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display at the Chicago Field Museum of Natural History.
According to this story, every tree,every blade of grass, and every creature in the sea and on the land evolvedout of one parent strand of molecular matter drifting lazily in a warm pool.What concrete evidencesupports that remarkable theoryof the origin of life? There is none. evo-astronomer Robert Jastrow in his book Until the Sun Dies (New York: W.W. Norton) 1977
“And so the Lord says, “These people say they are mine. They honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. And their worship of me is nothing but man-made rules learned by rote. Because of this, I will once again astound these hypocrites with amazing wonders. The wisdom of the wise will pass away, and the intelligence of the intelligent will disappear.” How foolish can you be? He is the Potter, and he is certainly greater than you, the clay! Should the created thing say of the one who made it, “He didn’t make me”? Does a jar ever say, “The potter who made me is stupid”? The book of the prophet Isaiah, chapter 29
“Natural selectionmay explain thesurvival of the fittest, but it cannot explain thearrival of the fittest.” Hugo de Vries, (quoting Dr. J. Arthur Harris) in the book Species and Varieties: Their Origin by Mutation, (1905) ed. Daniel Trembly MacDougal (Chicago, IL: Open Court)
"... some warmlittle pond,with all sorts ofammonia andphosphoric salts,light, heat,electricity, etc..." Charles Darwin,on the origins of life in tidal pools.Credit: Smithsonian
If there ever was a primitive soup,then we would expect to find at least somewhereon this planet either massive sediments containing enormous amounts of the various nitrogenous organic compounds, amino acids, purines, pyrimidines, and the like,or alternatively in much metamorphosed sediments we should find vast amounts of nitrogenous cokes. In fact, no such materials have been found anywhere on earth.There is, in other words, pretty goodnegative evidence that there never wasa primitive organic soup on this planetthat could have lasted but a brief moment. Origins and Development of Living Systems (1973), p. 360.
Newsflash: The idea that life arose in some primeval “soup” is now being modified and most evolutionists now believe life originated in the rocks and mineralsof the early earth. non-believers are…… “saying to a tree, ‘You are my father’ and to a stone, ‘You gave birth to me’ ”.-Jeremiah 2.27
“Even on Earth the origin of lifeis a stubbornly enduring mystery.How can a collection of chemicals form themselves into a living thing without any interference from the outside? On the face of it, life is an exceedingly unlikely event.There is no known principle of matter that says it has to organize itself into life. I'm very happy to believe in my head that we live in a biofriendly universe, because in my heart I find that very congenial.But we have not yet discoveredthe Life Principle.” Joel Achenbach, quoting physicist Paul Daviesin article "Life Beyond Earth," National Geographic, Jan. 2000, page 45.
We have a rough ideawhen it began on earthand some interestingtheories about where,but the how part haseveryone stumped.“Nobody knows how lifeless chemicals organized themselves into the first living cell.” Paul Davies quoted in article “Born Lucky” New Scientist, 7/12/03, p32
“At present there is no completely satisfactory theory for the origin of life.” Cody, George. Elements June 2005
“The origin of animalsis almost as much a mysteryas the origin of life.” Philip C.J. Donoghue, “Embryonic identity crisis,” Nature, Jan. 2007, p155.
Francesco Redi 1626-1697 Disproved Spontaneous Generation in 1688
Louis Pasteur 1822-1895 Germ Theory of Disease Immunization Pasteurization
"Do notput forwardanythingthat youcannot prove byexperimentation." Louis Pasteur, Chemist (1822-1895)
“Never will the doctrineof spontaneous generation recover from the mortal blow of this simple experiment.No, there is nowno circumstance knownin which it can be affirmed that microscopic beings came into the world without germs,without parents similarto themselves.” Louis Pasteur, addressing the French Academy of Science
There are only two possibilities as to how life arose. One is spontaneous generation arising to evolution; the other is a supernatural creative act of God.There is no third possibility.Spontaneous generation, that life arose from non-living matter was scientifically disproved 120 years ago by Louis Pasteur and others. That leaves us with the only possible conclusion that life arose as a supernatural creative act of God … George Wald, Harvard bio prof Nobel laureate, mentor of Stephen J. Gould "The origin of life" Scientific American(Aug 1954): p.46
I will not accept that philosophicallybecause I do not wantto believe in Godtherefore, I chooseto believe in that whichI know is scientificallyimpossible;spontaneous generationarising to evolution. George Wald,Harvard bio prof Nobel laureate, mentor of Stephen J. Gould, in "The origin of life" Scientific American(Aug 1954) p46
The complexity of thesimplest known type ofcell is so great that it isimpossible to accept thatsuch an object could havebeen thrown togethersuddenly by some kindof freakish, vastlyimprobable, event.Such an occurrence would beindistinguishable from a miracle. evolutionary molecular biologist Michael Dentonin his book Evolution: A Theory in Crisis (Adler and Adler, 1985) p264
"Most scientists abhor spontaneous generation, much less the wave of a magic wand from Godor the inheritance of living organismsfrom outer space ... The chemical steps that led to life on Earth remain a matterof intense speculation.” "Geochemical Influences on Life's Origins and Evolution,“ Elements, (vol 1, June2005), p151
Stanley Miller’s experimentself-fulfilling assumptionsimplications overstatedexperimental yield was racemicinvalidation was never resolvedp424
“The synthesis of compounds of biological interesttakes place onlyunder reducing conditions [meaning no free oxygenin the atmosphere].” Stanley L. Miller and Leslie E. Orgel(1974), p. 33.
“What we have is sort of a ‘Catch 22’ situation. If we have oxygen we have no organic compounds, but if we don’t have oxygen we have none either.” Michael Denton (Denton is a molecular biologist.), Evolution: A Theory InCrisis,1985, p. 261.
With oxygen in the air,the first amino acid would never have gotten started;without oxygen,it would have beenwiped out by cosmic rays. Francis Hitching, in the book, “The Neck of the Giraffe” (1982), p. 65.
“Evidence of free oxygen has been found in rocks supposedly300 million years olderthan the first living cells.”“It is suggested that from the time of the earliest dated rocksat 3.7 (billion years) ago,Earth had an oxygenic atmosphere.” Harry Clemmey, Nick Badham, “Oxygen in the Precambrian Atmosphere: An Evaluation of the Geological Evidence”, Geology, Vol. 10, March 1982, p. 141.
“The only trend in the recent literature is the suggestion of far more oxygen in the early atmosphere than anyone imagined.” Thaxton (Ph.D. Chemistry), Bradley (Ph.D. Materials Science), Olsen (Ph.D. Geochemistry), The Mystery of Life’s Origin, 1992, p. 80.
“But many researchers now hold that the ancient Earth’s atmosphere, compared with the earlier view, had more oxygen and less hydrogen – as the atmosphere does today. Amino acids don’t form as readily under that condition as they did in the 1953 experiment, and when they do form, they tend to break apart.” Gorman, Jessica, “Cosmic Chemistry Gets Creative.” Science News, 5-19-2001, Vol. 159, Issue 20, p. 318.
“All who study the origin of life find that the more we look into it, the more we feel that it is too complex to have evolved anywhere. We all believe as an article of faith that life evolved from dead matter on this planet. Its just that this complexity is so great that it is hard to imagine that it did.” Harold Urey, co-researcher in Stanley Miller’s 1953 experiment Christian Science Monitor, Jan 4, 1962
Stanley Miller’s experimentself-fulfilling assumptionsimplications overstatedexperimental yield was racemicinvalidation was never resolvedp424
“Merely specifying a source of useful energy does not of itself offer an explanation for how the ordering process happens. To do that, one needs to identify the exact mechanisms that will couple the reservoir of available energy to biologically relevant processes.” Paul Davies, (Davies is a theoretical physicist and a supporter of evolution.) The 5thMiracle: The Search for the Origin and Meaning of Life, 1999, p. 54.
C254H377O76S6 The very leastcomplex known genome contains over 580,000 nucleotides in sequence!
“Scientists are still far from understanding the ancient, intricate processes that led to the origin of life” Robert Hazen, co-theorist of the deep-sea vent origin of lifeElements June 2005
It is very clear that evolutionsimply cannot happen,no matter how longone is prepared to wait.Evolution isstatistically impossible. Nobel Laureate, co-discoverer of DNA and atheist, Sir Francis Crick In the book “Life Itself” (1981) p51 (computed the probability of the random "evolution" of a single protein: 1 chance in 10 to the 260th power! )