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  3. Lasbuenas acciones de hoy hacen un mañana mejor Our Mission Statement “The Good Action of Today Make For a Better Tomorrow” Our mission is to provide and serve the world agro-industry with our quality products , in order to improve the quality of live of peoples throughout the world. We try to accomplish this by the manufacture of the best quality products and and their distribution through our network of distributors in all parts of the world.

  4. ¿Who are we? Agranco Group is a manufacturing and sale organization with corporate offices in Coral Gables, Fl. USA, and manufacturing organizations in Mexico and the USA.. AGRANCO has a distribution network covering Mexico, USA ,Central and South America, Europe , The Middle East , North Africa and Asia. All are dedicated to the distribution and service of our products, with their own staff of Engineers , Technical Specialists and phD’ in each area of activity and expertise. These areas are: Feed and Related Industries, Food Processing Sanitization, Sugar Manufacturing and Agricultural Industries. Our products are unique for each industry, of our own formulation and brand names. Each product has been thoroughly researched in laboratory and field trials. We invite you to evaluate them and become part of our list of satisfied

  5. PHYTEX 500 Phytase PHYTEX 500………500.000 U*AGR U* = Units of activity Dosage: 100 gr. Per MT of feed Saves 0.1% of inorganic phosphorous and 1.5% of protein per MT of feed All ingredients are approved by FDA and the Association of American Feed Control Officials/ Official publication / page No. 998 chapter 30 Eznymes .

  6. What IS PHYTEX 500 Phytase is an enzyme that is found in nature, principally, in plants. It is formed in its growing stage to supply phosphorous to the plant during that stage. Phytase is also found in the intestinal moccus of the small intestine in most animals. In the case of micro-organisms, it is found in Aspergillus sp. and in yeast. PHYTEX 500 is obtained by a natural fermentation process , from Aspergillus Nigger, without modification of its genetic structure. (NON-GMO)

  7. Lasbuenas acciones de hoy hacen un mañana mejor PHYTEX 500 Mode of Action Inositol Hexaphoshate, (IH), is present in cereals and raw materials of vegetable origin, at 1% to 3%. (IH) contains natural phosphoric acid at 60% to 80%. Example: in Wheat (IH): 0.6% to 1.4% (w/w) ; Soy Flakes: (IH): 1.5% to 1.8% (w/w). Bran: (IH): 2.6% to 5.4% (w/w).Prot.Con: (IH):2.0% to 3.0%.(w/w) Phytase breaks the (IH) molecule freeing the phosphoric acid present , making it bio-available to the animal in a natural form , and reducing the need for inorganic phosphorous.

  8. Lasbuenas acciones de hoy hacen un mañana mejor PHYTEX 500 PHYTEX 500 savings in formualtion, units of activity and economic advantages When PHYTEX 500 is added to feed , at recommended levels, it allows for 1.5% savings in protein, 0.1% savings inorganic phosphorous and 3.25% savings in energy. These savings represent at least a net savings of 600% of its inclusion cost in formulation, per MT of feed. One unit of activity of PHYTEX 500 is defined as “ the amount of enzyme required to liberate 1 micro mole of inorganic phosphorous per minute as measured by its method of quantification”. One unit of activity AGR U* is defined as “the amount of enzyme required to produce (together) : an increase of : 1.5% soluble protein (w/w), 0.1% (w/w) liberated at pH 5 and 37ºC per gram of standard formulated feed. PHYTEX 500 contains 5,000 AGR U* per gram. .

  9. Lasbuenas acciones de hoy hacen un mañana mejor PHYTEX 500 Other benefits: Inositol Hexaphosphate (IH), bonds with minerals , such as iron, calcium and magnesium in feeds, reducing their bio-availability to the animals. (IH) also form insoluble molecular complexes with proteins. These complexes prevent digestive enzyme activities , reducing digestibility of feeds and some enzyme emmulsifying functions. These molecular complexes, create the necessity of inorganic phosphorous , as an additive in rations. Some of the inorganic phosphorous included in rations is excreted in feces , creating environmental contamination in swine operations.

  10. Lasbuenas acciones de hoy hacen un mañana mejor PHYTEX 500 Inclusion of PHYTEX 500 in feed ration 100 grams per MT of feed. PHYTEX 500 can be pre-mixed or added directly into the mixer. 100 grams of PHYTEX 500 provide 500,000 AGR U* per MT of feed. Characterisitics: Activity vs. Temperature: 100% Act.@ 60°C. (Range: 48°C a 68°C). Activity vs. pH: 100% Act. @ pH 6. (Range de 5.5 a 7). However, PHYTEX 500 can be pelletized at maximum: 86º C during 30 seconds. Enzyme loss: 2% to 5%. It can also be mixed with water (100% soluble) and added by spray after pelleting. Packaging: PHYTEX 500 is packed in poly plastic bags in 20 kg boxes or in 20 kg paper bags.

  11. Lasbuenas acciones de hoy hacen un mañana mejor PHYTEX 500 Use and formulation guide for PHYTEX 500: PHYTEX 500 saves protien, energy and phosphorous values in feed rations. The follwoing corrective values (reduction) should be taken into account when formulation with PHYTEX 500: ahorra valores de proteína y fósforo en la ración. • Proteins 1.50 % • Energy 3.25 % • Phosphorous 0.10 %

  12. Lasbuenas acciones de hoy hacen un mañana mejor PHYTEX 500 Increase in phosphorus values with PHYTEX 500: • Standard digestibility reference in %: 0.495 of liberated phosphorous at 0.44% phosphorous • Digestibility per uniform dosage of PHYTEX 500, %:0.630% • Increase in digestibility of phosphorous %: 0.135 • Disgestible liberated phosphorous, %: 0.0594. Calculated as follows: (0.630-0.495)*0.44 • Disgestible liberated phosphorous, gr./Kg.: 0.594 gr./Kg. • Inorganic phosphorous bio-available replaced by PHYTEX 500: ( Defluorinated Phosphate) , %: 0.100

  13. PHYTEX 500

  14. Lasbuenas acciones de hoy hacen un mañana mejor PHYTEX 500 • * = Ideal apparent digestibility; ** = based on crude protein

  15. PHYTEX 500 Matrix interpretation: The hydrolitic action of PHYTEX 500 on Inositol Hexaphosphate (IH) increases the bio-availability of phosphorous , and also that of other nutrients in feed. The presence of (IH) bonds to minerals and proteins forming insoluble complexes , decreasing the bioavailabilty of these nutrients in feeds. Breaking down (IH), not only liberate phosphorous but also other nutrients as expressed in the accompanied matrix. The values that appear in the matrix above, are percentages and only take into consideration the hydrolitic action of PHYTEX 500. The percentages are directly related with the rate of inclusion of PHYTEX 500 in feed. (grams/MT). To determine the % of additional nutritional values made available by the hydrolitic action of PHYTEX 500, the following formula is used: The nutritional value is equivalent to: Nutrient (%) matrix value X (Dosage in grams) PHYTEX 500 / MT of feed Devided by 1,000,000 gramos / TM Making this calculation per each matrix nutrient, determines the increment provided by PHYTEX 500, and is equivalent to the corresponding savings per nutrient.

  16. Lasbuenas acciones de hoy hacen un mañana mejor PHYTEX 500 Guaranteed Composition INGREDIENTS Units of Activity PERCENTAGE Fermentation Products Aspergillus niger (Enzymes) 30% Units of Activity AGR U* 500,000 /100 Grams Aspergillus Orizae Fermentation products 40% Carrier- Maltodextrine 30% Total........................l00%

  17. Lasbuenas acciones de hoy hacen un mañana mejor PHYTEX 500 PHYTEX 500 AGRU (Unit of Activity) DEFINITION One unit of activity of PHYTEX 500 is defined as the quantity of PHYTEX 500 required to liberate one micro-mole of inorganic phosphorous per minute according to the Phytex 500 method of analysis. One unit of AGR U* (Unit of activity) is the quantity of enzyme , that together with phytase in PHYTEX 500, is required to increment 1.5% of soluble protein (w/w) , 3.25 % energy (w/w) and 0.1% phosphorous (w/w) in one gram of feed at pH 5, at 37ºC. PHYTEX 500 contains 5,000 AGR U* per gram.

  18. PHYTEX 500 UNITS OF ACTIVITY Phytase Activity: Approximately 500 units / gram Measuring conditions : Substrate Inositol Hexaphoaphate (Final Conc.. = 6. OmM) PH - 6.0 Temperature - 37 °C Reaction time - 30 Minutos Unit definition: One unit liverates one micromole per minute under the PHYTEX 500 method of analysisUna Please refer to: The Journal of Food Science. Vol.24 (No. 4), 1977

  19. PHYTEX 500 PHYTASE METHOD OF ANALYSIS • Pipet 1 ml of solution of substrate in test tube 18 X 180 MM. Pre.-incubate in water bath at 37ªC. • At zero time, rapidly pipet 0.1 ml of enzyme solution in substrate and mix, agitating it. Incubate at 37ªC for exactly 30 mins. Adding 3 ml of 1M triachloroacetic acid, mixing it slightly. (Solution A). • Pipet 1 ml. Of solution A and 7 ml of water in test tube (18 X 180 mm) and mix agitating . Pipet 1.5 ml of solution of ascorbic acid and mix agitating. Let rest for 20 mins at 37ªC. • After incubation , determine the absorbance of the solution in cell (1-cm), at 850 nm with spectrometer , using water (T).

  20. PHYTEX 500 MÉTHOD OF ANALYSIS OF PHYTASE ACTIVITY • Pipet 1 ml. of substrate solution, 3 ml of 1 M trichloroacetic acid and 0.1 ml of enzymatic solution in test tube of 18 X 180 mm. for blank. Then prepare a blank of the same in the same form as the sample, and determine the absorbance of blank (B). • Pipet standard solution, 7 ml. Of water and 1.5 ml. Of ascorbic acid. Then prepare a standard in the same manner as the sample and determine absorbance (ST). • Activity = T-B X 0.2631 X 4.1 X 1 X n (ST-SB) (1.0) (30) (0.1) T = Absorbance of enzymatic solution B = Absorbance of blank enzymatic solution ST = Absorbancia of standard solution n = Dilution factor 0.2631 = u mole of inorganic phosphorous in 1 ml of standrad solution.

  21. PHYTEX 500 L D50 OF ENZYMES FOR PHYTEX 500 The following LD values were obtained at 10 times the recommended concentration of PHYTEX RATS: MALES FEMALES Oral 25,000 mg / Kg and more 25,000 mg / KG and more Subcutaneous 6,420 mg / Kg 6,350 mg / Kg Intra-peritoneal 3,170 mg/Kg 3,170 mg/Kg RAT MALES FEMALES Oral 20,000 mg/Kg and more 20,000 mg / Kg and more Subcutaneous 12,380 mg/Kg 10,700 mg/Kg Intraperitoneal 3,280 mg / Kg 3,450 mg / Kg

  22. PHYTEX 500 PHYSICAL , CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL PROPERTIES • Physical properties: PHYTEX 500 is a beige powder with odor. • Segregation: 1 • Non compacted density gr/cm3: 0.71 • Compacted densty gr/cm-: N/A • Cohesiviness: 1.07 • Compresivity %: 14 • Ángle of repose: 32.9 • Solubility: 100% soluble in water. • Moisture absorption: 2% o Malla: 200 • Optimum pH: Amylase: 5.0, Protease: 3.0, Celullase: 4.5, Lipase:7.0 , Pectinase:4.0, Xylanase: 5.0, Lactase: 5.5, Phytase: 6.0

  23. PHYTEX 500 BIOLÓGICAL, CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES • Phytase identification test • Activity in breaking down (IH) Inositol Hexaphosphate made to liberate Phitic Acid: PASS . • Identifications test were made with previously describe procedures. • Properties: PH vs. Activity, pH vs. stability, Temperature vs. actividad: See following graphics.

  24. PHYTEX 500

  25. PHYTEX 500

  26. PHYTEX 500

  27. PHYTEX 500

  28. PHYTEX 500

  29. PHYTEX 500

  30. PHYTEX 500

  31. PHYTEX 500

  32. PHYTEX 500

  33. PHYTEX 500

  34. PHYTEX 500

  35. PHYTEX 500

  36. PHYTEX 500

  37. PHYTEX 500 AGRANCO CORP USA 824 Coral Way, Coral Gables, Fl. 33134 Tel (305) 443 026 Fax (305) 443 7062 E mail: agranco@nestcape.net E. Mail: agranco@bellsouth.net www.agranco.com

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