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Retail Market Subcommittee Update to TAC

Stay informed with the latest updates from the Retail Market Subcommittee (RMS). Learn about the confirmed 2015 Working Groups, Taskforce Leadership, and important Retail Market Guide Revisions. Explore details on Smart Meter Texas Portal Change Requests, Retail Service Level Agreement updates, and more.

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Retail Market Subcommittee Update to TAC

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  1. Retail Market Subcommittee Update to TAC Kathy Scott

  2. RMS Confirmation of 2015 WG/TF Leadership • Texas Standard Electronic Transaction (TX SET) Working Group • Chair – Diana Rehfeldt, Texas New Mexico Power • Vice – Chair – Kyle Patrick, NRG • Texas Data Transport Working Group (TDTWG) • Chair - Isabelle Durham, CenterPoint Energy • Vice – Chair(s) - Monica Jones, Reliant Energy and Jim Lee, AEP Service Corporation • Advanced Metering Working Group (AMWG) • Co-Chair(s) – Esther Kent, CenterPoint Energy and John Schatz, TXU Energy • MarkeTrak Task Force (MTTF) • Co-Chair(s) – Monica Jones, Reliant Energy, Carolyn Reed, CenterPoint Energy and Sheri Wiegand, TXU Energy • 02/03/15 RMS Vote: The above list of 2015 Working Groups and Taskforce Leadership were Unanimously Confirmed by RMS RMS Update to TAC

  3. RMGRR126 and RMGRR128 Voting • RMGRR126, Additional ERCOT Validations for Customer Billing Contact Information File • This Retail Market Guide Revision Request (RMGRR) requires ERCOT to validate that the submitting Competitive Retailer’s (CR’s) DUNS Number (DUNS #) and the Electric Service Identifiers (ESI IDs) provided in the Customer Billing Contact Information file are valid in the ERCOT registration system. • 02/03/15 RMS: RMS unanimously Approved RMGRR126 with TX SET January 26, 2015 comments. Next step for RMGRR126 will be Impact Analysis review by RMS during the March 3, 2015 RMS meeting. • RMGRR128, Reinstate Critical Care Status After Resolution of an Inadvertent Gain (Vote)   • This Retail Market Guide Revision Request (RMGRR) provides guidelines for a Competitive Retailer (CR) to request that a Transmission and/or Distribution Service Provider (TDSP) restore a critical care status to an Electric Service Identifier (ESI ID) that may have been removed from the ESI ID due to an inadvertent gain. • 02/03/15 RMS: RMS unanimously Approved RMGRR128 with TX SET January 26, 2015 comments. Next step for RMGRR128 will be Impact Analysis review by RMS during the March 3, 2015 RMS meeting. RMS Update to TAC

  4. 2015 Retail Service Level Agreement (SLA) • RMS Voting: • Thanks to ERCOT for accommodating the market’s need by moving their Release Window start time from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM Saturday and ending at12:00 AM Monday. In response to this change to Release Window timeline, ERCOT requested the following change: • SLA Exception Notification timeline reduced from 45-days to 15-day. This 15 day SLA Exception Notification is needed to truly determine if an SLA Exception is necessary. • 02/03/15 RMS: Motion to Approve 2015 Retail Service Level Agreement as amended by RMS on February 3, 2015 was Unanimously Approved by RMS. RMS Update to TAC

  5. Smart Meter Texas Portal Change Requests • RMS Voting: • Advanced Metering Working Group (AMWG) Change Requests 2015-019through 2015-029 are all related to Smart Meter Texas’ (SMT’s) Usability and/or the Change Request improves the Customer’s experience on the Smart Meter Texas Portal (SMTP) • Motion to Approve Change Request 2015-019 through 2015-029 as amended by RMS on February 3, 2015 was Unanimously Approved. • These RMS Approved AMWG Change Requests will be referred to the Joint TDSPs and SMT Project Team for their approval and implementation cost. Some of these change request(s) may be bundled together and scheduled within a future planned SMT Project Release. RMS Update to TAC

  6. Brower Upgrade Project at ERCOT • ERCOT Application Browser Support • ERCOT intends to support IE 8 into 2016.  The market will be given adequate time to migrate to a newer browser before ERCOT discontinues IE8 support. • ERCOT is testing IE 10 and 11 in both native and compatibility mode to determine what needs to be fixed in the ERCOT applications.  That work will continue through Q1. • The mitigation projects and change requests resulting from the testing will be submitted through the normal ERCOT project process in Q2, to be prioritized and delivered through the normal ERCOT release process.  The release schedule for those projects will determine when the applications are fully supported on the newer browsers. • There are no current plans to expand the number of browsers supported by the ERCOT applications beyond IE 10 and 11. • RMS requests that ERCOT provide a Project Plan to the Market. RMS Update to TAC

  7. 2/3/15: AMS Data Workshop V Reporting! • AMS Data Workshop V on Tuesday, Feb. 3 following RMS: • Discussed and reviewed the following ERCOT reports : • 867/LSE Compare -- July 2014 -- December 2014 • http://www.ercot.com/content/wcm/key_documents_lists/51054/867_vs._AMS_Jan_2015.xlsx • 867/LSE Compare -- Analysis of October Cycle Reads • AMS Load Volumes -- January 2015 -- 6 month historical views • http://www.ercot.com/content/wcm/key_documents_lists/51054/AMS_Volume_and_Count_Report_ERCOT_Jan15.xls • AMS Lag -- December 2014 • http://www.ercot.com/content/wcm/key_documents_lists/51054/AMS_Load_Date_Lag_Dec_2014.xlsx RMS Update to TAC

  8. AMS Data Workshop V Conclusion! • AMS Data Workshop Series Concluded: • Workshop V Consensus: Sunset the Workshop Series and turn over these responsibilities to the Advanced Metering Working Group (AMWG): • Scope going forward will be limited to starting with January 2015 AMSR Cycle Reads where the kWh delta is equal to or greater than 1000 kWh • ERCOT will pull January data the week of February 16th and provide files to each TDSP no later than February 20th • TDSP’s will perform root cause analysis and provide detailed analysis to ERCOT with groupings into categories no later than March 19th • ERCOT compiles TDSP analysis for AMWG March 25th meeting • ERCOT’s presentation at AMWG will be Mandy Bauld and/or Don Tucker; unless both are unavailable ERCOT will send the appropriate replacement to discuss reports and analysis. • Reporting will be provided quarterly for 2015 into the Q1 2016, where an evaluation would be determined by AMWG if more or less frequent reporting is needed based upon trends identified from these reports. RMS Update to TAC

  9. Announcement! • Retail Market Subcommittee (RMS) Leadership, includes Working Groups and Taskforce Leadership, met on February 11, 2015 to develop a draft of our 2015 RMS goals that will be recommended to RMS for their approval during our March 3rd meeting. • If Approved, RMS’ 2015 Goals will become a recommendation to TAC for review and approval during the March 26th TAC meeting. RMS Update to TAC

  10. 2014 Goal Shows Retail Testing Improvements! • Market Flight 0215 Summary: • Flight 0215 is 69.44%Complete as of noon 02/19/2015 • 641 tasks were scheduled including connectivity testing • Compared to 2014 Flight Schedules and Testing Tasks: • This is approximately a 70% decrease in actual number of testing days that were implemented with the 2015 Market Flight schedules approved by RMS and TAC, also • This is approximately a 42% decrease in the number of tasks required of Market Participant(s) to perform for MP certification. • 0215 Flight Schedule: • Flight 0215 signup began 01/07/15 • Flight 0215 signup deadline was 01/14/15 • Connectivity kick-off conference call was 01/20/15 • Flight kick-off conference call was 02/13/15 • Day 1 transactions began 02/16/15 • Flight Concludes 02/27/15 (Contingency/Adhoc period until 04/17/15) RMS Update to TAC

  11. Questions? RMS Update to TAC

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