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Understanding the Integumentary System: Skin, Functions & Disorders

Learn all about the integumentary system, including its structures, functions, and disorders. Discover assessment methods, skin cancer prevention, and maintenance tips for healthy skin.

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Understanding the Integumentary System: Skin, Functions & Disorders

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  1. Learning Objectives • Define integumentary system terminology • Describe the function of the integumentary system • Identify integumentary system structures and the function of each • Identify methods used to assess the integumentary system • Describe disorders of the integumentary system • Describe three methods that can be used to maintain healthy skin • Identify three types of skin CA and at least five methods for prevention

  2. Structure The Integumentary system is composed of: * Skin – main organ * Accessory structures - Hair, Nails, Specialized glands, & Nerves

  3. Function • Functions of the integumentary system: Main function: - Protects the other body systems from injury and infection Other functions: • Helps the body maintain homeostasis by regulating temperature, retaining body fluids, and eliminating wastes • Perceive environment with sensory receptors • Store energy & Vitamins / produce Vitamin D from sun

  4. Structures of the Skin

  5. Skin • The largest organ of the body • Varies in thickness from 1/50 inch (0.5 mm) in the eyelids to 1/4 inch (6.3 mm) in the soles of the feet • Changes in the skin often indicate the presence of other body system disorders including anemia, respiratory disorders, liver disorders, cancer, and shock

  6. Layers of Skin • Epidermis (cuticle): • Outermost layer of the skin • Composed of a surface of dead cells with an underlying layer of living cells • Keratinocytes make up 90% -water repellant • Contains sebaceous and sudoriferous glands as well as hair follicles • Melanocytes (produces melanin) are located in the epidermis • Melanin: pigment that gives skin its color

  7. Layers of Skin (cont) • The surface of the epidermis is covered with a film composed of: - Oil - Sweat - Epithelial cells • Together these work to: - Lubricate - Hydrate - Provide antibacterial protection - Block toxic agents from entering the body

  8. Layers of Skin (Continued) • Dermis (corium) • Called the “true” skin • Contains the blood vessels and nerves • Each inch of skin contains 15 feet of blood vessels • Nerve endings in skin allow it to be sensitive to environmental stimuli • Subcutaneous • Innermost layer • Contains adipose, which cushions and insulates the body’s organs

  9. Hair and Hair Follicles • Skin has hair in all areas except the soles of the feet and palms of the hands • Hair blocks foreign particles from entering the body through structures such as the nose and eyes • Originate in the dermis • The visible portion is called the shaft • The hair follicle is the root with its covering • Tiny muscle attached at hair shaft causes “goose bumps” in response to cold or fear • Hair color & texture are inherited

  10. Glands • Three types of glands in the skin: • Sebaceous glands (oil) • Located everywhere except palms of hands and soles of feet • Sebum (oil) causes the skin to be soft and waterproof • Sudoriferous glands (sweat) • Help regulate the body temperature and excrete body wastes • Ceruminous glands • Located only in the auditory canal of the ear • Secrete wax that helps protect the ear from infection and prevents entry of foreign bodies

  11. AssessmentTechniques

  12. Assessment of the Skin Dermatology: Study of the Skin Dermatitis: general term for inflammation of the skin Skin disorders are generally uncomfortable & unattractive but not life threatening

  13. Assessment of the Skin • Visual Inspection: - Skin lesions can usually be seen - Size, shape, texture & color of a lesion often help reveal it’s cause • Biopsy: - Removal or examination of living tissue - Biopsy or culture may be used to identify the causative organism

  14. Biopsy

  15. Biopsy

  16. Disorders of theIntegumentarySystem

  17. Acne Vulgaris • Usually appears in adolescence & may continue into adulthood • Often caused by increased oil (sebum) related to increased hormones during puberty • Bacterial growth & blockage of hair follicles cause papules, pustules, & blackheads • Tends to run in families • Diet does NOT tend affect severity of acne • Treatment: - exposure to ultraviolet light, - oral or topical antibiotics, - Dermabrasion (removal of top layers of skin that has scarred)

  18. Acne Vulgaris

  19. Acne Vulgaris Papule Pustule

  20. Albinism • Inherited disorder • Melanocytes do not produce melanin • Pale skin, white hair, pink eyes • Prone to severe sunburn / Skin CA • Light may damage unprotected structures of eyes • Vision problems are very common • Treatment: - Albinism can not be cured - treatment of symptoms only (protecting skin/eyes from sun AND correcting vision)

  21. Albinism

  22. Alopecia • Baldness • Inherited tendency to lose hair • Production of androgenic hormones in puberty initiate loss • More common in men but may occur in women • Temporary hair loss may be caused by: Drugs Radiation Pregnancy High fever Anorexia Cosmetics • No FDA approved treatments

  23. Athlete’s Foot • Epidermophytosis • Fungal Infection • Skin may itch, blister and crack (especially between toes) • Very contagious – transmitted on wet floors • Treatment: - Application of antifungal medication (Topical cream) - Keep area clean, ventilated, and dry

  24. Athlete’s Foot

  25. Fungal Skin Infections • Live only on the dead, outer surface or epidermis • May cause no symptoms • Others may have following symptoms: - irritation - scaling - blisters - redness - swelling • Occur in areas of body that provide moisture • Examples: - Athlete’s Foot - Jock itch - Ringworm

  26. Ringworm

  27. Cellulitis • Bacterial infection of dermis and subcutaneous layer of skin • Occurs in people with low resistance to infection - elderly, children & chronically ill • Symptoms: - fever, chills, & vesicles on red, warm area of skin • Can lead to impaired circulation and permanent lymphedema in the extremities • Treatment: Rest Immobilization of infected area Antibiotics

  28. Cellulitis

  29. Chloasma • Patchy discoloration of skin (usually face) caused by high hormone levels that occur during pregnancy or prolonged use of oral contraceptives • May disappear at end of pregnancy or when birth control pill usage has stopped • May be sign of problem with liver (liver spots) • Treatment usually not necessary - cosmetics used to hide

  30. Chloasma

  31. Cleft Lip / Cleft Palate • Upper lip has a cleft (or space) where nasal processes or palate does not meet properly • Occurs in 1 of 700 babies born in US each year • Heredity is direct cause - may also be caused by environmental factors or premature birth • Treatment: - Surgical & dental correction - Speech therapy - Psychological counseling (sometimes)

  32. Cleft Lip / Cleft Palate

  33. Contact Dermatitis • Allergic reaction that may occur after an initial reaction or as an acquired response • Frequent causes: - poison ivy - nickel in jewelry, - Preservatives in cosmetics • Symptoms: - Redness, itching, swelling, blisters • Treatments: - wash affected area - avoid exposure to irritating substance - applying anti-inflammatory creams

  34. Eczema • A form of dermatitis • Group of disorders caused by allergic or irritant reactions • Characterized by swelling, redness, itching & weeping, crusted skin lesions • Not contagious • Treatment: - remove irritant - keeping affected skin clean

  35. Eczema

  36. Dandruff • Characterized by itching of the scalp • Produce white flakes of dead skin cells • Can be controlled by massaging the scalp, brushing & shampooing the hair - Medicated shampoos often help

  37. Dandruff

  38. Decubitus Ulcer • Sores or areas of inflammation that occur over bony prominences of the body due to prolonged pressure and hypoxia to the affected tissues • “Bedsores” • Seen most often in elderly & immobilized people • Prevention: Frequent position change, good nutrition, and massage to the area • Described in four stages by severity • Treatment: Antibiotics, removal of necrotic tissue, frequent cleaning of open sores * Larvae (maggots) of blowflies used in some severe cases

  39. Decubitus Ulcer

  40. Decubitus Ulcer

  41. Furuncle • Commonly called a “boil” • Bacterial infection of a hair follicle • Carbuncle = several boils that join together • Boils are infectious but can be controlled with careful cleanliness & handwashing • Treatment: includes hot compresses, antibiotics & sometimes drainage by lancing

  42. Furuncle Carbuncle

  43. Impetigo • Bacterial infection (most commonly staph, but also strep) • Occurs most often in children • Very contagious • Begins with small vesicles, which become pustules and form a crust • Symptoms may include itching & burning • Often fatal in infants • May lead to kidney infection • Treatment: antibiotics & isolation to prevent spread

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