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Reviewing delivery of the EU Biodiversity Action Plan

Strategic response for meeting biodiversity targets, addressing policy sectors comprehensively with joined-up approach. Objectives, targets, actions, and monitoring detailed for effective implementation. Importance of Member State engagement emphasized. Easing reporting burdens through integrated national planning. Ongoing consultations and annual reporting ensure progress tracking.

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Reviewing delivery of the EU Biodiversity Action Plan

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  1. Reviewing delivery of the EU Biodiversity Action Plan • A strategic response to accelerate progress to meet the 2010 biodiversity targets with clear focus on biodiversity outcomes • Addresses relevant policy sectors and horizontal policy areas in a comprehensive and unified way • Provide a joined up approach by identifying what needs to be done at MS & Community level

  2. Objectives, Targets & Actions of Biodiversity Action Plan • 4 broad policy Areas • ▼ • 10 Key Objectives • + 4 Supporting Measures • + Monitoring, Evaluation and Review • ▼ • 46 Targets • + 6 Headline Targets • ▼ • 150 Actions • ▼ • Community + Member State action

  3. Nature Directives at core of delivery of BAP – especially Objective 1 • Finalise Natura 2000 network on land (EU27) • Extend Natura 2000 to marine (incl. offshore) • Protect and Manage sites • Monitor conservation status of habitats/species • Strengthen coherence, connectivity of network • Develop & Implement species action plans • etc……

  4. Ongoing consultations on delivery of BAP • Oct 06-May 07: Interinstitutional follow up (Council, EP etc) • March 07: BEG expert meeting involves other COM services • May 07: Feedback with 1st preliminary assessment & discussion with Nature Directors (DE presidency) • July – Sept 07: Consultations and meetings of DG ENV Biodiversity co-ordination group & COM Biodiversity Interdepartmental Group • 24 Oct 06: next consultation with BEG expert group • 29/30 Nov 06: next consultation with Nature Directors (Portugal)

  5. Annual Reporting to 2010 on delivery of EU BAP • 1st implementation report • made available to Council and EP (for 1 quarter 2008) • will present summary of progress, detailed table of actions and biodiversity indicators • focus on Community level delivery • 2nd (mid-term) implementation report (Nov. 2008) • Communication from Commission to Council and EP implementation • To cover Community & Member State delivery • Still to determine how to arrange inputs from MS (will avail of existing reporting streams – eg Natura 2000 data etc)

  6. Importance of Member State engagement with EU BAP • BAP delivery cannot succeed without co-ordinated approach of COM /MS – important to assure that BAP actions and expected outputs sufficiently clear • not meaningful to have mid-term and final reports if Member States do not provide information in relation to actions taken at national level • Will need to track progress for 2008….and beyond, while avoiding burdensome reporting • Commission to develop scoreboard to transparently present progress on objectives and targets • Will need to integrate into national biodiversity planning & monitoring to ensure joined up approach for future reporting

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