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A Sample E xplanation of Kiva

Kiva Guide for Field Staff . Process for Collecting B orrower I nformation for Kiva. Explain the client waiver to the borrower . Use the visual explanation of Kiva and a sample borrower profile to help you explain. Give the borrower sufficient time to read the entire client waiver .

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A Sample E xplanation of Kiva

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  1. Kiva Guide for Field Staff Process for Collecting Borrower Information for Kiva • Explain the client waiver to the borrower. Use the visual explanation of Kiva and a sample borrower profile to help you explain. • Give the borrower sufficient time to read the entire client waiver. • Answer any questions from the borrower. • Ask the borrower to sign the client waiver. • Collect the information about the borrower’s loan that will be used to write their profile on Kiva • Take the borrower’s picture for their profile on Kiva • Return to your office with the signed client waiver, photo, and other information. Properly store the client waiver and give the other materials to the Kiva Coordinator. What does the borrower need to understand about the client waiver? It is vital that borrowers understand the client waiver before they sign it, so please explain it thoroughly. At minimum, the borrower must understand that: • His/her first name, loan use, and personal information will be shared publicly on the internet. • His/her photo will be shared publicly on the internet. • His/her loan repayment information will be shared publicly on the internet. • Having information on the internet means that it is visible to people all around the world. • Signing the client waiver document gives [Field Partner] and Kiva these permissions. A Sample Explanation of Kiva [Field Partner] is working with an organization called Kiva to help us raise funds for loans. Kiva operates a website where [Field Partner] can publish profiles of clients who are seeking loans. [Show a printed copy of a profile.] People from all over the world visit Kiva’s website to read these profiles and lend their money to clients they would like to support. They lend their money because they want to help [Field Partner]’s clients improve their businesses and they are interested in learning more about [country].

We would like to publish a profile about you on Kiva’s website. This profile would include your name, your photo, information about your loan and repayments, and information about your business and family life. If you agree to participate, please read and sign this waiver.

[If borrower is unfamiliar with the internet:] Having your information on a website is similar to being in a newspaper or a magazine. Many different people around the world will be able to see your information and photo.

  2. Kiva Guide for Field Staff Important Kiva Policies • A borrower must sign the client waiver before his/her profile is posted on the Kiva website. • The disbursal date must be less than 30 days in the past and no more than 90 days in the future • The photo must clearly show the face(s) of the borrower(s). • If any extra people appear in the photo, they must also sign a client waiver. • To protect borrower privacy, street names, addresses, or other signs that indicate the borrower’s name or location cannot be in the photo. • For groups with 5 or fewer members, the photo must show all members. For groups with 6 or more members, the photo must show at least 80% of the members. What loans are eligible for Kiva? Tips for Taking a Good Photo Only certain loans are eligible for posting on Kiva’s website. Here are the requirements: Maximum Loan Size: Individual Loans _____ or less, Group Loans _____ or less Maximum Loan Term: 60months or shorter Specific Loan Products: For example small business loans, solar loans, and water loans • Lighting- Have the borrower face towards the sun or other light source to ensure that their face will be well lit. • Distance- Stand 2-3 meters from the borrower when taking the photograph. • Composition- Ask the borrower to stand in an interesting location that is related to the use of their loan, such as in front of their business or house.

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