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The Birth of a Nation: United States in the 1700s

Explore how the US evolved from European exploration to the 13 colonies, key figures like George Washington, events like Revolutionary War, and the birth of a new government.

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The Birth of a Nation: United States in the 1700s

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  1. Welcome to the 1700s!!! How did the United States begin to be a country? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ER8SNaIU8Nw

  2. Colonization and Independence Many European people and countries explored the “New World” in the 1600s. How did these countries come to make colonies and expand? And why did the US began in the Northeast, still known today as “New England”?

  3. The Thirteen Original Colonies http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3cwWQcNr8o

  4. The first colony in New England In 1607 Jamestown (Virginia) was founded by John Smith from England – John Rolfe AND Pocahontas http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpA5O46Ioyk

  5. Scandinavia in New England Netherlands: 1624 Fort Orange colony in Albany New York 1626 purchases Manhattan Island for 24 dollars 1655 New Amsterdam takes over New Sweden in Delaware 1664 Britain takes over Dutch colonies 1682 Quakers (William Penn) came to Pennsylvania and Delaware

  6. 1664-1763 French and Spanish Colonies 1673 – Marquette and Joillet (France) claim Louisiana 1680 – Civil war among Pueblo Indians, Spanish retook Southwest in 1692 1689 – 1763 French and Indian wars, France gave up its land to Spain. 1769 – 1823 Spanish missions founded up West Coast

  7. Famous ColoniesIn 1620 the Pilgrims came to Massachusetts on the Mayflower They made the Plymouth colony and the first ThanksgivingRoger Conant started the Salem Colony in 1623famous for the Salem Witch Trials in 1692 REVIEW OF COLONIES http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65Y1jsD3QHE&feature=related

  8. Development of Schools

  9. Ben Franklin • 1729 - begins publishing The Pennsylvania Gazette. • 1731 - founds first public library in Philadelphia. • 1732 - publishes Poor Richard's Almanac. • George Washington is born in Virginia. • 1740s invention of the Franklin stove • 1752 kite-and-key experiment • 1776 printed and signed declaration of independence • 1787 constitutional convention

  10. George Washington • 1732 (February 22) Born in Virginia • 1754-1758 French and Indian War • 1759 (January 6) Married Martha • 1775Commander in Chief of the Army • 1776 (July 4) Declaration of Independence • 1781 (October 19) Victory at Yorktown • 1789 Elected first President of the United States • 1793 Re-elected President • 1799 (Dec 14) Died at 67

  11. 1765-1776 Road to Independence 1765- Stamp Act 1770- Boston Massacre(the ride of Paul Revere) 1773- Boston Tea Party 1775- "The shot heard 'round the world"

  12. The Revolutionary War! 1776- Declaration of Independence =4th of July 1778- France sides with the United States (Lafayette) 1779- John Paul Jones "I have not yet begun to fight." 1781- British surrender at Yorktown 1783- Treaty of Paris ends the Revolution

  13. Beginning of the new Government 1787- Constitutional Convention 1789- George Washington's Inauguration as president 1791- Bill of Rights adopted

  14. So, that is how the United States began to be a country. Next week, we will see how it became the country it is today. See you next week! Think about your historical fiction story!

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