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April 27, 2011 English Language Acquisition Teachers. I am __. I am a member of the __ team. Objective. Institutionalize the use of the Body of Evidence to make decisions about emerging bilingual students. Why is it inappropriate to use the results of a single source to make decisions?
Objective • Institutionalize the use of the Body of Evidence to make decisions about emerging bilingual students. • Why is it inappropriate to use the results of a single source to make decisions? • A single source, especially a single assessment is merely a snapshot of one moment in time. • Examples:
ENGLISH LANGUAGE ACQUISITION - YEARLY ASSESSMENT COVER SHEET – FALL 2011 Name: __________________________________________________ Primary Language: ______________________________________ Current School: ___________________________________________ School in Fall: __________________________________________ Current Grade: ____________________________________________ Grade in Fall:___________________________________________ CELA Tester: _____________________ Date of testing ________ CDE Designation for FALL 2011: NEP LEP FEP CELA (Colorado English Language Acquisition) Please use indexed scores and Scale Scores PL: Proficiency Level N/A: Not applicable * Overall Scale Score is an average of Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing. 5: Above proficient INV: Test invalidation **Comprehension is based on designated items in Listening and Reading Skill areas. 4: Proficient EXM: Test exemption ***Oral is based on all items in Listening and Speaking skill areas. 3: Intermediate ABS: Absent 2: Early intermediate NS: No Score 1: Beginner__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Other body of evidence to be considered: Recommendations: Comments ELA Teacher_____________ Date__________
Body of Evidence • Colorado Student Assessment Program (CSAP) • Developmental Reading Assessment 2 (DRA-2) • Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) • Assessments from other programs • Teacher-made assessments • Formal and Informal Assessments • Classroom grades • Other
Considerations for Body of Evidence • What is this assessment intended to measure and is it actually measuring that? (Construct validity) • When was this assessment administered? Are these “old” or “recent” results? • Do all of the measures that I am looking at agree with each other? (Concurrent validity) Are there outliers?
Using the Body of Evidence • Use of descriptors on back of CELA report page to determine what best describes this student. • Is classroom data a reflection of that descriptor? • What evidence supports, or doesn’t support these descriptors? • What descriptors is the student demonstrating across a body of evidence?
Inter-rater Reliability • Activity will be done in Triads • Person 1: Describe the data on one of your students briefly, and give your language status designation (1 minute) • Persons 2 & 3: Ask clarifying questions about the body of evidence (1 minute) • Persons 2 & 3: Do you agree or disagree with the designation and why? How would you designate this student and why? (2 minutes) • Repeat the process for the other two people in the triad.
Demographic Data • Take a few minutes to look at this data • Make 2 observations about the data. Simply describe what the data tells you. • Resist the urge to make decisions or judgments about the data. Simply describe it. • Turn to a partner and share your 3 observations. • Quick report out-Popcorn Share
Prediction • What level do you think your students will be in, on average, in the Overall category? Share with an elbow partner.
Jigsaw • Groups: Count off from 1-3. • Grades: K-1, 2-3, 4-5, 6-8, 9-12. • Jigsaw scale scores for your group and be prepared to report to the entire group what you talked about. • Be prepared to respond to 2 questions – brief answer, in 10 seconds. No need to share actual numbers. • (1.) What is one celebration you see in this? Our celebration is … • (2.) What is one question that this raises in your mind? Our question is…
Closing Thoughts • Imagine Learning Pilot is underway. • Summer School will be more spread out but we will have a smaller centralized offering at Garfield. • Summer School Teacher posting is up so do it. • Continue your work on the Standards PLC. This is a great learning opportunity. • If you haven’t done so, sign up for the What’s Different about teaching Reading to English learners class. • Evaluations