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Learn about Ariadne - a secure, on-demand routing protocol for ad hoc networks with Time-Efficient Stream Loss-Tolerant Authentication (TESLA).
Ariadne: A Secure On-Demand Routing Protocol for Ad hoc Network Y. Hu, A. Perrig, D. B. Johnson Presenter: Attaphongse Taparugssanagorn Instructor: Pomalaza-Ráez Carlos
Contents • Attacker models • Brief introduction of DSR • Time Efficient Stream Loss –Tolerant Authentication (TESLA) • Route Discovery and Maintenance in Ariadne • Ariadne evaluation by simulation • Conclusions
Attacker Model • Passive VS. Active • Passive : only eavesdrops on the network • Threats against privacy/anonymity • Active : injects packets as well as eavesdrops • Active-n-m attacker • Compromises n good nodes and owns m nodes in the network • Attacker have all keys of compromised nodes and distributes it among all its nodes
Attacks on Ad Hoc Network Routing Protocols • Routing disruption attacks • cause legitimate packet to be routed in dysfunctional ways, e.g. forge routing packets to create routing loop, black hole or blackmail a good node • Resource consumption attacks • injects extra packets to consume resources such as bandwidth or computational resources
Basic Operations in Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) • Route Discovery • Initiator transmits Route Request as a local broadcast • Intermediate node either discards it or appends its own address and rebroadcasts the request • Target sends Route Reply back to initiator • Route Maintenance • Based on source routing • If no confirmation after limited number of retransmissions, the node returns Route Error • Sender removes broken link, either uses other route or initiate Route Discovery
Overview of TESLA • Broadcast authentication protocol to authenticate routing messages • only one MAC (Message Authentication Code) • asymmetric primitive by clock synchronization and delayed key disclosure • each sender chooses random initial key KN, generates one-way key chain as Ki = H (Ki+1) =H N-i (KN) • Schedule for disclosing keys • each sender pre-determines the schedule (picks Ki which will not be disclosed until Ti = T0 + i t passes and add MAC using Ki to the packet) • Receiver can determine which key is disclosed and discard the packet if the key has been published Key publication interval
F F Ki-1 Ki Ki+1 F’ F’ F’ K’i K’i-1 K’i+1 Pi-1 Pi Pi+1 Mi-1 Ki-2 Di-1 Mi Ki-1 Di Mi+1 Ki Di+1 MAC(K’i+1, Di+1) MAC(K’i, Di) MAC(K’i-1, Di-1) Can be authenticated after reception of Pi+2 Authenticated Authenticated disclose and allows the receiver to verify is correct, then compute and check the authenticity of by verifying the MAC of Time Overview of TESLA
Ariadne • Notations • A, B : communicating nodes • KAB, KBA : secret MAC keys between A and B • MACKAB (M) : MAC of message M using MAC key KAB • Data Authentication - Initiator authenticates nodes in Route Reply - Target authenticates nodes in Route Request and return only legitimate paths - TESLA, digital signatures, standard MACs
Ariadne Route Discovery (TESLA) • Assumptions • Every pair A, B share MAC key KAB, KBA • Every node has a TESLA one-way key chain • All nodes know authentic key of every node • 2 stages of Route Discovery • Initiator floods Route Request • Target returns Route Reply
Ariadne Route Discovery (TESLA) • Route Request Packet • <Route Request, initiator, target, id, time interval, hash chain, node list, MAC list> • Initiator initializes hash chain to MACKSD(initiator, target, id, time interval) • Non-target node A checks <initiator, id> and checks time interval • Time interval : must not be too far in the future and key corresponding to it must not be disclosed yet • If all conditions hold, A appends its address to node list, replaces hash chain with H[A, hash chain], appends MAC of entire Request with TESLA key KAi to MAC list • Otherwise the request will be discarded
Ariadne Route Discovery (TESLA) • Target checks validity of Request ( determining that the keys from time interval have not been disclosed yet and that hash chain is correct) • If request is valid, target returns a Route Reply • Route Reply Packet • <Route Reply, target, initiator, time interval, node list, MAC list, target MAC, key list> • Sent to initiator along the route in node list • Forwarding node waits and append its key • Initiator verifies each key in key list, target MAC, each MAC in MAC list
Ariadne Route Discovery (TESLA) Route Request Route to be found: S A B C D M = Request, S, D, id, ti S : h0 = MACKSD(M) S : M, h0, (), () A : h1 = H (A, h0) MA = MACKAtiM, h1, (A), () A : M, h1, (A), (MA) B : h2 = H (B, h1) MB = MACKBtiM, h1, (A, B), (MA) B : M, h2, (A, B), (MA, MB) C : h3 = H (C, h2) MC = MACKCtiM, h3, (A, B, C), (MA, MB) C : M, h3, (A, B, C), (MA, MB, MC) Route Reply M = Reply, D, S, ti , (A, B, C), (MA, MB, MC) D : MD = MACKDS(M) D C : M, MD, () C B : M, MD, (KCti) B A : M, MD, (KCti, KBti) A S : M, MD, (KCti, KBti, KAti)
Ariadne Route Maintenance • issue Route Error when delivery to next hop fails after a limited number of attempts • to prevent unauthorized node from sending Errors, sender authenticates Errors • Route Error Packet • <Route Error, sending address, receiving address, time interval, error MAC, recent TESLA key>
Ariadne Route Maintenance • Intermediate node • Forwards the packet and searches its route cache for all routes that use <sending address, receiving address> • If such routes exist, checks validity of time interval • If valid, checks authentication of the Error • Until authentication, saves Error info in memory until a key is disclosed and uses routes in route cache • If authenticated, removes all such routes
Security Analysis Active-0-x attacker • Shared secret key limits the attackers to replaying messages since they can only do the normal functions, they cannot have these mutually shared keys to the other nodes -> It will be detected, if they try to send a fake message Active-1-x attacker • If it tries to replace the MAC and the keys, it will be detected as a result of the target MAC in the Route Reply Active-y-x attacker • If it alters the data in the Route Request, the destination will detect the alteration by using the shared key and a MAC on the data and reject that route
Ariadne Evaluation (simulation) • ns-2 simulator for evaluation w/o attackers • Two-ray ground reflection radio propagation model • Compared Ariadne + TESLA and DSR-NoOpt (disabled all optimizations not in Ariadne) • Each node moves according toRandom waypoint movement model
Ariadne Evaluation (simulation) • Since Route Discovery operates more slowly, packet are more likely time out waiting for a Route Reply • With half-second delay between receiving Request and sending Reply, Ariadne can test link twice for short-lived route, this confirms that Ariadne can fine more stable routes than DSR-Noopt PDR: the fraction of data packets sent that are received at the destination node
Ariadne Evaluation (simulation) • Consistently lower routing packet overhead because Ariadne tends to find more stable routes than DSR-NoOpt, reducing number of Route Errors sent
Ariadne Evaluation (simulation) • Due to authentication overhead, byte overhead is worse than DSR or DSR-NoOpt
Ariadne Evaluation (simulation) • Due to reduced no of broken links used in Ariadne, Ariadne has better latency than DSR-NoOpt Latency: the time when a packet is sent to when it is received at its destination
Conclusions • Secure against attackers • Efficient symmetric cryptography • Discover routes only as needed -> on demand • Generally better than DSR without optimization • Source routing fits secure ad hoc network routing better than other routings • Sender can circumvent potentially malicious nodes • Sender can authenticate every node in Route Reply