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EMBEDDING ELL/LEP AND TECHNOLOGY STRATEGIES IN CONTENT AREAS. Prepared by: Edgardo L. Reyes And Donna Boivin. ELL/LEP Social Studies Using U.D. and Technology Principles. Part I Lesson Part II Review Participants will identify the components of a successful
ELL/LEP Social Studies Using U.D. and Technology Principles Part I Lesson Part II Review Participants will identify the components of a successful lesson that includes ELL/LEP and technology strategies. The groups will talk about how they could use this information to support ELL/LEP students. Part III Planning Discussion Participants will receive information on how to design a lesson that meets the diverse needs of ELL/LEPstudents through technology.
General Components LEP/ELL Components Technology Components How could I use components in other content areas? Part II- Lesson Review Chart
Content & Language Objectives Supplementary Material Adaptation Meaningful Activities Building Background Link Key Vocabulary Comprehensible Input Scaffolding Grouping Wait time and Pacing Hands-on Key Vocabulary Key Content Concepts Feedback Assessment Adaptation ELL Elements to Consider: Preparation: Think of: Instruction delivery: Think of: Review/Assessment: Think of:
Content & Language Objectives Technology Objectives Possible Barriers to Learning Alternative Plans in Case of Technical Difficulties Know Exactly What You are Looking For Utilize Internet Resources for Teacher and Student Materials Check All Internet Sites Before Using with Students Utilize Teacher-Made Internet Resources Such as TrackStar Clear Instructions Flexible Grouping Hands-On Work Challenging Work Multiple, Flexible Methods of Presentation Multiple, Flexible Methods of Expression Multiple, Flexible Options for Engagement Technology “UD” Principles to consider… Preparation: Think of: Instruction delivery and Review/Assessment: Think of:
Content: Grade: Topic: Content Objective: Language Objective: SS Framework: ELP Descriptor: Duration: Delivery Time and Activity: Igniter: Universal Design “UD” Part III- Suggested Lesson Organization Template:
Scaffolding Suggestions • Slow down the dialogue by • increasing wait time • allowing more turns before recasting what learner has said • Adjust or paraphrase inquiry : “Can you say that again?” “I don’t quite understand. Can you tell me again?” “Tell me a little more.” “Can you just expand on that more?” “What do you mean?” “Can you explain it again?” • Extend responses • Encourage journaling “What have you learned?”
Other Scaffolding Suggestions: Mnemonics PENS • Preview ideas • Explore words • Note words in a complete sentence • See if the sentence is okay Scaffolding writing • Building the field - Speaking, listening, reading, information gathering and note taking. • Modeling the text type - Have students become familiar with the purpose, overall structure, and linguistic features of the text they are going to write. • Joint construction - Teacher and students write text together, so that students can see how the text is written. • Independent writing - Students write their own text
Ways to Scaffold Instruction for ELL/LEP • Many of the instructional tasks described below employ grouping structures familiar in cooperative learning literature. 1. Modeling 2. Bridging3. Contextualization 4. Schema building 5. Text Re-Presentation 6. Use of Technology
Let’s remember that… • Scaffolding (concept & language) • Scaffolding is not simplifying language, it is amplifying language • Just because students don’t know the language doesn’t mean they can’t think. • Scaffolding intensity is greater for ELL/LEP students
Principles of the UDL Framework Principle 1: To support recognition learning, provide multiple, flexible methods of presentation Principle 2: To support strategic learning, provide multiple, flexible methods of expression and apprenticeship. Principle 3: To support affective learning, provide multiple, flexible options for engagement.
From Making Content Comprehensible for ELL- The SIOP ModelJana EchevarriaMaryEllen VogtDeborah J. Short All English language learners in schools today are not alike. They enter U.S. schools with a wide range of language proficiencies (in English and in the native languages) and of subject matter knowledge. In addition to the limited English proficiency and the approximately 180 native languages among the students, we also find diversity in their educational backgrounds, their expectations of schooling, their socioeconomic status, their age of arrival, and their personal experiences while coming to and living in the United States. All these factors impinge on the type of programs and instructional experiences the students should receive in order to succeed in school.