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第四章 醇类中毒 Spirits intoxicant. Forensic department Zufeng wang. Spirits intoxicant ↓ ↓ Alcohol intoxication. Drugged Driving?. Is it a problem? Who’s doing it? How do we prevent it?. 概 述. 醇类是一类跟链烃基相连的羟基的有机化合物。 甲醇--醛类--酸类 乙醇--醛类--酮类 法医学中常见. 第一节 乙醇中毒. 中毒原因: 毒理作用: 中毒致死量:
第四章 醇类中毒Spirits intoxicant Forensic department Zufeng wang
Drugged Driving? • Is it a problem? • Who’s doing it? • How do we prevent it?
概 述 • 醇类是一类跟链烃基相连的羟基的有机化合物。 • 甲醇--醛类--酸类 • 乙醇--醛类--酮类 • 法医学中常见
第一节 乙醇中毒 • 中毒原因: • 毒理作用: • 中毒致死量: • 中毒症状: • 尸体检查所见: • 检材采取: • 法医学鉴定要点:
Ethyl alcohol intoxication • Any drink containing from 0.5 to 95% alcohol is considered an alcoholic beverage. The term “proof” is used to describe the strength of an alcoholic beverage. Proof is defined as twice the percentage of the alcohol content of the drink. Thus, an 80-proof beverage is 40% alcohol. The alcohol content of beer ranges between 3.2 and 4%, table wines 7.1 to 14%, whiskey 40–75%, vodka 40–50%, gin 40–85%, and rum 40–95%.
H H C C OH H H H Alcohol (CH3-CH2-OH)
Definition • Alcohol tolerance: over time, the person must consume more alcohol to achieve the same effect • Dependence: develop withdraw symptoms with cessation of alcohol • Addiction: drastic behavior used to maintain alcohol intake, often involved socially inappropriate behavior
酒度:20℃时乙醇含量的百分比表示,即100 ml酒类饮料中含乙醇的毫升数。 • 啤酒2-6%,葡萄酒10-23%,黄酒14-17%,白酒50-65%,威士忌40-50%,杜松子酒40-55%,朗姆酒40-65%。 • 化工、医药原料,实验室试剂。
中毒原因 • 大量饮酒致急性中毒。 • 过量饮酒可直接中毒或严重并发症。 • 医疗误用,发生中毒。 • 与其他药物相互作用。 • 长期慢性中毒。 • 乙醇滥用导致一系列社会问题-车祸、打架斗殴、工伤事故、暴力犯罪及意外事故。
毒理作用 • 吸收: 80%由十二指肠,其余由胃。 酒后2-5分钟开始入血,1小时吸收60%,1.5小时吸收90%,血中浓度达高峰,2.5小时全部吸收。 空腹吸收快(半小时80%),食物(脂肪、蛋白)减慢吸收收,乙醇含量高吸收快,有胃病吸收快。蒸汽可由呼吸道吸入,皮肤少。
ecause alcohol is soluble in water, it is present in the body tissue in direct relation to the amount of water content of the tissue or fluid. Specimens with high water content, such as blood or vitreous, will have high concentrations of alcohol compared with tissues such as the liver or brain. Forensic pathologists tend to deal in whole blood when performing alcohol determinations, while clinicians often use serum or plasma.
毒理作用 • 分布: 入血后均匀而迅速分布全身所有组织和体液中。酒后1-1.5h血中浓度最高,6-13h脏器最高,血供好的脏器(脑、肝、肾、肺)分布多,脂肪、骨组织分布少。 在平衡状态时,全血与脑、肝、脑 脊液、呼气的乙醇浓度恒定,分别为:1:1,1:0.85,1:1.10-1.27,2300:1。
Metabolism • Rapid absorption through stomach(20%) and small intestine • >90% EtOH (by ADH) acetaldehyde (by ALDH) acetate CO2+water • 5-10% EtOH excreted through lung+ kidney • 1 drink raise blood alcohol level (BAL) 25mg/dL • Ratio between BAL and [EtOH]lung constant (J Appl Physiol 1998:84(2):401-8, review)
Metabolism • EtOH clearance= 25 mg/dL/h (20-30) • Increase EtOH clearance? flumazenil no; naloxone no; IV fluid no (J Emerg Med 1999;17:1-5, controlled, cross-over) • H2-blockers impair alcohol metabolism? controversial
毒理作用 • 代谢: 主要在肝脏代谢。 肝细胞浆 肝细胞线粒体 肝细胞内质网微粒体 MEOS 三羧酸循环 CO2+H2O 醛 过氧化物-过氧化氢酶体系
代谢: 一般乙醇消除率:11-25mg/100ml/h,平均18mg/100ml/h。 ﹥10mg/100ml,酶饱和,零级代谢。 ﹤20mg/100ml,一级代谢-非线性。 非线性消除伴一级吸收的一室开放模型。
毒理作用 • 主要:抑制中枢神经系统 ⑴选择性抑制脑干网状结构上行激动系统。 ⑵抑制皮层下中枢、脊髓和小脑功能。 ⑶抑制延髓血管运动中枢和呼吸中枢。 呼吸中枢麻癖---主要死因。 • 次要: ⑴血管运动中枢受抑制及乙醇代谢产物刺激,导致血管扩张,血流增加。 ⑵同某些药物的协同作用。(呼吸抑制剂、麻醉剂、毒品等) ⑶ 慢性中毒,机体多方面损害。
胎儿酒精综合征(fetal alcohol syndrome) • 定义:是指孕妇过量饮酒,乙醇通过胎盘屏障,影响胎儿正常生长发育,导致胎儿中枢神经系统功能障碍,表现为胎儿发育障碍以及特有容貌和畸形为特征的综合征。
胎儿酒精综合征是一组影响在妊娠期过量饮酒的孕妇的胎儿的问题。它以胎儿在出生前和出生后的发育迟缓为特征。在患胎儿酒精综合征的患儿中,也可见到心脏和肢体缺陷,面容古怪,如鼻子短而倒转,上颌骨扁平,双眼不对称。这些儿童也会有行为的异常,语言障碍和关节、肌肉的异常。胎儿酒精综合征是一组影响在妊娠期过量饮酒的孕妇的胎儿的问题。它以胎儿在出生前和出生后的发育迟缓为特征。在患胎儿酒精综合征的患儿中,也可见到心脏和肢体缺陷,面容古怪,如鼻子短而倒转,上颌骨扁平,双眼不对称。这些儿童也会有行为的异常,语言障碍和关节、肌肉的异常。 • 面部或颅骨的发育异常,生长迟滞和中枢神经系统的损害,常常是智力缺陷。
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome • A disorder occurring in children born to alcoholic women who continue to drink heavily during pregnancy. Common abnormalities are growth deficiency (prenatal and postnatal), altered morphogenesis, mental deficiency, and characteristic facies - small eyes and flattened nasal bridge. Fine motor dysfunction and tremulousness are observed in the newborn.
中毒致死量 • 一般个体中毒量为75-80g,致死量为250-500g。中毒血浓度100 mg/dl,致死血浓度为400-500mg/dl。饮酒习惯和个体差异影响大。 • 乙醇与麻醉剂或呼吸抑制剂合用,致死量明显减少。机体重要器官有疾病或损伤时较低剂量乙醇可致重度中毒或死亡。 • 酒精不纯,中毒复杂。
急性中毒症状 • 兴奋器(30-100mg/ml):兴奋、多言,面色发红,呼气有酒味,脉搏加速,眼睛发亮,易冲动,意志力减弱,自制力部分丧失,易激惹,有时性欲冲动,判断力和辨别力减弱,反射动作灵活降低。 • 共济失调期 ( 100-200mg/ml ):言语动作均失协调,舌重口吃,语无伦次,步态不稳,可发生喷射性呕吐,酒味明显,随即昏睡,醒后全身乏力。 • 抑制器( 300-500mg/ml ):迅速进入深睡,摇撼不醒,失去知觉。表颜面苍白,皮肤湿冷,紫绀,呼吸表浅而有鼾声,脉搏快速,血压下降,昏迷,可因呕吐物吸入窒息并发肺炎、呼吸衰竭而死亡。
血中乙醇浓度与中毒症状和机体反应的关系 乙醇浓度(mg/dl) 症状和机体反应 30-50 精神愉快飘然感,视觉和本体感觉轻微迟钝,技巧运动的 准确性下降 50-100 兴奋脸红多言,语无伦次,喜怒无常,反应迟钝,交通肇事可 能性增加 100-150 激动吵闹口齿不清,动作失调步态蹒跚,判断力下降,易 发交通肇事 150-200 恶心呕吐,共济失调,意思紊乱,明显酩酊状态 200-300 精神恍惚,进入麻醉状态,可能昏迷,易吸入窒息 300-400 昏迷,呼吸有鼾声,体温下降,麻痹 400以上 意思丧失,深度昏迷,可因呼吸中枢麻癖而死亡
慢性乙醇中毒症状 • 长期、过量饮酒引起的实质器官病理变化及行为障碍性疾病。 • 表现:面部血管扩张,营养不良,贫血,周围神经炎,慢性胃炎,酒精性肝病和肝硬化及震颤性谵妄,酒精性心肌病、痴呆、精神病和脑损害,小脑综合失调征。皮肤长期接触酒精可导致局部干燥、脱屑、龟裂和皮炎。
急性中毒-尸检所见 • 体表:颜面潮红,眼睑水肿,可闻到酒精味 • 内脏:体腔内酒味更浓,脏器充血、水肿及点灶状出血。喉头、胃、肠粘膜充血、水肿,肾、胰、肾上腺出血,肝脂肪变性,胆囊水肿呈胶冻状,脾淤血、脑水肿,肺淤血、水肿,膀胱内尿潴留。 • 其他:意外死亡-溺死、窒息、高低温损伤 交通事故-损伤
慢性中毒-尸检所见 • 全身:营养不良,浮肿,体重减轻。 • 脏器:酒精性肝病、酒精性心肌病、酒精中毒性脑病、慢性胃炎、肠炎,肾上腺萎缩 酒精透明小体(Mallory小体):慢性酒精中毒者肝脏的胞浆内出现鹿角形、花环形、不规则形的团快,HE染色呈紫红色,电镜下小体由无数不规则的微丝组成,是酒精性肝病的一个标志。
Mallory body • is fibrillar proteins of intracytoplasmic inclusions within swollen hepatocytes; these cells contain little or no fat, It is a characteristic of alcoholic hepatitis. Mallory bodies are also found in some other diseases.
酒精性心肌病:心肌重量增加,左室扩大,可见附壁血栓,左心室及室间隔内膜呈斑快状纤维增厚。心肌纤维明显肥大、排列不规则,伴有空泡变性和间质水肿,重者灶状坏死、纤维化。线粒体数目增加,嵴减少或消失。心率紊乱--急死原因。酒精性心肌病:心肌重量增加,左室扩大,可见附壁血栓,左心室及室间隔内膜呈斑快状纤维增厚。心肌纤维明显肥大、排列不规则,伴有空泡变性和间质水肿,重者灶状坏死、纤维化。线粒体数目增加,嵴减少或消失。心率紊乱--急死原因。 • 酒精性脑病:神经胶质和血管增生并伴有新旧出血,NC较好。大脑皮层萎缩,中心性脑桥髓鞘溶解,小脑蚓部、半球前部及上部各层细胞缺失,皮质萎缩、叶间沟增宽蛛网膜下腔增宽。
检材采取 • 活体:呼气,采血 • 死后尸体:周围静脉血-股静脉 • 溺死尸体:周围血 • 烧死尸体:深部血-心腔 • 外伤:颅内血肿-受伤时血中浓度 • 大失血、严重损伤:睾丸、前列腺、臀部肌肉(1:0.74-0.94) • 腐败尸体:玻璃体(1:0.89) • 脏器取材:内脏-脑,体液-尿液
Drug Recognition Evaluation Procedures • Standardized and Systematic process • DREs trained to follow an Evaluation Checklist • Proceeds from BAC through assessment of signs of impairment to toxicological analysis • Similar to standard medical diagnosis procedures DRE Procedures Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Step 10 Step 11 Step 12
Step 1: Alcohol Content DRE or Arresting officer determines if alcohol is involved.
Step 2: Interview the Arresting Officer • DRE determines the reason for the arrest • Driving observed? • SFST results? • Statements made? • Other relevant matters
Step 3: Preliminary Examination • “Fork-in-the-Road” for the DRE • DRE determines if there is sufficient reason to suspect drug impairment • Determines if impairment may be medically related
Step 4: Eye Examinations DRE tests for Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus (HGN), Vertical Nystagmus (VGN), and eye convergence
Step 5: Divided Attention Tests DRE administers the following divided attention tests: • Romberg Balance • Walk and Turn • One-Leg Stand • Modified Finger-To-Nose
Step 6: Vital Signs Examination DRE conducts three vital signs examinations: • Pulse rate (Taken 3 times) • Blood pressure • Body temperature
Step 7: Dark RoomExamination • Pupillometer used to estimate the arrestee’s pupil sizes in two different light levels • Includes examination of nasal and oral cavities
Step 8: Muscle Tone DRE examines arrestee’s arms for muscle tone; flaccid, rigid, or normal
Step 9: Examination For Injection Sites • DRE examines for injection sites. • Most frequently used areas include: Arms Neck Ankles
Step 10 - Statements & Interview • DRE conducts a structured interview • Miranda warnings given if not previously done • Suspect questioned about drug use based upon the results of the evaluation • DRE records admissions
Step 11: Opinion of the DRE • DRE forms an opinion as to the drug influence and the category(s) of drug(s) • Makes an “informed opinion” based upon totality of evaluation and evidence • Symptomology Chart used to form final opinion
Step 12: Toxicology • DRE requests urine or blood sample for analysis • Implied Consent statutes followed
Seven Drug Categories • CNS Depressants • CNS Stimulants • Hallucinogens • Phencyclidine (PCP) & Analogs • Narcotic Analgesics • Inhalants • Cannabis