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European Sentinel-4 and MTG-IRS Status

Learn about the status and significance of the European Sentinel-4 and MTG-IRS missions in enhancing weather forecasting, atmospheric chemistry, and air quality applications with advanced satellite technology.

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European Sentinel-4 and MTG-IRS Status

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  1. European Sentinel-4 and MTG-IRS Status Cathy Clerbaux CNRS, LATMOS/IPSL, Paris Stephen Tjemkes and Rolf Schlumann Eumetsat Heinrich Bovensmann, S. Noël, K. Bramstedt, P. Liebing, A. Richter, V. Rozanov, M. Vountas, J. P. Burrows Institute of Environmental Physics (IUP), University of Bremen, Germany Ben Veihelmann, Paul Ingmann ESA ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands Inputs are from

  2. MTG to Secure Continuity and Evolution of EUMETSAT Services 2002 1977 2017 and 2019 MOP/MTP MSG MSG MOP/MTP MTG-I and MTG-S • Observation missions: • - Flex.Comb. Imager: 16 channels • - Infra-Red Sounder • Lightning Imager • UVN • 3-axis stabilised satellites • Twin Sat configuration • Class 2,5 - 3 ton • Observation missions: • - SEVIRI: 12 channels • GERB • Spinning satellite • Class 2-ton • Observation mission: • MVIRI: 3channels • Spinning satellite • Class 800 kg Atmospheric Chemistry Mission (UVN-S4): via GMES Sentinel 4

  3. User Priorities on MTG Missions MTG information on the ‘fast’ component of the hydrological cycle will improve warnings on the location and intensity of severe storm hazards, The MTG enhanced information on convective/non-convective events, critical weather situations (~ fog, sand/dust storms, icing,..), fires, volcanic ash eruptions will allow surpassing present capabilities to provide warnings to the community, MTG information on horizontally, vertically, and temporally (4-D) resolved gradients of moisture, wind, and temperature is expected to deliver a breakthrough regarding precipitation forecasts via assimilation into advanced non-hydrostatic regional models. MTG information on carbon monoxide and ozone in the troposphere (IRS and UVN) and nitrous oxides generated by lightning will be a significant contribution to atmospheric chemistry and air quality applications, MTG information on location and intensity of lightning will support warnings on lightning strikes for aviation and surface related business.

  4. MTG System Concept: Space Segment • MTG Space Segment Configuration • Twin Satellite Concept, based on 3-axis platforms • Imaging Satellites (MTG-I) (MTG-I1/I2/I3/I4 : 20 years of operational service) • Sounding Satellites (MTG-S) (MTG-S1/S2 : 15.5 years of operational service) • The payload complement of the MTG-I satellite consists of • • The Flexible Combined Imager (FCI) • • The Lightning Imager (LI) • • The Data Collection System (DCS) and Search and Rescue (GEOSAR) • The payload complement of the MTG-S satellite consists of • • The Infrared Sounder (IRS) • • The Ultra-violet, Visible and Near Infrared Sounder (UVN). • UVN is provided as GMES Sentinel 4 Instruments

  5. MTG in Orbit Deployment Scenario MSG-4 MTG-I1 Dec. 2017 MTG-I2 Dec. 2022 MTG Full Operational Configuration MTG-I3 Jan. 2026 MTG-I4 Dec. 2030 MTG-S1 June 2019 MTG-S2 June 2027 EUM/MTG/VWG/10/0369 EUMETSAT User Conference Issue 1 MET/RSt 08.09.2010

  6. MTG Provides a Total of Five Missions Compliant to the User Needs • The Flexible Combined Imager (FCI) = Full Disk High Spectral resolution Imagery (FDHSI), global scales (Full Disk) over a BRC = 10 min, with 16 channels at spatial resolution of 1 km (8 solar channels) and 2 km (8 thermal channels) High spatial Resolution Fast Imagery (HRFI), local scales (1/4th of Full Disk) over a BRC = 2.5 min with 4 channels at high spatial resolution 0.5 km (2 solar channels), and 1.0 km (2 thermal channels) InfraRedSounding (IRS), global scales (Full Disk) over a BRC = 30 min at spatial resolution of 4 km, providing hyperspectral soundings at 0.625 cm-1 sampling in two bands. Lightning Imagery (LI), global scales (80% of Full Disk) detecting and mapping continuously the optical emission of cloud-to-cloud and cloud-ground discharges. Detection efficiency between DE=90% (night) and DE=40% (overhead sun) UVN Sounding, implemented as GMES Sentinel 4 Instruments provided by ESA

  7. Spectral Spatial Radiometric Coverage Two spectral ranges: LWIR: 700 -1210cm-1 MWIR: 1600 -2175cm-1 Extended range (reduced performance): 680cm-1 to 2250cm-1 4 Local Area Coverage (LAC) zones 1 LAC every 15minutes Full Earth in one hour (see next slides) 180 to 313K Resolution 0.625cm-1 4km at SSP such to meet the NEDT spec Accuracy and stability such that the equivalent radiometric error is (roughly) below 50mK Accuracy : 2Km Stability : 0.5Km (3 sigma) Accuracy : 0.5K Long term stability : 0.3K Medium term stability : 0.1K NEDT : 0.2-0.5K The Infrared Sounder • Heritage : • A LEO IR sounder (IASI) is currently operated by Eumetsat • Another LEO IR sounder (CrIS) is going to be launched by NASA as part of the NPP payload (launch in late 2011) • The NASA/GIFTS concept

  8. MTG-IRS Concept: Every 30 Minutes Europe MTG-IRS Operations Scenario LAC -4 • ~ 300 stares for Full Disc Coverage ~ 75 stares Local Area Coverage (LAC) LAC-1/2/3/4 repeat cycle: 15 min including 2-3 min for calibration Basic Repeat Cycle Pattern over 6 hours: 5 times LAC-3 plus LAC-4 4 times LAC-2 plus LAC-4 3 times LAC-1 plus LAC-4 LAC-4 (Europe) covered every 30 min all LACs have at least 3 consecutive measurements with 30 min repeat cycle LAC -3 LAC -2 LAC -1

  9. Earth Interferogram time L0 Detection element L1 processing Dwell L0 L1 wave number Spectral sounding IRS working principle • The instrument works in a step-and-stare mode, with the Earth disc covered through a sequence of contiguous square sub-images • With the current design, each sub-image (a dwell) takes 10s and covers about 650x650km2 (at SSP, the sampling being equiangular) • Within a single dwell, a set of interferograms, one per detection element, is produced • A spectral sounding is the result of the Fourier transformation of an interferogram from a single detection element

  10. MTG MissionsIRS – Benefits Summary The IRS (30 min repeat cycle over Europe) will fill large spatial and temporal voids in the 12-hour time standard radiosonde observations and will allow time and space interpolation of moisture/temperature observations taken from the polar orbit. The IRS derived information on low tropospheric moisture and its changes in time is expected to lead to a better depiction of the hydrological cycle in models, potentially providing better precipitation forecast. The IRS will provide information on vertically resolved atmospheric motion vectors with improved height assignment, which in particular is beneficial for the tropical areas having only a weak coupling between the dynamic and thermodynamic atmospheric fields. The IRS will provide information to identify pre-convective situations supporting NWC applications to forecast convective initiation. IRS will support forecasting pollution and monitoring of atmospheric minor constituents through its capability to provide estimates of diurnal variations of tropospheric contributions of atmospheric trace gases as O3 and CO.

  11. MTG-IRS Concept: High Spectral/Spatial sampling H2O(p) CO T(p) Sfc O3 Sfc 700 – 1210 cm-1 1600 – 2175 cm-1 Temp (CO2) Surface, Clouds Surface, Clouds Surface, Clouds CO O3 N2O, Temp (CO2) H2O, CH4, N2O Temp (CO2) MTG-IRS mission will deliver unprecedented information on horizontal and vertical gradients of moisture, wind and temperature between measurements of individual radiosondes and hyperspectral soundings from the polar orbiting satellites. EUM/MTG/VWG/10/0369 EUMETSAT User Conference Issue 1 MET/RSt 08.09.2010

  12. MTG-S will Accommodate GMES Sentinel 4Ultraviolet Visible Nearinfrared (UVN) • The GMES Sentinel-4 sounding mission is achieved through the Ultraviolet, Visible & Near-infrared (UVN) Instrument accommodated on the MTG-S satellites • covering Europe every hour • taking measurements in three spectral bands (UV: 305 - 400 nm; VIS: 400 - 500 nm, NIR: 750 - 775 nm) • with a resolution around 8km. • spatial sampling of 8 km at 45°N and spectral resolution 0.5 nm or better • The primary data products are O3, NO2, SO2, HCHO and aerosol optical depth. • Heritage : • LEO UV-vis-NIR sounders GOME2, OMI and SCIAMACHY

  13. OVERVIEW - Earth Observation Missions handled by ESA 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 Since 1977 METEOSAT Second GenerationMSG-1, -2, -3 METEOSATM-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 METEOSAT Third Generation Sentinel 4 Post-EPS MetOp-1, -2, -3 Sentinel 1 (Gravity and Ocean Circulation Explorer) Sentinel 2 Earth Watch (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) Sentinel 3 (Polar Ice Monitoring) Sentinel 5/5p GOCE GMES in cooperation with EC ENVISAT (Magnetic Mission) SMOS (Clouds, Aerosols & Radiation Mission) ERS-1, -2 CryoSat2 (Atmospheric Dynamics Mission) ADM/Aeolus SWARM Earth Explorers EarthCare Op Meteo GEO in cooperation with EUMETSAT Services to initiate long term monitoring systems and services LEO Science to better understand the Earth System

  14. Sentinel–4: GEO atmospheric mission Yaw-flip at equinox UVN IRS The GMES (Global Monitoring of Environment and Security) Sentinel program is driven byoperationaluser requirements GMES Sentinel 4, 5 and 5P focus on atmospheric chemistry Instrumentation: • UV-VIS-NIR spectrometer • Use of thermal IR sounder • and cloud imager • Geostationary orbit, at about 0o longitude • Embarked on MTG-Sounder Satellite and operated by EUMETSAT

  15. Sentinel-4/UVN Instrument Concept Imaging Spectrometer in Geostationary Orbit • Pushbroom in E/W direction • N/S FOV: 4° • E/W FOR: 6.8° • 2 grating (dispersive) spectrometers UV-VIS: 305 – 500 nm @ 0.5 nm NIR: 750 – 775 nm @ 0.12 nm • CCD detectors cooled at 230 K • Scan mirror: • E/W scan • N/S for compensation of MTG yaw flip manoeuvre around equinox; seasonal shift in latitude (per steps of 5 deg up to 10 deg) • High performance on board calibration sources (diffusers, lamp, LED) • Instrument mass = 150 kg; power = 180 W; data rate = 25 Mbps Dispersing element Re-imaging lens Spectral radiance Collimator Slit l 2D array detector Telescope l East North x West South Ground swath Scanner motion

  16. Sentinel-4/UVN Performance Requirements • Spatial resolution: 8 km at 45°N • Coverage: Europe + Sahara • Repeat Cycle: 1 hr • J. Burrows: UVN focuses only on limited spatial extent in order to save costs. The argument is that the funding for Sentinel 4 is from European • countries for European issues .It is clearly necessary to measure over the • African continent to assess biomass burning, the transport of dessert • dust, tropical urban pollution etc.

  17. Phase A End-to-End error budget (improved spectral stability) S4 UVN - according to its Phase A concepts and performance - is capable to provide important data under the geophysical conditions relevant for Europe

  18. Synergies on MTG for TroposphericChemistry and Air Pollution Applications S4 UVN Synergies on MTG for Tropospheric Chemistry and Air Pollution Applications MTG-IRS S4-UVN on MTG MTG-FCI O3, CO, NO2, SO2, VOC(H2CO, CHOCHO), AAI, Aerosol/PM MTG-IRS, MTG-UVS/S4 UVN, and MTG-FCI and LI willprovide unique and relevant data for tropospheric monitoring applications !! L2 chemistryIRS productsnot planned for « Day 1 » operation Courtesy H. Heskes, KNMI

  19. 2017 2019 1977 2002 1 Imager – 3 Channels 2.25 km HR – 4.5 km 30 Min RC 1 Imager – 16 Channels 0.5 & 1km HR – 1 & 2 km 10 Min RC + LI 1 IR Sounder- 2 Bands 4 km 60 Min RC + UVN-S4 1 Imager – 12 Channels 1km HRV – 3km 15 Min RC MTG – New challenges in Information Technology • Meteosat evolutions: MSG Raw data link - L-Band 3 Mbps 3.2 Mbps 3.2 Mbps MTG Raw data link - KA-Band >/= 60 Mbps to be disseminated ? MTG limited to 60 Mbps on future EUMETCast (current assumption) 340 - 400 Mbps 340 - 400 Mbps EUM/MTG/VWG/10/0369 EUMETSAT User Conference Issue 1 MET/RSt 08.09.2010

  20. Conclusion: some thoughts • - Good interaction between agencies/scientific/industry is mandatory • Stephen Tjemkes (Eumetsat): “We arrived at the instrument specs because we had an excellent science team who performed in depth studies and were involved from the beginning. What could have been improved was the relation with the industrial team. In the end good communication between the science and the engineering team is critical. “ • Budget is always a concern. Compromises were made. • The needs of the met. community are driving the instrumental specs. Good collaboration with ESA through the GMES project. • But see what we can do with IASI. Take the good side of it: continuity of obs., good spatial res, operational and NRT. • Usefullness for chemistry and episodic episodes • Higher probability to have clear pixels and also better timing for chemistry (time of day + thermal contrast), or episodic events is better. If S/N not high enough to detect some species we could average pixels (see talk tomorrow).

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