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Game Preliminaries Safety Rules Pitching Rules Batter and DH Rules Substitution Rules Courtesy Runner Defensive Conferences (Visits). Obstruction Equipment Dead Ball territory Appeals Intentional Base on Balls Umpires Other rules. NFHS RULES. 2010 Rule Reminder.
Game Preliminaries Safety Rules Pitching Rules Batter and DH Rules Substitution Rules Courtesy Runner Defensive Conferences (Visits) Obstruction Equipment Dead Ball territory Appeals Intentional Base on Balls Umpires Other rules NFHS RULES
2010 Rule Reminder • Major rule addition applies to assistant coaches and their behavior during the game. Rule 3-3-1g6 prohibits any member of the coaching staff who is not the head coach from leaving “the vicinity of the dugout or coaching box to dispute a judgment call by an umpire.” The penalty for this infraction is that both the head coach and the offending coach will be (are now) restricted to the dugout for the remainder of the game. If severe enough, the umpire also has the authority to eject the offending coach and/or the head coach. 3-3-1 g63.3.1 n
2011 Rules Changes • Addition: The umpire shall not accept the lineup card until all substitutes are listed. There is no penalty assessed. • Rationale: Having all known substitutes listed will speed up substitution and player changes. A coach will still be able to add a substitute to the game with no penalty.
2011 Rules Interpretations • SITUATION 2: In the bottom of the fourth inning, Jones comes to the plate to pinch-hit for Smith. The plate umpire checks the lineup card and finds that Jones was not listed as a possible substitute. The opposing coach argues that since Jones was not listed as a substitute at the start of the game, he cannot pinch-hit. RULING: The plate umpire shall accept the substitution, make the appropriate change on the lineup card and notify the opposing team and official scorer. Jones may pinch-hit for Smith. There is no penalty. (1-1-2) • SITUATION 3: The plate umpire is reviewing the submitted lineup cards at the pre-game conference. He asks both head coaches if they have listed all known substitutes on their respective lineup card. Team A’s head coach states he will not list any substitutes on his lineup. RULING: The umpire shall not accept the lineup card until all substitutes are listed. The game cannot begin until the umpire has received lineup cards from both teams. (1-1-2, 4-1-3)
2011 Rules Changes • New: Any player who exhibits signs, symptoms or behaviors consistent with a concussion (such as loss of consciousness, headache, dizziness, confusion or balance problems) shall be immediately removed from the game and shall not return to play until cleared by an appropriate health-care professional. (See NFHS Suggested Guidelines for Management of Concussions) • Rationale: Clarification from the NFHS Sports Medicine Advisory Committee
2011 Rules Changes • Change: Hard and unyielding items (guards, casts, braces, splints, etc.) must be padded with a closed-cell, slow-recovery foam padding no less than 1/2" thick. Knee and ankle braces which are unaltered from the manufacturer's original design/production do not require any additional padding. • Rationale: Risk minimization and clarification from the NFHS Sports Medicine Advisory Committee.
2011 Rules Changes • New: Last Time By. If a runner correctly touches a base that was missed (either in advancing or returning), the last time he was by the base, that last touch corrects any previous base running-infraction. • SITUATION 18: R1 leaves first base too soon on a caught fly ball. He touches second and nears third when his coach instructs him to return. R1 does so by running directly across the diamond toward first base. The ball gets by the first baseman, and R1 retouches first and makes it safely to second base. RULING: R1 would be declared out upon proper appeal by the defense as the principle of “Last Time By” would not apply. (8-2-6l)
2011 Rules Interpretations • SITUATION 4: With R2 on first base and one out, B3 swings and misses on a 1-2 fastball for strike three. R2 was stealing on the pitch and B3’s follow-through interferes with the catcher’s ability to throw to second base. At the time of the interference, R2 was just over half way to second from first. RULING: In the umpire’s judgment, B3’s interference prevented the catcher from possibly throwing out R2 at second base. B3 is out for strike three and R2 is declared out because of B3’s interference. The half-inning is over. (7-3-5c Penalty) • SITUATION 5: With one out, R2 gets a great jump at first base and is just a couple of feet from second base when B3 strikes out. B3’s follow-through interferes with the catcher, who drops the ball and cannot throw to second base. RULING: The ball is declared dead when play is no longer possible. B3 is out on strikes for out No. 2. Since the catcher had no possible play on R2 (being so close to second base at the time of the interference), R2 is returned to first base. (7-3-5c Penalty)
2011 Rules Interpretations • SITUATION 6: Smith enters the batter’s box with a BESR aluminum bat. The opposing coach protests that since the handle of the bat is not round and that the taper is not smooth, it is an illegal bat. RULING: There are no restrictions on the shape of the handle, and the taper of the bat is not required to be smooth or round. Only the barrel of the bat shall be round, cylindrically symmetric and smooth. The bat is legal for play. (1-3-2b) • SITUATION 7: The batter enters the batter’s box with a BBCOR composite bat. The opposing coach wants him declared out for having an illegal bat. RULING: All BBCOR bats, aluminum or composite, are legal for play in 2011. The batter will be allowed to use the bat. (1-3-2e, f) • SITUATION 8: B3 enters the batter’s box with a bamboo bat and hits a bases-clearing triple. The opposing coach protests stating that a bamboo bat is not legal for play. RULING: The plate umpire will inspect the bat. If it has a BESR or BBCOR certification mark, it is legal for play in 2011. In the 2012 high school season, only non-wood bats that meet the BBCOR performance standard are legal for use. (1-3-2d, e, f)
GAME PRELIMINARIES • No NFHS Rules May Be Modified by Coaches and Umpires or by Ground Rules. • NFHS and the WIAA desires games to be played and then unresolved questions on legalities or illegalities to be reported. • Umpires are in charge when they enter to confines of the field and end when they leave the field after conclusion. 10-1-2
Inspect Equipment Rule 1 • (Bats) BESR or BBCOR must be labeled permanently on the bat. 1-3-2. Effective 2012 only new BBCOR standard • (Helmets) NOCSAE label 1-5-1 • (Catchers helmet and mask combination) NOCSAE label. 1-5-4 • No jewelry, religious medals must be taped down under the uniform. Medic alert bracelets must be taped down but visible. 1-5-12
STARTING THE GAME Rule 4 • Plate Meeting, both HEAD Coaches (required) and Team Captains (if available). Ask both head coaches if they have listed all known substitutes on their respective lineupcards.Subs must be on the lineup card. Exchange and check Lineup cards. • Identify Pitchers, DH and batting order spot in which the DH is hitting • UIC shall require head coaches to certify their players are legally and properly equipped • UIC will remind Head Coaches of the expectation of good sporting behavior.
UNIFORMS Rule 1-4 • Bandanas prohibited • Should be identical, no identical numbers, caps and shoes required • Only current pitcher may wear jacket on the bases. Jackets are prohibited on defense • Base coaches must be in team uniform • Play and report if uniform issues cannot be resolved.
Force Play Slide Rule 2-32-2 • If no slide treat as OBR, and must avoid fielder. Illegal slide on a force play results in the runner and the batter runner out. Other runners return to TOP base • Front of the base and entire base belongs to the runner. Non-malicious contact is ignored. • Rolling, pop-up or cross-body slide or Raised leg higher than fielder’s knee (when fielder in standing position) illegal and possibly malicious
Force Play Slide Rule 2-32-2 • Goes beyond the base AND makes contact with or alters the play of the fielder, FPS interference • Slashes or kicks the fielder with either leg or tries to injure fielder, FPS interference and malicious contact • Slide must be in direct line between bases on a force play unless avoiding the fielder. With no force slide must be within reach of the base and avoid the fielder. 2-32-1
Malicious Contact • All contact is not malicious but umpire judgment prevails • Ball is dead, player ejected, Supersedes Obstruction • Award additional out if DP was prevented • If on defense, rule out or safe, eject and award bases to nullify the malicious contact as necessary
CRASH CHART • Always eject • Crash before scoring, OUT • Crash when Obstructed, OUT • Crash after scoring on force play, OUT • Crash after scoring, Run Counts • Other runners return to TOI base
Courtesy Runner • Any time for current pitcher or catcher • The UIC shall record courtesy runners. • Same player may NOT run for both POSITIONS • Courtesy runners must NOT have entered the game
CourtesyRunner • A player who has had a courtesy runner may not return for that CR in the same half inning (Injury exception) • A courtesy runner may not substitute for any player in that half inning. Injury exception if there is no other player available • No courtesy runners for pinch hitters (No projected substitutions)
DESIGNATED HITTER Rule 3-1-4 • Must be listed in the lineup when it is made official • May hit for anyone and all substitutes for that defensive starter • The player for whom the DH hits is locked into a specific batting order slot with the DH.
DESIGNATED HITTER Rule 3-1-4 • If a DH enters on defense or any player he batted for pinch hits or pinch runs for DH, it terminates the DH role • DH and the player for whom he hits may not play defense at the same time (same slot in batting order) • If the player for whom the DH is hitting comes to bat treat it as a substitution and the DH role is terminated. 3.1.4 c
DESIGNATED HITTER EXAMPLE • DH is hitting for Bubba in the five hole • Both DH and Bubba are starters for substitution rule purposes. 3-1-3 • Third inning, Coach announces Bubba will hit for himself. DH role terminated and DH is subbed out of the game • Fifth inning, Coach announces former DH will reenter and play F5. F5 (not Bubba) may remain in the game, or not, but Bubba MUST leave the game • Seventh inning, Coach announces Bubba will reenter for former DH. Former DH is now not eligible to return.
APPEALS • Dead ball appeals allowed by defense or coaches. No requirement to tag base or runner, just verbal • Play initiated by offense does not cancel right to appeal. • A balk is a pitch for the purposes of ruling on appeals. Appeals must be made before a pitch or a play initiated by the defense.
APPEALS • Appeals are not plays. • Live ball appeal, as OBR, except throwing the ball into DBT does not cancel right to appeal • Game ending time to appeal, while an umpire is still on the field of play 8-2-6 j • Inning ending time to appeal, before the pitcher and all infielders have left fair territory. The catcher is an infielder 8-2 Penalty (2), 2-13-3
PITCHER Rule 6 • Exposed undershirt sleeves must not be white or gray (fix it) • White or gray uniform shirt under vest is okay provided sleeves do not extend below the elbow. • Glove must not include the color white or gray or otherwise distracting in the umpire’s judgment • Wrist bands and batting glove under fielding glove not allowed if umpires judges them to be distracting
PITCHER Rule 6 • Pitching from the set, with or without runners the pitcher must come to a discernible stop with glove below the chin. (ball- balk) 6-1-3 • While on the mound the pitcher may go to his mouth with pitching hand as long as he wipe off the hand before touching the ball (not in contact with the plate) • “Gorilla Arm” now legal. Arm must be stationary. 2010 rules Interpretation Sitch 1 and 2, 6.1.3 p
PITCHER Rule 6 • From wind up position, pitcher may not feint or throw to base. May not turn shoulders to check runner 6-1-1 • In contact movement not associated with a pitch is okay (shaking off sign, adjusting cap etc.) 6.1.2 d • In set position, prior to bringing hands together, may turn shoulders “abruptly” toward base to check runner 6-1-1, 6.1.1 j
PITCHER Rule 6 • Ball is immediately dead on a balk • May be removed as pitcher and return to pitch once per inning, provided conference rule not violated • Hidden ball trick, pitcher must be may not be within five feet of the rubber • May not delay the game (20 second rule)
CONFERENCES Rule 3-4 • Three defensive conferences in regulation game • One per inning in extra frames. Unused conferences from regulation do not carry forward into extra innings • Prior to using all three, there is no charged conference when the pitcher is changed
CONFERENCES Rule 3-4 • After three defensive conferences, the pitcher must be removed for the remainder of the game each time the coach confers with any defensive player • After three conferences the coach may switch pitchers and still reenter that pitcher if there is no conversation during the switch with any defensive player.
CONFERENCES Rule 3-4 • One offensive conference per inning • Deny additional offensive conferences. • When one team is granted time the opponent may confer without charged conference provided they do not delay the game.
BATTER Rule 7 • Batter’s foot or knee must not be touching the plate. Out if ball hit fair or foul. 7-3-2 • Umpire shall instruct the batter to be completely inside the batter’s box 7.3.2 b • Out if enters the batters box with a illegal bat. Defense has option to take the play, or penalty if an illegal bat is used. 7-4-1 a
BATTER Rule 7 • Uncaught third strike, batter may advance prior to entering the bench or DBT. Unintentional interference with the catcher’s attempt to field an uncaught third strike is nothing 8-4-1 a • Batter shall not delay the game by failing to take his position in the box within 20 seconds • Batter must keep one foot in box unless exception arises: Exceptions Rule 7-3-1 • The batter shall not permit a pitched ball to touch him 7-3-4 8-1-1 d1
BATTER Rule 7 • Batter must not delay the game or face penalty of a strike • Leaving box and demonstrating displeasure on strike call WILL result in a penalty strike. Ball remains alive 7-3.1 f 7.3.1 h • Batter leaves the box with both feet after the pitcher begins his motion, two strikes shall be called regardless of pitch location. If balk, one strike and balk disregarded. 6.2.5 i
OBSTRUCTION • Always a delayed dead ball • Verbal obstruction is obstruction if it alters play • Fake tag is obstruction, award as OBR type b, except always one advance base even if runner is returning to current base position. Also Team warning/ejection 8.3.2 b, 8.3.2e
OBSTRUCTION • Malicious contact supersedes obstruction • One advance base minimum if pattern of play is affected or runner is advancing (2008 change) • If a throw pulls the first baseman into the BR path a collision before the fielder has the ball it is obstruction 8.3.2k
SUBSTITUTION Rule 3-1 • UIC shall record all substitutions • No projected substitutions accepted • Starters may re-enter ONCE and ONLY into his original spot in the batting order. Illegal subs are substitutions for re-entry rule. 3-1-1 3-1-3 • Subs removed legally or illegally may not reenter 3-1-1 3-1-3
SUBSTITUTION Rule 3-1 • Substituted pitchers must face one batter or be removed as pitcher for remainder of the game. May play other positions • Legal subs need not be listed on original lineup, can be added later, but new rule requires known subs to be on the lineup card. (no penalty) • CR may sub for an injured player if no other legal sub is available (same half inning)
Illegal Substitution Rule 3-1 • Illegal subs must be removed immediately and benched, the player he entered for is considered subbed out and can only reenter if eligible to re-enter 3-1-1 3-1-3 • Illegal courtesy runners are illegal subs. He is out, benched and the player he ran for is subbed out • Illegal batter sub supersedes BOO penalty, batter is out and benched when discovered
Illegal Substitution Rule 3-1 • Remedies are enforced to nullify the play of an illegal sub if discovered before the next pitch or results stand. Inning ending, the illegal sub can still be discovered and results nullified until next pitch to the new offense 3.1.1 i • Illegal subs identified at game ending situation must be brought to the umpire’s attention before all infielders leave the diamond. (F2 is an infielder) 3-1-1 • Only the results of play by an illegal sub stand after a next pitch. The player is still immediately removed immediately, benched and out if on base.
Illegal Substitution Rule 3-1 • Illegal sub bats and advances. Discovered before next pitch, he is out, any other outs stand and other runners return to TOP base. After a pitch he is out and benched but other results stand. • Illegal batter hits a home run. Discovered before next pitch he is out and other runners return or runs nullifies if third out. After a pitch the results stand. The illegal sub is still benched • Offense has an option to take the play or put the batter back up if an illegal sub is involved in a play on defense and is discovered before the next pitch
Illegal Substitution Example • Illegal sub Bubba enters on offense and hits a double and is on second base. After a pitch to next batter he is discovered. • Bubba is called out, removed and benched but runners advanced, if any, stand. • The player who should have batted Bubba’s spot is considered to have been substituted out of the game and may return only if he has re-entry eligibility. (2-36-3 d, 3-1-1, 3-1-3, 3-1-4 a) • If there are no legal subs available, Bubba’s team is playing with eight.
Illegal Substitution Example • With the count 2-2, batter in the 4 spot is discovered to be an illegal sub. He is out and benched. • Illegal sub supersedes BOO penalty so the proper 4th batter is skipped, not called out and the 5th batter is up next. However the 4th batter has been subbed out. 3-1-1, 3-1-3, 3.1.1 c, 7.1.1 b • If the original 4th batter can’t re-enter and there is no legal sub for him, an out is called each time the 4 spot comes up, the team plays D with 8 players 2-36-3, 3.1.1 c
Illegal Substitution Rule 3-12009 NFHS Baseball Rules Interpretations • SITUATION 9: The home team is using a DH for its pitcher. The DH is listed to hit in the No. four spot in the lineup. On the lineup card posted in the dugout, the coach places the DH in the No. four spot and the pitcher in the No. 10 spot. The pitcher misunderstands the lineup and comes to bat after the ninth player. With the pitcher at bat and a 2-2 count, the opposing team brings the infraction to the attention of the umpire. RULING: This is illegal substitution, not batting out of order. The pitcher is declared out and restricted to the bench for the remainder of the game. The role of the DH is terminated and the player who batted in the No. 1 spot is considered to have been substituted for in the game and may return only if he has re-entry eligibility. (2-36-3d, 3-1-1, 3-1-3, 3-1-4a)
Other NFHS Rules • May not hurtle a defensive player unless he is lying flat on the ground. May not dive over a player (out) • Hurtling outstretched arms is okay • No need to pitch on intentional walk, ball becomes dead • Ball is dead when a player with the ball enters DBT with entire body. Ball dead, award one base. A catch started in LBT may be completed in DBT
Other NFHS Rules • No distinction between gloves and mitts. No limit on catcher’s mitt size. Only catcher can use a catcher’s mitt. • You may bench coaches for discipline. 2010 change 3.3.1 n • Team must begin with 9 but may finish with 8. May go from 8 back to 9. Open spot in line up is an out when comes up. • BOO: outs made stand other runners return 7-1-1
Other NFHS Rules • Players using profanity or throwing equipment in disgust shall be ejected • No use of tobacco or tobacco like substances • On dropped third strike the batter may attempt to advance until he reaches the bench or DBT • During infield warm up the other team must be in their dugout or away from the area
Other NFHS Rules • Batted ball lodges in a player’s mitt or glove, ball is dead award one base (not temporarily stuck) e.g. fielder tosses glove with ball to another fielder 5.1.1q,r,s • Batted ball lodges in a fielder’s uniform ball is dead award two bases • Delayed dead ball if a player removes his helmet or carelessly throws a bat (Team warning) • All players must be in the dugout unless required to be else where
Other NFHS Rules • Runner or BR interferers when, in umpire’s judgment, a double play was possible, two outs shall be declared, that runner and the other runner involved. If the umpire does not know which runner would have been played on, call the runner closest to home out. 8-4-2 g • Runners are never required to slide but if they do the slide must be legal. If no slide runner must avoid a fielder making a play. • Any unsportsmanlike conduct, in umpires judgment, warn or eject • No rule against arguing balls and strikes
Other NFHS Rules • When a double play is in order and any runner interferes with a fielder attempting to make a play, two MAY be called out. If the umpire judged a double play was not possible, he may not call two out, even if the interference was deliberate. 8.4.1 d, 8.4.2 e • FED - Deliberate Interference - Not automatic DP • OBR - Deliberate Interference - Automatic DP • FED - Accidental Interference - Can be a DP • OBR - Accidental Interference - Cannot be a DP