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True or False?

True or False?. A negatively charged object has an excess of electrons. The positive charges move in a metal to balance the movement of free electrons. The amount of charge depends on the mass of an object. T. F. F. True or False?. F.

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True or False?

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  1. True or False? • A negatively charged object has an excess of electrons. • The positive charges move in a metal to balance the movement of free electrons. • The amount of charge depends on the mass of an object. T F F

  2. True or False? F • Uncharged materials cannot be attracted by charged materials. • The atoms in the metal plate of an electroscope rearrenge to form eletric dipoles when a charge approaches. • The charges collected by the top comb of a Van Der Graaf generator can distribute around the metal dome because this is connected with the comb by metal connections. F T

  3. Applied Electrostatics

  4. Inkjet printer Positive plate Fine nozzle Negative plate • The ink droplets are charged as they thrust against the nozzle • The droplets are deflected as they pass between two electrically charged plates • The amount of charge, i.e. the size and direction of the voltage, on the plates keeps changing to drive each droplet to the right place on your paper • What charge will the droplets deflected upwardly have? Why? A4 paper They will be negatively charged, because -ve charges are attracted by the positive plate at the top and repelled by the negative plate at the bottom.

  5. Photocopier Heated rollers Negative plate Toner (black powder) • The metal plate is electrically charged and the image to photocopy is projected onto it • The lighter parts of your image cause the light to shine on the plate, so that the charge leaks away • The charged bits attract black powder which deposits on the paper • The paper is heated by the heated rolls, so that the powder sticks on it

  6. Spray painting Negative charge Positive nozzle • The spray nozzle is connected to a positive terminal, so the paint droplets become positively charged • This makes them repel each other, so the paint spreads out • The object you are painting is connected to the earth (or to a negative terminal) • This attracts the paint, giving an even coverage

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