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Explore the portfolio of existing community projects in Morocco, focusing on biodiversity, climate change, land degradation, and international waters. Learn about ongoing projects, key climate change impacts, and current actions to address climate change impacts. Discover opportunities for building resilience and potential sources of co-financing.
SGP Morocco Presentation October,17 2007 CBA Project workshop Bangkok, Thailand October,17 2007
Portfolio of existing community projects • Current portfolio • 62 projects currently under implementation • Projects in the following GEF focal areas: • biodiversity, climate change, land degradation and international waters. • Project Typologies • Biodiversity – community-based management and conservation of natural biodiversity, conservation and promotion of local seeds/ MAPs, community-based approaches that promote ecotourism,etc • Land Degradation – sustainable practices to manage farm lands • Climate Change –promotion and diffusion of energy-efficient technologies such as collective oven, improved tub. • International Waters – sustainable management and protection of water ressources in the Mediterranean by local communities • eg: Adepam : project to develop sustainable practices to cultivate and grow MAPs in order to increase the female revenues through marketing • eg: Bassin Guir: project which puts into practice an innovative and sustainable financial system to manage farm lands.
Key Climate Change Impacts • Vulnerable sectors to climate change: • Water resources • Agriculture • Forestry • Seashore and Tourism • Fishery
Current Actions undertaken to address CC impacts • National Adaptation Projects implemented: • Capacity building concerning CC in Maghreb Countries (Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia) • Evaluation of the Impacts and Adaptation to CC of seashore in Morocco • National Adaptation Projects currently under execution: • Mechanisms for Adaptation concerning rural communities in 2 different ecosystems (mountain and plain) (2007/2010) (CRDI/INRA) (evaluation of CC impact, development of adaptation scenario, CB and KM) • Adaptation to CC in the Mediterranean Eastern Seashore (2007/2010) (ENFI) (Research Development/ CB stakeholders) • Adaptation to CC in the field of agriculture (WB) (identification of actions) • The first draft of the study on “Vulnerability and Adaptation in Morocco” submitted. (study realized in the framework of The 2nd National Communication on Climate Change ) • The National Action Plan for Adaptation is planned for 2008
Opportunities for building resilience to CC in GEB • Possible ecosystem focus: • Biodiversity: National Priority Sites of biological and Ecological Interest in the following threatened ecosystem: Freshwater/ Coastal/ Mountain Ecosystems. • Land Degradation: Argan Biosphere Reserve. Reserve of Oases Of the South of Morocco. • Type of adaptation projects defined in the 1first National Communication: • Improve community water resources management : • Improvement of drinking and irrigation water management / Wastewater re-use / Protection of water resources from pollution/Collecting and re-using rainfall water. • Agriculture: • Improve seed-time/ Adaptation of farming methods / Improve rangeland management /Preservation and promotion of local seeds (seed banks). • Forestry: • Community-based agroforestry. • Seashore and Tourism: • Community-based protection of coastal ecosystems against erosion / Development and rehabilitation of threatened wetlands. • Fishery: • Community-based protection and sustainable management of fishing resources.
Opportunities for cash co-financing • 2 financial donors already mobilized until 2010/ $ 170 000: • Governmental donors: • MATEE (Ministry of Land Settlement, Water and Environment) ($100 000) • SDA (Social Development Agency) ($ 70 000) • Potential co-financing sources: • SDA can provide the SGP Morocco with complementary funds under its current NGO program/ we can reach the 1 $ to 1 $ only with SDA. • INDH (National Initiative of Human Development) • Bilateral funds. • Fundation
Opportunities for cash co-financing • Modalities for engaging co-financing partners: • Trainings/Workshops and diverse activities of information exchanges already programmed until 2010 for our partners (SDA, MATEE, INDH). • In order to avoid “competition for the projects”, to be supported by regional teams of SDA and since the local NGOs are solicited by numerous initiatives, it will be more efficient to secure complementary SDA co-financing, project by project using the funds that are attributed to each regional SDA coordination. This is the better way to implicate the Regional SDA Teams in the project (design, monitoring, evaluation) and to really insure the institutional diffusion, replication of the approaches… • This option can be discussed with the regional coordinators and after with the Global Manager of the SDA. • After that a general and simple agreement could be signed with SDA that explain the collaboration and the targeted region (region that will be defined by the CBA National Strategy). • With the other partners: meetings are the best ways to engage them in cofinancing for the project if necessary.
NSC Modification and Country Programme Development • Additions to the National Steering Committee • The current NSC in Morocco already includes 3 members specialized in Climate Change impacts. • Possibility to integrate one of the experts who carried out the national study on Adaptation in Morocco and one community/NGO candidate (and also the person in charge of adaptation in the Ministry of Environment). • Constraints: adaptation is a new concept in Morocco, difficulty to identify and mobilize people with skills and knowledge on adaptation. • Opportunities: One of our NSC member is the consultant in charge of the National Adaptation Study.
Strategies and Support for Project Development • Strategies for Successfully engaging Potential Grantees • Start up the process by integrating NGOs in the Country CBA Strategy formulation process and in the definition of civil society involvement modalities • Produce a simple videotape showing local communities representatives explaining in Arabic, French and local dialect the programme strategy for adaptation and a typology of projects which can be implemented. • Make local NGO representatives responsible for conducting local workshops aiming at presenting the Country CBA strategy to other local NGOs and community. • Make announcements on websites specialized in development in Morocco. • Training workshops for our partners at the regional and national level (already programmed) • Depending of the targeted community explore (if necessary) the use of traditional communication chanels (local weekly markets…, local informal organizations).
Strategies and Support for Project Development • Tools and capacity building for project designs • The tools for capacity building and project designs can be inspired from the pictured method developed by the SGP in Morocco (with projection cards of impacts, pictures and a small local project video in which the local community describes the projects) the video of the project facilitates the project understanding by communities and the diffusion of the experience. • To train a small group of animators and experts that will help in the project formulation process and who will after that help conduct the trainings ( this group of animators could be selected among the animators of UNDP, GEF big projectand SDA staff and local consultant)
Strategies and Support for Project Development • Support service for proposal development • Engagement of support personnel (intern)