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ECE 4991 Electrical and Electronic Circuits Chapter 4

This chapter explores the characteristics of capacitors and inductors, LCR circuits, energy storage, and transient circuit analysis. Learn about combining capacitors and inductors, Maxwell’s equations, and more. Practice problems included for deeper understanding of the topics.

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ECE 4991 Electrical and Electronic Circuits Chapter 4

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  1. ECE 4991 Electrical and Electronic CircuitsChapter 4

  2. Where are we? • Chapter 2 - The basic concepts and practice at analyzing simple electric circuits with sources and resistors • Chapter 3 – More harder networks to analyze and the notion of equivalent circuits • Chapter 4 – Capacitors and inductors added to the mix • Chapter 5 – Analyzing transient situations in complex passive networks • Chapter 8 – New subject – the wonders of operational amplifiers as system elements • Chapter 9 – Introduction to semiconductors – the basics and diodes – more network analysis • Chapter 10 – Bipolar junction transistors and how they work – now you can build your own op amp

  3. What’s Important in Chapter 4 • Definitions, Concepts & Units • Capacitor characteristics • Inductor characteristics • LCR circuits in steady-state conditions

  4. 1. Definitions, Concepts & Units • Inductor • Henry • Inductor i-v relationship • Inductor energy storage • Capacitor • Farad • Dielectric • Capacitor i-v relationship • Capacitor energy storage

  5. - - - - - 2. Capacitor Characteristics • A capacitor stores energy in an electric field • Electric field caused by separation of charge • Ideal Capacitor acts like an open with respect to DC current • Q = CV, or q(t) = Cv(t) ; Farad = Coul / Volt • But , so • Conversely, v(t) = + + + + +

  6. Combining Capacitors • Capacitors in series combine like resistors in parallel • Capacitors in parallel combine like resistors in series

  7. R V C Energy Storage in Capacitors • Energy is the integral of power, and P = IV • An RC circuit

  8. 3. Inductors • An inductor stores energy in a magnetic field • Magnetic field caused by flow of current • Ideal inductor acts like a wire with respect to DC current • Maxwell’s equations + Lenz’s Law yields v= L (di/dt); Henry = V-s/A • Conversely,

  9. Combining Inductors • Inductors combine like resistors Energy Storage in Inductors • Energy is the integral of power

  10. Working with Capacitors and Inductors - Combinations

  11. Working with Capacitors and Inductors - Combinations

  12. Working with Capacitors and Inductors – Currents/Voltages/ Energies

  13. Working with Capacitors and Inductors – Currents/Voltages/ Energies

  14. I Working with Capacitors and Inductors – Transient Circuit Analysis R2 R3 V R1 C

  15. I Working with Capacitors and Inductors – Transient Circuit Analysis L R2 V R1

  16. I Working with Capacitors and Inductors – Steady State Circuit Analysis L R2 V R1 C

  17. Steady State Solutions • V = 8 volts, I = 2 amps, R1 = 16 ohms, R2 = 4 ohms, L = 2 H and C = 100 F. At t  , • IR1 = • WC = • VL = • WL = • PR2 = • PV =

  18. For Next Time • Practice problems – 4.1, 4.2 a &b, 4.4, 4.7, 4.10, 4.11, 4.15 • Do some equivalent capacitance and inductance problems • Learn about Chapter 5 • Writing differential equations for first-order circuits • Initial and final circuit conditions

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