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Presentation objectives include seeking TAC approval for SCR 715, updating RMS documents, and discussing PTB synchronization. The focus is on streamlining manual processes to enhance efficiency in the retail market. RMS is seeking approval for prioritizing SCR 715 and implementing procedure changes.
Retail Marketing Subcommittee TAC Update April 4, 2002
Presentation Objectives • Seek TAC Approval of SCR 715 • Seek TAC Approval on two RMS documents • Update Non-PTB Reconciliation and Seek TAC Approval of a RMS Motion • Discuss PTB Synchronization
SCR 715 • Scope: Inform CR of a TDSP rejection of a switch so they can cancel and/or resend with correction. TDSP’s rejection would electronically flow to the CR. ERCOT would generate a transaction from TDSP’s rejection transaction. • Today, this is a manual intensive effort, manual effort increases overall time into switch process and Retail Market already has too many manual processes to support. • RMS seeks TAC approval to include SCR 715 in prioritization process for V1.5, and RMS deems this SCR as High Priority.
RMS Procedure Changes • Working Groups would elect their Chair & Vice Chair and RMS confirms • Updated Working Group list • RMS seeks TAC approval of these updated Procedures
RMS Retesting Guidelines • New document establishing guidelines when retesting should be conducted when a company makes changes to its systems or service providers. • Identified 10 scenarios and the level of retesting and how that would be coordinated in the market place. • RMS seeks TAC approval of the Retesting Guidelines
Non-PTB Reconciliation • Working Group has identified switches not fully completed resulting in different CR’s of record. • Non-PTB either switched to the Gaining CR or received AREP’s standard offer which in many cases is a higher price. • Focusing only on switches between 12/17/01 and 01/19/02. • Number is around 300 ESI Ids.
Non-PTB Reconciliation • RMS March 13, 2002 meeting approved the following motion which needs to be approved by TAC.
RMS Motion • The following processes (1) were agreed to on March 13, 2002 with following TDSPs; AEP, Reliant HL&P, OnCor, and TNMP (2) will be implemented immediately by TDSPs under interim approval;(3) will be taken to the next TAC meeting for approval. • IF: • ESI ID is on the CR list submitted to ERCOT and the TDSP under the Ad Hoc working group direction, and • No valid 867_04 has been processed by ERCOT, and • ESI ID is > or equal to 1 MW • THEN: • TDSP backdates 867_04 to original 814_01 request date.
RMS Motion,continued • IF: • ERCOT shows the TDSP as the LSE past the original 814_01 request date • THEN: • TDSP backdates 867_04 to original request date on the 814_01. • (Note: TNMP has a couple of customers where this IF/THEN may be a problem. Affected CR or CRs will work with TNMP to address.)
RMS Motion,continued IF • ESI ID is on the CR list submitted to ERCOT and the TDSP under the Ad Hoc working group direction. • Valid 867_04 has been processed by ERCOT • ESI ID > or equal to 1MW THEN • Those switches will effectively be backdated to original 814_01 request date.
Non-PTB Reconciliation • Working Group will continue to monitor the reconciliation process through closure. • Working Group’s scope was not expanded to PTB switch problems. Another effort is being considered to address synchronization of PTB ESI Ids.
PTB Synchronization • Currently, the market as a whole has a large number of discrepancies in retail status. • Discrepancies include: • Which CR is responsible for an ESI ID • What the status is of an ESI ID • What date did that status or ownership change • RMS with support from ERCOT is developing a technical & business plan to address this market wide issue. Plan will be reviewed at RMS’ May meeting.