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Authentic Learning viaTechnology. Marge Maxwell, Ph.D . Rebecca Stobaugh, Ph.D. Janet Tassell, Ph.D. Western Kentucky University. What is Authentic Learning?. When a student learns from , I nteracts with , and H as an impact on the actual real world, I t is defined as real world
Authentic Learning viaTechnology Marge Maxwell, Ph.D. Rebecca Stobaugh, Ph.D. Janet Tassell, Ph.D. Western Kentucky University
What is Authentic Learning? • When a student learns from, • Interacts with, and • Has an impact on the actual real world, • It is defined as real world or authentic learning
Many Related Terms Not all truly involve engagement, connection, or immersion in the real world
Authentic Scenario A fifth grade classroom has a door to the outside and a hive of honeybees took up residence at the doorway The class decided that they wanted to capture the bees and start a beehive. One team worked with the PTA to raise money to purchase a beehive. Another team called a local beekeeper to help the students capture the bees and put them in the beehive. Another team researched how to maintain the bees and keep other students at the school safe. Another team research about how to extract honey from the hive, process it, and sell it. This opened another opportunity for the class as an entrepreneur!
Characteristics • Multifaceted and interdisciplinary • Challenging and messy problems • Open to multiple interpretations • Cannot be easily solved by applying an existing algorithm • Sustained investigation • Locate their own resources • Usually culminates in the creation of a whole product
So what about Standards? In the course of solving an authentic problem, students will learn skills and curriculum in multiple subjects to augment the real world application of those skills.
Real World Solutions • May not always work, • May not always please everyone, and • May have consequences beyond the problem or discipline
Collaboration is Integral • Creating products • Critical to making decisions • Solving problems Collaboration between the teacher and students is essential to design the content, tasks or projects, and assessment.
Real vs. Relevant • Relevant - students can relate, connect, or apply the content to something they know about • Real means - continuous perceived connection between what they are learning and their ability to use that learning to do something useful or impact the real world. (Prensky, 2010)
Authentic Learning Not New • Jerome Buner (1960) discussed constructivism • Dewey (1938) believed that learning is a social and interactive process • Apprenticeships - a primary method of learning a trade for thousands of years • Virginia still has a Law Reader Program (Virginia Board of Law Examiners, 2006)
“Portable Skills” • Judgmentto distinguish reliable from unreliable information, • Patienceto follow longer arguments and assignments, • Synthetic abilityto recognize relevant patterns in unfamiliar contexts, and • Flexibilityto work across disciplinary and cultural boundaries to generate innovative solutions (Jenkins et al., 2006).
Motivation Persevere as long as the project embodies what really counts to them—a social structure they enjoy, topics and activities of personal interest, and a feeling that what they are doing is important and valued. (Herrington, Oliver and Reeves, 2003; Prensky, 2010)
Teacher’s Role • Facilitator or coach • Design appropriate comprehension checks and feedback loops • Collaborate with students • Final assessment
Integrated Assessment • Not merely summative • Woven into the tasks, products, and teamwork • Multiple forms of evidence: student engagement; each student’s online blog journal; collaboration with the team, teacher, and outside experts; artifacts produced in the process of completing tasks; and the final product • Student Self-Assessment
External Accountability • Students should know what it feels like for actual stakeholders or experts beyond the classroom to give feedback. even hold them accountable for their work products. (Lombardi, 2007) • True collaboration with experts in the workplace is invaluable to student knowledge, skills and dispositions in the discipline, work ethic, and collaboration proficiencies.
In the integration of 21st century skills in real world settings, students learn autonomy in their own learning, self-directed mastery, a personal purpose, and the value of choice and other people’s opinions. Students learn that reflecting and metacognition can affect their decisions and mature thinking.
Teachers and students can begin real world learning on a scale that they are comfortable with. All benefit from learning in the real world! It’s a WIN-WIN!
References Bruner, J. (1960). The process of education. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Briggs, C. L. & Keyek-Franssen, D. (2010). Clickers and CATs: Using learner response systems for formative assessments in the classroom. Educause Quarterly. Common Cents New York, Inc. (2013). About the penny harvest. Retrieved from http://www.commoncents.org/go/penny-harvest Cronin, J. F. (1993). Four misconceptions about authentic learning. Authentic Learning. 50(7), 78-80. Dewey, J. (1938). Experience and education. New York: Collier Books. Herrington, J., Oliver, R., & Reeves., T. C. (2003). Patterns of engagement in authentic online learning environments. Australian Journal of Educational Technology, 19(1), 59-71. Jenkins, H., Clinton K., Purushotma, R., Robinson, A.J., & Weigel, M. (2006). Confronting the challenges of participatory culture: Media education for the 21st century. Chicago, IL: The MacArthur Foundation. Let’s Get Real, Inc. (2008). What’s new in let’s get real? Retrieved from http://www.lgreal.org Reeves, T. C. (2006). How do you know they are learning?: The importance of alignment in higher education. International Journal of Learning Technology. 2(4), 302-304. Virginia Board of Bar Examiners. (2006). Law Reader Memorandum: Amemorandum on the concept of reading law under an attorney’s supervision. Retrieved from http://www.vbbe.state.va.us/reader/readermemo.html Wood, D. (2003). ABC of learning and teaching in medicine: Problem based learning. British Medical Journal. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmj.326.7384.328