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Foreign Legal Research: when & how. Anne L. Abramson Foreign & International Law Librarian The John Marshall Law School Lois L. Biro Law Library. Frequent Foreign Law Issues.
Foreign Legal Research: when & how Anne L. Abramson Foreign & International Law Librarian The John Marshall Law School Lois L. Biro Law Library
Frequent Foreign Law Issues • Doing business in a foreign country: what types of entities can do business there? Pros and cons of a particular business organization? (i.e. export/import, distributorship, overseas office) • Potential disputes: what law applies; what forum decides; how will judgment be enforced in another jurisdiction
When to Research Foreign Law • Potential conflicts of law issue • Forum selection, choice of law and arbitration provisions • Globalization & rising expectations • Harmonization: treaty may make it unnecessary to research foreign law in certain areas • Foreign counsel
Foreign Legal Research Strategies • Use secondary sources • Find subject collections • Preliminary question: does a treaty apply?
Hague Conference on Private International Law http://www.hcch.net/index_en.php
State Department Website http://www.state.gov/
Bureau of Consular Affairs http://travel.state.gov/
Judicial Assistance http://travel.state.gov/law/info/judicial/judicial_702.html
Getting to Know You Sources • Doing Business Guides • Martindale Hubbell International Law Digest • Department of Commerce Website • University of Ottawa Website • Introduction to the legal system of a foreign country (i.e. books, articles)
Doing Business Guides http://www.bakernet.com/BakerNet/Resources/Doing+Business+In+Guides/default.htm
Martindale Hubbell International Law Digest COUNTRY(germany) & TOPIC(patent!) Legal>Area of Law – Topic>International Law>Find Laws by Country or Region>Search International Law Digests
Department of Commerce http://www.export.gov/
Export.gov http://www.export.gov/
Country Information http://ucblibraries.colorado.edu/govpubs/for/foreigngovt.htm
World Legal Systems Common law: judicial decisions are precedent Civil law: based on comprehensive written codes covering an entire area (i.e. civil); decisions binding only on parties; public v. private Customary, Religious, Mixed http://www.droitcivil.uottawa.ca/world-legal-systems/eng-monde.php
Finding Foreign Law • Foreign Law Guide • GLIN: Global Legal Information Network • LLRX & Globalex Research Guides • Catalogs & indexes: books and articles • Last resort: Embassies or consular offices • Example: German patent law, Italian commercial agency law—Foreign Law Guide, JMLS catalog, Worldcat
Foreign Law Guide Materials Indexed http://foreignlawguide.com
Countries & JurisdictionsIntroduction to Legal System http://foreignlawguide.com
Worldcat http://firstsearch.org
Links to Websites Paraguay http://foreignlawguide.com
Global Legal Information Network http://www.glin.gov/search.action
Globalex http://www.nyulawglobal.org/globalex/
Websites of Particular Jurisdictions http://www.jura.uni-saarland.de/english/glsindex.html
LLRX http://www.llrx.com/
Websites on Particular Topics: FAOLEX http://faolex.fao.org/faolex/
NATLEX of the ILO http://www.ilo.org/dyn/natlex/natlex_browse.home
Global Insolvency Law Database www.worldbank.org/gild
Buffalo Criminal Law Center http://wings.buffalo.edu/law/bclc/resource.htm
International Supreme Court Decisions www.globalcourts.com
Embassies & Consular Offices www.state.gov/s/cpr/rls
Understanding Foreign Law • Translations: consider currency and accuracy • Beware of Babelfish • Foreign Law in U.S. Courts
Lost in Translation § 202c Vorbereiten des Ausspähens und Abfangens von Daten (1) Wer eine Straftat nach § 202a oder § 202b vorbereitet, indem er 1. Passwörter oder sonstige Sicherungscodes, die den Zugang zu Daten (§ 202a Abs. 2) ermöglichen, oder 2. Computerprogramme, deren Zweck die Begehung einer solchen Tat ist, herstellt, sich oder einem anderen verschafft, verkauft, einem anderen überlässt, verbreitet oder sonst zugänglich macht, wird mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu einem Jahr oder mit Geldstrafe bestraft. (2) § 149 Abs. 2 und 3 gilt entsprechend. § 202cPrepare spying and interception of data (1) who a criminal offence after § 202aor § 202b prepared, by he 1st passwords or other safeguard codes, those the entrance to data (§ 202a Abs. 2) make possible, or 2nd computer programs, whose purpose is committing such an act, manufactures, or another provided, sold, another leaves themselves, common or otherwise accessible makes, with imprisonment up to one year or with fine one punishes. (2) § 149 Abs. applies for 2 and 3 accordingly.
Types & Sources From: Hoffman, Marci & Rumsey, Mary. International and Foreign Legal Research: a coursebook Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2008). K85 .H64 2008 7th flr Highly recommended: Germain, Claire M. Germain's Transnational Law Research: a Guide for Attorneys, Transnational Juris Publications, (1991-). K85 .G47 1991, 7th flr