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SUNDANCE ELEMENTARY 2012 Riverside County EDUCATION SUMMIT. October 25, 2012. Sundance Staff. Lauren Kinney – Principal – 18 years Jennifer Tillson – Teacher 9 years Emily Smith – Teacher – 9 years Tracy Waters – Teacher 15 years.
SUNDANCE ELEMENTARY2012Riverside County EDUCATION SUMMIT October 25, 2012
Sundance Staff • Lauren Kinney – Principal – 18 years • Jennifer Tillson – Teacher 9 years • Emily Smith – Teacher – 9 years • Tracy Waters – Teacher 15 years
District Wide Goals – The Big Picture • Goal Oneis that all students in our district five years or longer will achieve Proficient or Advanced in core academic subjects as measured by the CST • Goal Two is that all English learners will be reclassified within five years as measured by the district reclassification criteria
District API: 812 • Our district API has seen a steady increase for the past 7 years. • We are committed to keep the momentum • going!
What do we want ALL students to know? How will we set them up for success? Good First Teaching For ALL Students How will we know they learned it? What do we do when they do? What will we do if they don’t? Beaumont USD Instructional Focus
Sundance Elementary SchoolA 6-time Title 1 Academic Achievement Award Winner, 2011 National Blue Ribbon School and 2012 CA Distinguished School … What led to this success?
Tiered Strategies A constant culture of celebration! High expectations and accountability
Tier 3 Intensive Intervention Jennifer Tillson 4th grade teacher
Establishing our INTENSIVE students • Using Data Director, a Multiple Assessment listing is used to gather the longitudinal data. • CST scores • Benchmark scores • Theme Skills scores
4th/5th gr. Gateways Assessment Profile Sheet Data Chats: Teachers collaborate weekly, analyze student assessment data and determine who will receive Tier 3 Intervention.
PLC Grade Level Collaboration • Teachers look at the list of students and their ELA data • They review each student and determine if Tier 3 Intensive Intervention is the best placement • List is solidified with meaningful input from all
Parent Notification Dear Parents and Students, Our teaching team has noticed that your student is struggling in the area of Language Arts. In an effort to assist your student to achieve the highest academic growth possible, our team has determined it necessary for your student to move to the intensive intervention program that our school offers in Language Arts. Gateways Level 1B is a comprehensive, research-based, intensive intervention program designed to accelerate reading and academic achievement. Gateways uses a combination of direct instruction, consistent routines, and clearly modeled activities. The interactive environment encourages students to share questions, answers, and ideas with their teachers and peers. The accelerated pace of the program will require many skills and hard work from students for the first two and half hours of school Monday - Friday. Students will learn to: Be prepared, always having homework completed on time. Stay focused and on task. Most instruction is given orally and students need to be paying careful attention to catch key ideas and directions. Participate. Students will be discussing, teaching and learning through peer and teacher interactions. Show superior performance. The more you put in, the more you get out. 100% effort = 100% success I look forward to working with you and your student as we achieve the goal of improved literacy. Daily attendance is important to the program. Please make sure your child is present every day. Your continued support with homework and encouraging your student to put extra effort into their language arts studies is, as always, much appreciated. Sincerely, Miss Tillson Please return this bottom portion to your child’s homeroom teacher as receipt of notification. ____________________ ____________________ Student Name (please print) Parent Signature
Fluidity of program • Re-evaluation • Benchmark scores for Gateways students • Benchmark scores and Theme Skills tests for Core students
Tier 2 Student Accountability at the Strategic Level Emily Smith 3rd grade teacher
Strategic Students Students are generally about grade level Students have the ability to correctly answer questions, but they sometimes lack the know how. Often when things become difficult for Strategic students, they give up and just guess. We need to show them how they can find the answers if they look a little harder and what it is that they are missing in the question or what is distracting them in the answer. As teachers, our job is to give them the little extra boost to get them to the next level. We need to show them how to apply what they know to any situation.
Data as a Class How did we do? What do we need to work harder on?
Intervention Rotations All students rotate between teachers for 45 minutes a day. There are 4 different groups. Groups start with 20 minutes of reading and then spend 25 minutes on their necessary intervention. Groups are fluid and constantly changing depending on student need. -Math Intervention -Reading Intervention -English Learner Group -Reading Challenge Group
In-Class Intervention 45 minutes spent doing Universal Access in class. 20 minute rotations on Tues, Wed, and Thurs. Students are in groups of 6 or 7. Listening Center (Science/Social Studies) Spelling Activity Vocabulary Activity Writing Activity Reading Teacher Group
Projects Strategic students need to be encouraged to complete tasks in a different way. They often are stimulated by activities that go beyond paper and pencil. Sometimes, students who are stagnant in their learning are motivated by a change in the regular routine. Jigsaw lessons Individual sentence strips for paragraph reorganization. Coffee Shop Wax Museum Flat Stanley
4th gr. Action Plan After analyzing our assessment data, each grade level team develops an Action Plan. It is implemented throughout the grade level, monitored and revisited at regular intervals to determine if the strategies were successful.
Tier 1 Tracy Waters 4th grade teacher What about when they “get it”?
Focus of the Common Core Purpose? College and Career Readiness Rigor, Relevance, and Relationship Why? Technology Financial Globalization Demographics
1. Awareness 2. Comprehension 3. Application 4. Analysis 5. Evaluation 6. Creation Knowledge TaxonomyDepth of Knowledge (Rigor)
High Rigorand Relevance Framework…(Application Model) C: Assimilation Analyze, appraise, characterize, classify, compare, contrast, choose, construct, deduce, diagram, distinguish, examine, organize, outline, relate, research, rewrite, separate D: Adaptation Assess, argue, debate, design, develop, differentiate, discriminate, integrate, invent, judge, justify, make, perform, plan, predict, prioritize, produce, propose, prove, rank, rate, select 6 Creation Evaluation Analysis Application Comprehension Knowledge/ Awareness 5 4 B: Application Conclude, demonstrate, discuss, explain, generalize, interpret, paraphrase, predict, report, restate, summarize, tell, apply, change, compute, dramatize, interview, prepare, produce, role-play, select, show, transfer, use A: Acquisition Count, define, describe, draw, find, identify, label, list, match, name, quote, recall, recite, sequence, tell, write, conclude, discuss, explain, generalize, illustrate, tell, review 3 2 1 123 4 5 Apply to real-world predictable situations Apply to real-world unpredictable situations Apply in one discipline Apply Across disciplines Knowledge in one discipline
The Switch to Common Core • Theme Projects(Macmillan/McGraw-Hill-Treasures) • Homework—Tic-Tac-Toe Menus (based on Bloom’s and Gardner’s approaches) • Enrichment Activities(Week 6) • Cross-curricular focus in writing and speaking
“What do we do when they do?” When 4th grade students show they are responsible and are making their grade level goals, they may choose an alternate form of homework. H.O.T.S.
Ideas to use tomorrow • ALWAYS making connections and using evidence from the text to support and justify answers. “I think the answer is ________ know this because…..” “I think the author’s purpose is _____ because…….” • Use Interactive Editing (IAE) and Cornell Notes to summarize key points. • Teach VOCABULARY: Define-Example-Ask (DEA), Total Physical Response (TPR), pictures, words in context, DII—speak the words accurately and in a context that makes sense. Give MANY opportunities to use words throughout your day! • Math and Science Journals — use academic vocabulary!
Apply it in a Different Situation • 1. How were you identified when you registered for school. • 2. Would being enterprising help you start a fundraising campaign or hurt you? Why? • 3. Would someone who showed persistence be someone you would hire to complete a project? Why? • 4. What is the biggest venture you ever started? Did you finish it?
What We Believe • Every child has something to offer. They just need someone to believe in them. • There is no substitution for “first best practices” and excellent team planning. • If a student can connect what you’re teaching with real life situations, they will remember it. • You must fill your tool belt with a variety of instructional strategies and know your students’ learning styles. • CELEBRATE something in your class EVERY DAY!
How do PRINCIPALS directly effect positive student achievement? • Make daily specific schoolwide announcements • Make HAPPY PHONE CALLS • Data Wall Display in MPR – creates ownership • Blue Ribbon Bulletin Board - Displaying exemplary work • Principals’ Office – open, open, open! • Attendance Wall display • Communicate regularly with parents in a variety of ways • Communicate regularly with staff in a variety of ways • Maintain a culture of celebration – it’s infectious • Take over teacher’s classes so they can do peer observations. It’s a win-win. • Limit classroom interruptions (schedule activities after core time.) • Hold Data Chats with teachers • Constantly promote goals throughout the school • I learn all my students’ names – It takes longer for kindergarten! :-o
Line your hallways and common areas with motivational sayings, pictures and student artwork.
Remember the “Fish Philsophy?” At Sundance, we have high expectations for ourselves, our students and their parents. But… we always make time for FUN!
Creating a positive Culture! Provide many opportunities for your students to become involved in school. This creates a sense of belonging and therefore students want to do well.
Any Questions? Feel free to contact us anytime: Lauren Kinney, Principal – lkinney@beaumontusd.k12.ca.us Jennifer Tillson, 4th grade teacher – jtillson@beaumontusd.k12.ca.us Emily Smith, 3rd grade teacher – esmith@beaumontusd.k12.ca.us Tracy Waters, 4th grade teacher – twaters@beaumontusd.k12.ca.us Ph: 951-845-2621 1520 East 8th Street, Beaumont, CA 92223