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Delivering race equality in mental health care. . An action plan for reform inside and outside services
1. Count Me In: the Mental Health and Learning Disability Ethnicity Census 2006Roadshows
9. Age composition
10. Gender composition
11. Language
12. Ethnicity recording
13. Admission rates*
19. 2006 Census: next steps Series of Road shows including technical guidance
Promotional & training videos, one with specific focus on people with Learning Disabilities
Posters for each ward, service user Q&A and easy read version, all translated
Dedicated project team based within MHAC
20. “Everyone has a right to receive mental health care of good quality that meets their individual needs, regardless of background. Achieving this, particularly for people from Black and Minority Ethnic groups, is one of the greatest challenges facing mental health services in England and Wales.”
Count Me In results December 2005
Delivering race equality in mental health care
21. Further information… Further details of the dataset are in the project protocol which can be downloaded from www.mhac.org.uk/census2006/technical.php.
Full details of dataset, coding and data capture arrangements will be sent to Census Leads by end of January
Further information from Count Me In website (www.mhac.org.uk/census) or from Pam Thamu (paramjit.thamu@mhac.org.uk) or Jo Simpson (jo.simpson@mhac.org.uk).
23. Collecting the Census Data
The census dataset
What information is to be collected?
Data capture arrangements
How will it be collected and submitted?
24. Who should participate? All NHS providers in England and Wales of inpatient mental health and learning disability services (Care Trusts, MH Trusts, LD Trusts, some Hospital, Foundation and PC Trusts).
Independent providers:
All independent hospitals registered with Healthcare Commission under Section 2 of the Care Standards Act.
All care homes registered under Section 3 of the Care Standards Act.
Establishments registered as mental health and learning disability inpatient providers with CSIW.
25. What services and patients are included? All inpatients in mental health and learning disability services, at midnight on 31 March 2006, including:
Child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS)
Adult services
Older persons mental health services
Specialist services, e.g. for deaf people with mental health problems, mother and baby services, etc
Substance misuse services
Brain Injury units
Forensic services
Learning disability services
26. What information about each patient? 1. Patient information
date of birth (year only)
sexual orientation
NB: name and patient ID are not part of the Census return although they will be used to aid local data collection
27. How is ethnicity coded? ONS 2001 categories
White British (including Welsh) Pakistani
White Irish Bangladeshi
Other White Other Asian
White-Black Caribbean Mixed Black Caribbean
White-Black African Mixed Black African
White-Asian Mixed Other Black
Other Mixed Chinese
Indian Other
PLUS Not Stated
and free text field “other ethnic category”
28. What information … 2. Administrative details
Codes of organisations providing and paying for patient’s care (provider and commissioner org codes)
Legal status of patient on admission and on Census day
Date of admission for current hospital spell or episode
Where was patient referred from for this hospital spell
Service Type - whether mental health or learning disabilities
Details of ward security level, type and age range
Way in which patient’s ethnicity has been assessed (self assessment required except in specific cases)
29. What information … 3. Details of patient’s care and treatment
Does patient need an interpreter?
Is the patient in single sex accommodation?
Is the patient consenting?
CPA level
Reason for patient being in hospital (out of - mental illness, learning disability, personality disorder)
Specific disabilities (any from a list of five types)
Recorded incidents of violence, seclusion or hands on restraint
30. Further information about the dataset Full details of the Census dataset and codes are in the Project Protocol - sent to Census Leads and available on Census web site.
The protocol also highlights new items added this year and gives precise definitions for items where interpretation may vary, e.g. for consent, hands on restraint, seclusion, learning disabilities...
Wherever possible the Census uses standard NHS data items (as used in HES and MHMDS) and codes.
The Dataset has approval from ROCR, MREC and PIAG.
The 2006 dataset items has been piloted with 12 providers.
All the information should be collected as part of good patient care and we expect most of it to be available on patient record systems.
A few items will need to be checked directly with patients to ensure it is accurate and up to date - ethnicity, language, religion and sexual orientation.
31. How will data be collected? Key actions for providers / Census Leads
Already - nominate Census Lead and activate provider account on Census web site (if you haven’t done this yet please contact Pam Thamu urgently)
From 23 February - log in and download Census Spreadsheet, Project Protocol and Notes on Completing the Census Spreadsheet from web site
Now - Plan for Census day and start collecting data
31 March 2006 - Census day
April - finish collecting and entering data to spreadsheet
Log in to web site to upload the completed spreadsheet as soon as possible (30 April deadline).
32. How will data be collected?... From 23 Feb... Census Lead logs in to secure area of web site (Provider Log in) to download Census Spreadsheet and supporting documents:
Census Spreadsheet
Project Protocol
Notes on Completing the Census Spreadsheet
Whoever has responsibility for the Census should read the Project Protocol and Notes on Completing the Spreadsheet thoroughly before starting to collect any information.
This will save you time - the Spreadsheet has been designed to help you provide full and accurate data. Take time to find out what it can do!
33. How will data be collected?... Now - start to plan for Census day, consider:
How much of the information is already available?
Is it in a similar format and can codes be matched to the Census dataset?
Where is it - on electronic system, in patient notes (on patient front sheet)?
Is it complete and up to date?
If not, can the missing information be collected now?
Who will be involved in asking patients for details of ethnicity, language, religion and sexual orientation?
When can this be done before Census day?
Training for these staff
Gathering information from multiple sites
34. A smart Excel file which includes: Import Function – useful if you can extract much of the required data from an existing electronic patient record system.
Forms – allowing manual input of ward and patient data.
Pull down menus – only valid codes can be entered when data is input manually.
Print Functions – for blank data capture sheet, partially completed patient records with blanks to fill in AND complete patient records to go back in patient files (if required).
Validation and Encryption routines – identify any gaps in the information and ensure there is no risk of breaching patient confidentiality in the upload process. Using the Census spreadsheet
35. Using the Census spreadsheet… Note of caution…
You need to be running a version of Excel 2000 or later for the Census spreadsheet to function correctly.
You cannot have other excel files open on your PC whilst using the Census spreadsheet.
If you have several large sites it is possible for each to complete its own spreadsheet, which can be amalgamated into one return. If you want to do this read the Notes carefully before starting.
It is best to collect all the data that will need to be input manually before entering new patient records to the Spreadsheet or editing partially complete patient data imported from a csv file.
Although the Census spreadsheet is downloaded from the web site it is completed “off line”. You complete your Census return by logging in to the web site and uploading the completed Spreadsheet.
Keep a copy of the completed spreadsheet for yourselves.
36. Further help with the spreadsheet
If you have questions:
Read the Notes… a step by step guide for providers large and small, with or without a electronic patient record system.
Check out the FAQs on the Census web site.
Contact Paramjit Thamu or Jo Simpson directly or email our dedicated mailbox (census2006@mhac.org.uk).
If you are part of a group or know someone who participated last year, ask an experienced colleague
If you anticipate major problems, TELL US NOW!
GOOD LUCK! www.mhac.org.uk/census