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Interreg V B Adriatic-Ionian ADRION Seminar for Applicants

Get all the key information and guidelines for submitting your project proposal in the ADRION First Call for Proposals. Learn about eligibility criteria, partnership requirements, financial allocations, and submission procedures.

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Interreg V B Adriatic-Ionian ADRION Seminar for Applicants

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  1. Interreg V B Adriatic-Ionian ADRION Seminar for Applicants Athens, 7 March 2016

  2. ADRION first call for proposals – Main features

  3. ADRION first call for proposals – Priorities and Specific Objectives 2. Sustainable Region 2.1 Promote the sustainable valorisation of natural and cultural assets as growth assets 2.2 Enhance the capacity in transnationally tacking environmental vulnerability, fragmentation and the safeguarding of ecosystem services 3. Connected Region 3.1 Enhance capacity for integrated transport and mobility services and multimodality system including multimodal links 1. Innovative and Smart Region 1.1Support the development of a regionalInnovation system for the Adriatic-Ionian area EUR 33 Million

  4. ADRION first call for proposals – Financial allocation Budget allocation 1st call for proposals: 40% programme budget of Priority Axes 1-3 Ranking list of assessed project proposals per Priority Axis!

  5. ADRION first call for proposals – Main features

  6. ADRION first call for proposals – Ways of involvement Financing partners: Are the ” bones” of the project proposals; Financially contribute to the project ; Located in the programme area. Associated Partners: Do not financially contribute to the project; Related expenditure is borne by the financing partners (limited to travel and accommodation); Do not act as service providers; Must demonstrate being involved for the benefit of the project; Can also be located outside the Programme area; Do not count for the fulfilment of the eligible partnership. Non-EU Partners located outside the Programme area: Have to be public institutions; Contribute with their own funds or with the financial support of other sources of funding (e.g.: ENI, IPA II, United Nation); Do not count for the fulfilment of the eligible partnership.

  7. ADRION first call for proposals – Eligible financing partners National, regional and local public bodies (including EGTCs) Bodies governed by public law (Article 2(4) of Directive 2014/24/EU) ) Private bodies (operational from at least 2 years) International organisations acting under the national law of an ADRION Partner State (operational from at least 2 years) • Be liable to the national law of the Partner States participating to the Programme; • Have their official seat and their seat of operations in the country/part of the country included in the Programme area; • Be endowed with legal personality.

  8. ADRION first call for proposals – Exception: Assimilated partners • Assimilated partners: • Italian public authorities/bodies governed by public law competent in their scope of action for certain parts of the eligible area but are located outside of it (e.g. ministries located in Rome); • Have equal rights and obligations to applicants located in the programme area; • Attribution of the status of assimilated partner shall be duly justified and further assessed with the support with the Italian National Authority/National Contact Point.

  9. ADRION first call for proposals – Lead Applicant Lead Applicant must be located in an ADRION ERDF Partner State. • The following institutions can be Lead Applicant: • Public bodies (national, regional or local level; also “assimilated”); • Bodies governed by public law (also “assimilated”); • International organizations acting under national law.

  10. ADRION first call for proposals – Private bodies • Can be profit or non-profit; • They must be operational from at least 2 years; • They must respect specific financial requirements in order to ensure their financial viability; • In case of project proposal, they must provide a financial guarantee for an amount corresponding to their respective share of EU contribution; • Financial guarantee is one of the pre-conditions for signing the Subsidy Contract by the Managing Authority.

  11. ADRION first call for proposals – Eligible partnership • Partnership composed by: • Financing partners from at least 3 Partner States, out of which • At least one financing partner must be from an ERDF Partner State. • Larger partnership possible: up to 10 financing partners; • Even larger partnership also possible if duly justified.

  12. ADRION first call for proposals – Application package • Call announcement; • Cooperation Programme; • Off-line Application Form; • Declarations of Lead Applicant and Project Partners (1 document per partner); • Declaration of Associated Partner(s) (1 document per associated partner); • Declaration on financial viability (for private partner(s) only); • In addition you have to provide: • Documents attesting that the legal representatives/delegated persons hold the power of signature or representation (guidance provided on ADRION web site); • a copy of his/her valid identity document (e.g. identity card, passport).

  13. ADRION first call for proposals – Submission of the project proposals • Electronically submitted via e-MS; • Registration access required; • Application submitted by the Lead Applicant; • Paper documentation required in case of project approval only.

  14. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Katerina Themeli National Contact Point- ManagingAuthority of ETC Programmes Unit: B2

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