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What is Accent v. Dialect?. Accent- pronunciation. The characteristic mode of pronunciation of a person or group, especially one that betrays social or geographical origin. Examples of accents in movies.
Accent- pronunciation • The characteristic mode of pronunciation of a person or group, especially one that betrays social or geographical origin
Examples of accents in movies • Disney movies most often use non-native accents in a negative or stereotypical way as compared to US and other English accents. • However, in some instances foreign accents in general (including other English) are used to portray a villainous character. • Research has also found that in cable cartoons for children, stereotypically negative accents (German, Russian and other Eastern European) are mostly associated with villains.
Some examples: • The Lion King: Mufasa speaks with a standard US English accent. Scar, his evil brother, speaks with a British accent (both brothers are presumably in Africa). • Aladdin: Jaffar, a villainous character, speaks with a British accent (in an Arabian desert). • Three Little Pigs: the Big Bad Wolf has a Yiddish accent when he pretends to be a salesman. • Oliver & Company: a small, annoying Chihuahua, Tito, adopts a Hispanic accent. • Ratatouille (Pixar): Remy and Linguini (who are French) speak with American English accents, but all other characters speak some form of a French accent.
Talladega Nights- Accent http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxnLqNM49sY (0:00-1:32)
Other examples: • Top 10 best accents in modern films: • http://blogs.whatsontv.co.uk/movietalk/2011/07/07/top-10-best-fake-accents-in-movies/
Dialect- word choice • A form of a language spoken in a particular geographical area or by members of a particular social class or occupational group, distinguished by its vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation
Dialects and “Proper” Usage All but the very smallest language communities show dialect variation. Dialect differences involve all aspects of language – syntax, lexicon, morphology, phonology, etc. 1. Syntax I don’t have any socks. vs. I don’t have no socks. vs. I don’t got no socks. I am walking. vs. I be walking. waiting for Mike vs. waiting on Mike waiting in line vs. waiting on line (NYC) I knew he was guilty. vs. I knowed he was guilty.
Phonology plays a large role for dialect • The study of the distribution and patterning of speech sounds in a language and of the tacit rules governing pronunciation. • How it sounds
Talladega Nights- Dialect • In this example, how is it different than the first example? • What makes this dialect as opposed to just an accent? • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDqXbk_ThH0
SOUTHERN PHONOLOGY • Mrs. • hog (frog, dog, Deputy Dog) • south => souf • during => doin’, and going => gon • help => hep • test => tes • ring => rang • boy => boah • car => cah • POlice
SOUTHERN Dialect • South: "Y'all"North: "You guys"South: "Fixin' to"North: "About to"South: "Howdy"North: "Hello"South: "Twixt"North: "Between” • chitlins and grits • to buy a pig in a poke • “Carry me Back to Old Virginie”
CALIFORNIA VALLEY-GIRL & SURFER-DUDE SPEECH • Rising Inflections (like Australian English) • Superfluous use of the word “like” • Animated Body Language (like sticking a finger down the throat) • Specialized Vocabulary (like “dude”, esp. relating to shopping malls, the beach, and personality types)
CANADIAN PHONOLOGY • out and about the house • schedule • Canadian -eh
VOCABULARY DIFFERENCES • What do you fry your eggs in? • creeper, fryer, frying pan, fry pan, skillet, or spider • What do you call a soft drink? • pop, soda, soda pop, or tonic? • What do you call a long sandwich containing salami etc.? • hero, submarine, hoagy, grinder or poorboy
What do you drink water out of? • drinking fountain, cooler, bubbler or geyser • How do you get something from one place to another? • take, carry, or tote • What do you carry things in? • a bag, a sack, or a poke • How do you speculate? • reckon, guess, figgure, figger, suspect, imagine
BRITISH-AMERICAN VOCABULARY DIFFERENCES • girl, cop, hood (of a car), trunk (of a car), suspenders, apartment, bathroom, elevator, truck, wig, gasoline, bar, line, monkey wrench, television, flashlight, subway • bird, bobby, bonnet, boot, braces, flat, loo, lift, lorry, peruque, petrol, pub, queue, spanner, tele, torch, tube
BRITISH-AMERICAN VOCABULARY DIFFERENCES • girl ------------------------- • Cop ----------------------- • hood (of a car) --------- • trunk (of a car) ------- • bathroom -------------- • Gasoline ----------------- • Bar ------------------------ • line ------------------------ • monkey wrench ------- • flashlight ---------------- • subway ------------------ bird bobby bonnet boot flat petrol pub queue spanner torch tube
Cockney Rhyming Slang: More Recent Examples: Give us a butchers = butchers hook = look Blowing a raspberry = raspberry tart = fart (Bronx Cheer) Use your loaf = loaf of bread = head That ruined my barnet = Barnet Fair = hair I’ll just do my bird quietly = bird lime = time (prison sentence) All right, me old china? = china plate = mate (friend) Don’t be a berk = Berkshire hunt = Female’s no no area Nice set of Bristols = Bristol Cities = Boobies Merchant = Merchant Banker = Man’s no no area Some other good examples here: http://www.effingpot.com/slang.shtml
Citing: • http://humanaccents.com/accents-in-the-media.html