1. Goggles • Goggles should always be worn when chemicals are being heated or mixed. Goggles should be worn as the lab begins and remain on until the last of the lab has been cleaned up off the sink and/or table. Should you get some chemical in your eye, flush thoroughly with water for 15 minutes.
2. Smelling Chemicals • Save your nose hairs! WAFT! If you need to smell a chemical to identify it, hold it 6 inches away from the nose and wave your hand over the opening of the container toward your nose. This will “waft” some of the fumes toward your nose without exposing you to a large dose of anything toxic.
3. Chemical Contact • You should wear protective gloves whenever you are handling chemicals. If you spill a chemical on your skin, flush the area with water 15 minutes.
4. Clean Up Your Mess • Your lab area should be spotless when you start experimenting and spotless when you leave. If not, clean it and put all materials back where you got them!
5. Proper Disposal • Do not dump any chemicals down the drain or in the trash can without consulting your teacher first.
6. No Eating • There is NO eating in the science lab. When you eat, you run the risk of internalizing poison. Besides, have you smelled some of the smells coming from the lab?
7. No Horseplay • Lose the comedy routine! Horseplay can lead to chemical spills, accidental fires, broken glass, and damaged equipment. Never throw anything to another person; be careful where you put your hands and arms; and no wrestling, punching, shoving, or chasing in the lab.
8. Fire • If there is a fire in the room, then NOTIFY your teacher ASAP. It can be put out with the fire extinguisher or blanket. Stop, Drop, and Roll if your clothes or hair catches on fire. ***Remember: never run; it adds oxygen to the fire making it burn faster.***
9. When in Doubt, ASK • You should always thoroughly read the instructions first, but if you have questions, or if you are not sure how to handle a particular chemical, procedure, or part of an experiment, ask for help. If you do not feel comfortable doing something, then don’t do it. (duh)