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Supporting the D evelopment of P upils A ttending S pecial S chools in the County of Gliwice T hrough Imp lementation of P rojects C o-financed by the European Union. SUPPORTING THE DEVELOPMENT OF PUPILS IN THE SPECIAL SCHOOLS IN THE COUNTY OF GLIWICE

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  1. Supporting the Development of Pupils Attending Special Schools in the County of Gliwice Through Implementation of Projects Co-financed by the European Union SUPPORTING THE DEVELOPMENT OF PUPILS IN THE SPECIAL SCHOOLS IN THE COUNTY OF GLIWICE THROUGHT IMPLEMENTATION OF PROJECTS CO-FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION PYSKOWICE, 18 OCTOBER 2011

  2. Supporting the Development of Pupils Attending Special Schools in the County of Gliwice Through Implementation of Projects Co-financed by the European Union HUMAN CAPITAL OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME PRIORITY IX „DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMPETENCES IN THE REGIONS” Activity 9.1 „Diminishing disparities in access to education and assuring high quality of education services within the education system” Activity 9.1.2 „Diminishing disparities in access to education of pupils from the groups with difficult access to education and diminishing disparities in the quality of education services” „CONTEMPORARY MICHELANGELO - DEVELOPING PASSIONS AND PROVIDING EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR STUDENTS FROM THE COUNTY OF GLIWICE” Budget: 958 103,09 PLN Timeframe: 01.01.2009 r. – 31.12.2010 r. „EDUCATION FOR DEVELOPMENT” Budget: 1 144 998 PLN Timeframe: 01.01.2011 r. – 31.12.2012 r. There were 195 pupils from special schools from Knurow and Pyskowice participating in the project „Contemporary Michelangelo...” and 168 pupils within „Education for development” until now.

  3. Supporting the Development of Pupils Attending Special Schools in the County of Gliwice Through Implementation of Projects Co-financed by the European Union GOAL:to improve the education offer of the Gliwice County schools which provide general education, as well as increase their attractiveness through implementation of school development programmes. The programmes include: • compensatory classes as well as classes intended to equalize educational disproportions – apart from the lessons on regular school topics, also speech therapy classes • 2) development of key competences – classes including: • foreign language classes • environmental science classes (i.e. excursions, lessons in botanical gardens and zoos)

  4. Supporting the Development of Pupils Attending Special Schools in the County of Gliwice Through Implementation of Projects Co-financed by the European Union • communication,social competences, cultural awareness and expression (i.e. theatre, dance and art classes, participation in the theatre and opera performances); - sport lessons (i.e. tennis, swimming, climbing),

  5. Supporting the Development of Pupils Attending Special Schools in the County of Gliwice Through Implementation of Projects Co-financed by the European Union 3) counselling, pedagogical and psychological care including pedagogical therapy as well as alternative methods of supporting pupils’ development: kynotherapy, bibliotherapy, Veronica Sherborne’s developmental movement method therapy, the Biofeedback method therapy

  6. Supporting the Development of Pupils Attending Special Schools in the County of Gliwice Through Implementation of Projects Co-financed by the European Union 4) Classes connected with vocational counselling Study visits incompanies, classes in the labour market orientation 5) Implementation of innovative forms of teaching (learning how to read and write according to the following methods: Prof. Cieszyńska’s simultaneous-sequentialmethod, the 18 vocabulary structures method as well as the AAC alternative communication)‏ Purchase of didactic equipment.

  7. Supporting the Development of Pupils Attending Special Schools in the County of Gliwice Through Implementation of Projects Co-financed by the European Union Systemic project within Activity 9.1.2 „SUPPORT FROM THE START” The goal of the project is to equalize the educational disproportions through individualization of the teaching process for I-III grade primary school pupils. Timeframe: August 2011 – July 2012 Budget for the County of Gliwice: 60 000 PLN The activities: lessons facilitating reading, writing and mathemathics learning, as well as classes in music therapy, correctional gymnastics, the Biofeedback method. Purchase of didactic equipment.

  8. Supporting the Development of Pupils Attending Special Schools in the County of Gliwice Through Implementation of Projects Co-financed by the European Union Activity 9.2. 'Increasing the Attractiveness and Quality of Vocational Training' „FOCUS ON DEVELOPMENT– IMPROVEMENT OF THE QUALITY OF THE VOCATIONAL TRAINING IN THE COUNTY OF GLIWICE” Period: 01.08.2010 – 31.07.2012 Project budget: ~ 900 000 PLN Goal: improvement of the educational offer of the Gliwice County vocational schools (including special vocational schools) and increasing their attractiveness through implementation of school development programmes including:

  9. Supporting the Development of Pupils Attending Special Schools in the County of Gliwice Through Implementation of Projects Co-financed by the European Union 1) additional compensatory classes; 2) additional classes developing key competences, with special emphasis on IT, foreign languages and entrepreneurship; 3) pedagogical and psychological counselling, 4) educational and vocational counselling, as well as classes supplementary to thegeneral vocational training - enabling its readjustment to the labour market; i.e. classes in householding skills, pottery, floral design and flower arranging, developing knowledge of the local labour market, study visits in enterprises, vocational schools and employment offices. Purchase of didactic equipment.

  10. Supporting the Development of Pupils Attending Special Schools in the County of Gliwice Through Implementation of Projects Co-financed by the European Union Activity 9.4. „Strengthening the Professional Development and Improving the Occupational Qualification of Teachers” ‘NEW QUALIFICATIONS – NEW PERSPECTIVES. IMPROVEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS OF TEACHERS AND EDUCATION ADMINISTRATION STAFF IN THE COUNTY OF GLIWICE’ Target group: 70 teachers and education administration staff members from the Gliwice County schools as well as from theCounty Department of Education, Culture and Sport who enrol in postgraduate studies and participate in various training courses. Timeframe: 01.06.2010 – 31.05.2012 Budget: -~350 000 PLN

  11. Supporting the Development of Pupils Attending Special Schools in the County of Gliwice Through Implementation of Projects Co-financed by the European Union • PROJECT WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF ‘LIFELONG LEARNING’ PROGRAMME, COMENIUS MULTILATERAL PROJECTS • „DIFFERENT, • YET THE SAME IN EUROPE” • Partners: • The Special School in Pyskowice • Zakladni Škola in Opava • Goals: • to familiarise Polish students with the Czech language basics, and the Czech students with the Polish language basics, as well as improve English language skills; • to enrich personal experience of students through travelling abroad and making friends with peers who have similar educational needs.

  12. Supporting the Development of Pupils Attending Special Schools in the County of Gliwice Through Implementation of Projects Co-financed by the European Union Within framework of the project, two 10-day study visits were organized, during which Polish students visited the Czech Republic and Czech students visited Poland (sporting events, fine arts workshops, finding out about cuisine, culture, langauage, nature and touristic attractions), whereas teachers exchanged experience related to teaching methods. Timeframe: 01.10.2007 – 31.07.2009 Budget for Poland: 20 000 EURO

  13. Supporting the Development of Pupils Attending Special Schools in the County of Gliwice Through Implementation of Projects Co-financed by the European Union PROJECTS WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF ‘LIFELONG LEARNING’ PROGRAMME, COMENIUS REGIO PARTNERSHIP PROJECTS LOCALLY FOR EDUCATION. EXCHANGE OF POLISH – GERMAN EXPERIENCES WITH REGARD TO SOLVING SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS Partners: POLAND Gliwice County – Complex of Special Schools in Pyskowice – ThePyskowiceMunicipal Cuture and Sports Centre GERMANY Landkreis Calw - Karl-Georg-Haldenwang Schule - Club "Booster" Karl-Georg-Haldenwang Schule Goal: demonstrating the impact of cooperation with schools’ local partners on educational and behavioral results achieved by special school pupils, which contribute to the prevention of early school leaving. Timeframe: 08.2010– 07.2012 Budget: 39 200 EURO

  14. Supporting the Development of Pupils Attending Special Schools in the County of Gliwice Through Implementation of Projects Co-financed by the European Union Activities: - study visits in partner countries; - organizing seminars and workshops intended to promote the project outcomes and and identify the best methods of making the educational offers of schools more attractive; - organizing conferences; - dissemination of project outcomes.

  15. Supporting the Development of Pupils Attending Special Schools in the County of Gliwice Through Implementation of Projects Co-financed by the European Union • CULTURAL AND REGIONAL IDENTITY • IMPORTANT ELEMENT OF INCREASING THE QUALITY OF EDUCATION • IN WALES AND SILESIA • Partners: • GREAT BRITAIN • Denbigshire County Council- Ysgol Tir Morfa– Community Support for Autism im Wales • POLAND • Gliwice County - The Complex of Special Schools in Pyskowice - The Complex of Special Schools in Knurow – Psychological and Pedagogical Counselling Bureau in Pyskowice – Psychological and Pedagogical Counselling Bureau in Knurow • Goal: developing the role of cultural identity within special educational needs education in Wales and Silesia through mutual learning, authentic resources, mobility, research and accompanying workshops and seminars. • Timeframe: 08.2011 - 07.2013 • Project budget: 44 000 EUR

  16. Supporting the Development of Pupils Attending Special Schools in the County of Gliwice Through Implementation of Projects Co-financed by the European Union Thank you for your attention! Development and Promotion Department Gliwice County wrp@starostwo.gliwice.pl ul. Zygmunta Starego 17, 44-100 Gliwice

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