • Training (Non-employed) – Apprenticeships (Level 1/2) and other LSC delivered training including Entry to Employment. • Employment – Advanced Apprenticeships (Level 3 including those which are not employed), Apprenticeships (Level 1/2 employed), other government-supported training, employment with training leading to NVQ Level 2, good quality training and employment without training. • Voluntary and Part-Time Activities – all voluntary activities and any education and employment of less than 16 hours a week. • Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) – those looking for employment, education or training and those young people unable to work or study for a variety of reasons including young carer, teenage parents and so on. • Others – those young people who have moved out of the area, refused to participate in the survey and those whom we have not been able to contact.

  4. Headlines – Derby City • Increase in the proportion of young people entering full-time education from 74.6% (2470) in 2008 to 81.2% (2540) in 2009 • Decrease in the proportion of young people not in education, employment or training (NEET) from 5.7% (189) in 2008 to 3.8% (118) in 2009 • Increase in the proportion of young people entering non-employed training from 8.2% in 2008 to 8.5% in 2009 • Decrease in the proportion of young people entering employment from 8.9% (293) in 2008 to 4.0% (126) in 2009 • Small increase in the proportion of young people entering voluntary and part-time activities from 0.9% (31) in 2008 to 1.0% (32) in 2009 • Decrease in the number of young people providing no response to the progression survey from 0.9% (30) in 2008 to 0.8% (26) in 2009 • Decrease in the total cohort from 3312 in 2008 to 3128 in 2009

  5. Headline Trends from 2007 to 2009 – Derby City

  6. Derby (1 of 3)

  7. Derby (2 of 3)

  8. Derby (3 of 3)

  9. Special Schools

  10. Special Schools - Derby City

  11. Year 11s Not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET)

  12. NEET by Availability Within the NEET group, there are young people who are identified as available to enter the labour market, that is unemployed and those who are identified as unavailable for a variety of reasons.

  13. NEET Available by Gender and Ethnicity – Derby City

  14. Employment and Training by Gender and Occupation - Derby City

  15. Year 11s into Apprenticeships

  16. Employment, Education and Training (EET) by Derby City, Special Schools and Miscellaneous 2005 to 2009 The following table shows the percentage of young people participating in EET:

  17. Voluntary and Part-time Activities 2003 to 2008

  18. Ethnicity

  19. Young People with Statements – Derby City

  20. Key Vulnerable Groups- Derby City

  21. Key Vulnerable Groups- Derby City

  22. 16 – 18 NEET Achievement

  23. Not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET) NEET achievement for 16 to 18 year olds. All Local Authorities are required to report on the number of young people who are not in education, employment or training (NEET).

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