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A Global Crisis. Resource depletion, biodiversity lossPollution, global climate changeInequity, poverty, overpopulationCrime, ethnic conflictSocial decayHopelessness
1. Alternative Paradigms in Healing Ecosystem Health- Human HealthWashington DC 2002
2. A Global Crisis Resource depletion, biodiversity loss
Pollution, global climate change
Inequity, poverty, overpopulation
Crime, ethnic conflict
Social decay
Hopelessness & despair
3. A Crisis of Being and Perception Outdated, inadequate worldviews
Fragmentation & compartmentalization
Reductionism, positivism, materialism, relativism
Flatland cosmology
Deconstruction of Tradition
Disenchantment, dehumanization, nihilism
Mechanization, commodification
Severed felt connection with nature and divinity
Alienation from nature state and ground of being
4. All Sickness is Home Sickness Ordinary Human condition
Alienation from Origin, true Self
Emptiness: “God-shaped hole”
Substitutes and addictions:
Sex, power, money, thrills, drugs, TV, “new toys”, etc.
Consumerism, materialism, etc.
Environmental destruction, psychological malaise.
Human & ecosystem disease.
5. Ecosystem Health- Human Health Reductionism shattered unity
The “whole” is no longer meaningful
Organisms = machines
Healing = replacing broken parts
Specific cause
Controlling symptoms = curing disease
Effective at fixing breakdowns
Ineffective at promoting health
Crisis in ecosystem & human health care
6. Balanced Thinking Left brain thinking
Relativity, Diversity
Logic, Rationality
Right brain thinking
Unity, Universality
Intuition, Creativity
7. A Cultural Transition
8. Cognitive Evolution
9. Systems Theory of Cognitive Evolution Emergent process marked by the progressive subordination of older systems to newer, higher order systems
vMemes emerge holarchically
Higher level vMemes embrace lower level vMemes
Adds its own more encompassing pattern.
Evolutionary Progression
Increasing integration and internalization
Deeper identity and wider perspective
Expanded sense of self
Increasing relative autonomy
Decreasing egocentrism
Each development discloses a new “worldspace”
10. WorldSpaces and Culture
11. Relational Worldspace Values
Communitarian values & networking
Personal relationships & human bonding
Ecological sensitivity & sustainability
Personal feelings & caring
Cultural relativity & egalitarianism
12. Relational Worldspace Distains
Hierarchy & patriarchy
Greed, dogma, divisiveness
Cold rationality
Universality, authoritarianism, fundamentalism
13. Integral Worldspace Values
Wholeness & healing fragmentation
Transcendent universals- unity in diversity
Transdisciplinary thinking & transrational insight
Hierarchical cosmos & stages of consciousness
Developing human potential
Personal transformation & spiritual awakening
Service to humanity
14. Pre-1960 Subculture Distribution
15. Current Subculture Distribution
16. Emerging Integral Themes in Science Synthesis vs Analysis
Interdisciplinary Research
Complexity Theory
New Holistic Paradigms
Quantum Mechanics
Consciousness studies
17. Emerging Integral Scientific Worldview Quantum mechanical description of nature
Fundamentally holistic character
Particles are abstractions from unbroken wholeness
Fundamental process lie outside space-time
Science described waves on ocean of reality
Consciousness brings universe into being
Consciousness collapses wave function
Objects manifest from transcendent possibility domain
Space-time, matter & energy are emergent phenomena
18. Limits of Science Study of relations between measurements
Gains rigor & precision within limited domain
Reveals a “shadow world of symbols” (Eddington)
Excludes quality, essence, meaning, purpose.
“Not yet in touch with ultimate reality” (Jeans)
Phenomena reduced to epiphenomena (Frankl)
Leaves out all that is “near and dear” (Schroedinger)
Hopelessly inadequate as a worldview.
19. The Skeleton of Science
20. Transcending Science
21. Limits of Scientific Materialism Materialism is reflection of scientific method
All knowledge based on physical measurements
Reveals (exclusively) the physical aspect of phenomena
Methodological Naturalism
Scientism claims that this worldview IS reality.
Ontological Naturalism: Philosophy, not science!
Founders endorsed sophisticated worldviews
Multi-level cosmos
Importance of inner experience
Subtle perceptions
Spiritual experience
22. The Mystical Experience
23. Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge
24. Levels of Significance Every observation can be interpreted at multiple levels of significance.
Each level of significance:
Internally consistent, factual, logical, objective.
Gives no evidence of higher levels.
Lower levels of significance:
No factual error.
Feigns complete understanding.
True significance is missed.
Impoverished view of reality.
25. Levels/Qualities of Consciousness Continuum of states of consciousness
Gross/ordinary -> Subtle/contemplative
Multiple levels of significance
Reality emerges as a cross section:
Human consciousness
Transcendent possibility domain
Each level brings forth a world
Multiple levels of reality
Gross (physical) -> Subtle (nonphysical)
26. Subtle Levels of Mind
27. Attributes of Subtle Experience Essentially the same in different cultures
Direct, nonconceptual experience
Beyond words, concepts and dualities
Transverbal, transrational, and nondual
Developed through meditation/contemplation
Not shaped by language, concepts, cultural forms
"The real transcends, surrounds, and overflows our miserable categories"
Fleshes out the skeleton of scientific theory
Provides an interpretation (at a higher level of significance) for the “empty symbols” of science.
28. Levels of Being and Knowing Spectrum of consciousness
Codification of direct experiential reality
Consensually validated
Essentially universal
29. Levels of Selfhood and Reality in the Perennia Sofia
30. Generalized Empirical Method 3-stage knowledge validation method
Do this
Recipe for creating an experience
Immediate apprehension
Experience brought forth by injunction
Communal verification
Community of reviewers has completed previous stages
31. Science, Religion and Beauty Both science and religion/spirituality:
Search for the universal unitary principle
Guided by perception of beauty
Two definitions of beauty
The harmony of proportions (Pythagoras)
“The eternal splendor of the One shining through the material phenomena” (Plotinus)
- Werner Heisenberg, Science and the Beautiful
32. Integral Science Aka “Sacred Science”
Applies Generalized Empirical Method
Utilizes subtle states of consciousness
Multiple levels of being and knowing
Search for the universal unitary principle- Ultimate Reality
All knowledge is related to the whole
Dedicated to inner transformation
Application: structure change in consciousness
Seeks harmony with the One
33. Nested Holarchyof IntegralSciences
34. Perceptions of Subtle Mind An all pervading spiritual nature which permeates the universe.
A numenous presence underlying, enfolding, and shining through the forms of the cosmos.
A creative presence in which we “live and move and have our being”.
Translucent splendor of the One shining through the material phenomena
35. Integral Worldview “A timeless and incorporeal One became the ground as well as the dynamic source of the existence of a temporal and material and extremely multiple and variegated universe” -Sri Aurobindo.
Humans are capable of ever present, evident, and conscious connection with the ground of Being.
36. Integral Worldview
37. An awakened vision of the cosmos:
38. The Spiritual Significance of Nature Nature (and humanity) are viewed as
Focus for divine manifestation
Mirror of divine attributes
Recollection of Origin
Medium for the revelation of uncreated beauty
Reveals order, harmony, beauty of Cosmos.
Reflection of the splendor of the One
Expression of the creativity activity of the Source
Human is Regent of natural world.
Responsibility- wise stewardship
Protection of Nature is a spiritual duty.
39. The Spiritual Significance of Nature
40. Conscious Evolution Evolution is the progressive self-manifestation of spirit in the forms and entities of the material universe
The divine existence strives toward self-realization through progressively refined forms of material substance
Progressive awakening of the involved spiritual essence
Universal levels
Balance between the creative self-expression of the spiritual reality and the constraints imposed by its manifestation in and envelopment by a nescient material substance
Each new level represents a greater potential -a more complete accommodation- for the awakening and expression of the implicate spiritual consciousness
Transcendent One is “the universal object of desire, that which draws all souls toward itself”: “the pull of the future”, the evolutionary attractor.
41. Evolution and Human Potential Spiritual awakening is conscious participation in the Divine unfolding
Humanity partakes in the “Divine nature”.
42. Spiritual Transformation Ordinary state
Driven by need satisfaction
Power, pleasure, security, material goods, etc.
Happiness & peace result from satisfying needs.
Suffering arises from unsatisfied desires.
Awakened state
Peace & contentment are ordinary state.
Shares in suffering of mankind.
Primary drives are spiritual awakening and service.
43. Universal Environmental Ethic Expansion of sense of self in cognitive development
Matter/life gBody
Mind g Thoughts, humanity
Soul g All sentient beings
Spirit g Cosmos
Metaphysical ground of ethics:
Recognize in another: oneself in own true being
Unity with Origin
All-pervading radiance of Spirit
44. Deep Ecology
45. Universal Compassion Realization
All sentient beings are expression of one true Self, one universal Soul
expression of a universal compassion which transcends and outshines all previous egocentric, sociocentric, or anthropocentric forms
46. Chinese Philosophy Unified system: Tao
Complementarity : Ying & Yang
Mutual interdependence
Dynamic cyclic patterns of transformation
Symphony of interweaving processes
Human being is microcosm of nature
Juncture between heaven and earth
Fusion of cosmic and terrestrial
Health is balance and harmony
47. Energetics All energy emerges from one universal source
Brahman, Tao, void, Allah, Godhead
All things are manifestations of energy
Matter is an expression of energy
Movement of energy is basis of all life.
Depends on polar relationships
All things are in this sense living
48. Qi Animating force of nature
Creative or formative principle of life
Immaterial with observable manifestations
Multiple sciences of Qi
Tai Chi, Chi Kung, Feng Shui, Chinese medicine.
49. Five Phase Theory
50. Health and Disease Health
Ability to maintain integrity and equilibrium while responding to challenges
A harmonic pattern of relationships
Manifestation of an unstable process
A pattern of disharmonious relationships
Rooted in a multiplicity of factors
51. Resolving Integrality