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Welcome to the Master's Program in Network and System Administration at the University of Oslo and Oslo and Akershus University College. This program provides information on semester fees, registration, courses, student loans, and grants for new students. Ensure timely payment of fees, registration for courses, and access to student services. For further details, visit the provided links.
Welcome to the Master programme in Network and System Administration (master's - 2 years)
Mozhdeh Sheibani Harat Programme Coordinator- Department of Informatics, University of Oslo E-mail: mharat@ifi.uio.no phone +47-22840130 Rom 4137
Brit Balgaard Programme coordinator- Faculty of Technology, Art and design, HiOA E-mail: brit.balgaard@hioa.no phone +47 22 45 33 18 Rom PS725
Semester fee • Everybody has to pay the semester fee to the University of Oslo. It means that you only pay the semester fee to the one of the institutions. • The deadlines for paying the semester fee are: Autumn semester: 1st of September Spring Semester: 1st of February • Payment information, i.e. account number, new KID number and the total amount to be paid can be found in Student Web. You can pay in the same way as you usually pay invoices through your bank. Do not fill in an invoice by hand - use Net banking. Only new students are automatically sent invoices in the post. If necessary, you can order an invoice in Student Web. • New program students will receive an invoice in their welcome package.
Registration every semester at both institutions on the studetweb • UiO: Choose 'Semester registration' from the menu. Register course applications for this semester within the defined open and closing dates for course registrations. Register certain other types of information (semester address etc.). • When you have paid the semester fee and completed the semester registration, you have been registered as a student for the semester. In Norwegian: 'semesterregistrert'.
Registration every semester at both institutions on the studetweb HiOA: • Use your student number and the password you created when making an IT account when logging into the studentweb. On studentweb you among others might: • Control that your address is correct, and change it if necessary • Control that you have been registered for the exams you are going to pass in the current semester
Registration for Courses at UIO and HIOA Compulsory courses: As long as you are following the normal curriculum, you are automatically registered for compulsory courses . If you are attending other courses or are delayed in your course of study, you have to sign up personally for the exam by using your student web at UiO. At HiOA you have to contact the administrative staff, so this can be registered manually.
Optional courses: • You personally have to sign up for optional courses by using student web at UiO and by contacting the administrative staff at HiOA. Deadline for choosing optional courses at HiOA: 1st of October. • If you want to withdraw from an exam, you also use your student web. The deadline are: UIO : two weeks before the exam. HIAO: Autumn semester: 1st of November Spring semester: 1st of April • If problems occur when trying to sign up for or withdraw from an exam on your student web, please contact the administration officers in our examination offices or your international contact persons. Courses in Informatics (offered in English) http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/matnat/ifi/in-english.xml
Student loans and grants • Student loans and grants from the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund: For those of you who are eligible, You have to send your application for loans and grants via the University of Oslo
Semester card • A UIO-semester card will be sent to you in the post once you have registered for the semester and paid the semester fee. • Student number All students at the University of Oslo have a UiO student number. You will also find your number in the StudentWeb.
STUDENT IDENTITY CARDat HIOA Even though you pay your student fee only to the University of Oslo, you are entitled to have a student identity card at Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences. The student identity card issued by Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences only works as an access card to the facilities at the university college. To get discounts on e.g. public transport, you have to use the student identity card issued by the University in Oslo.
Useful links • General information for new Master students at Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences may be found here • (http://www.hio.no/Welcome-to-OUC/Current-Students/Formalities-for-New-Master-students). • Your Programme: http://www.uio.no/english/studies/programmes/nsa-master/ • The Department: http://www.mn.uio.no/ifi • Courses : http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/matnat/ifi/ http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/matnat/ • student welfare organization(SIO) http://www.sio.no/wps/portal/sio?reset=true • Student organizations http://www.mn.uio.no/ifi/livet-rundt-studiene/organisasjoner/ • http://www.hioa.no/eng/Student
APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF STUDENT VISA For all confirmations you need regarding renewal of your student visa: Please address your request to the University of Oslo • EXTENDED PERIOD OF STUDYING If you at a certain point see that you might need an extension of your study period, please address a written request to the University of Oslo