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NATIONAL POLICY AND ACTION PLAN ON BIODIVERSITY. Dr.E.V.Muley Ex Director Government of India, Ministry of Environment & Forests. BIODIVERSITY. DEFINITION :

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  1. NATIONAL POLICY AND ACTION PLAN ON BIODIVERSITY Dr.E.V.Muley Ex Director Government of India, Ministry of Environment & Forests

  2. BIODIVERSITY DEFINITION: Variability among living organisms and the ecological complexes of which they are part, including diversity within and between species and ecosystems.

  3. LEVELS OF BIODIVERSITY • Species Diversity: Numbers and kinds of living organisms. • Genetic Diversity : Genetic variation within a population of species. • Ecosystem Diversity: Variety of habitats, biological and ecological community processes occurring in the Biosphere.

  4. IMPORTANCE OF BIODIVERSITY • Direct Consumptive Value in food, agriculture, medicine, textile and industry. • Aesthetic and Recreational Value. • Maintenance of Ecological Balance and Continuation of Evolutionary Process.

  5. Status of Biodiversity: India’s Unique Position • India is one of the 18 Megadiversity countries which together hold 60-70% of the World’s Biodiversity • Other countries include Brazil, China, Zaire, Indonesia, Columbia , Mexico, Ecuador, Kenya, Peru, Venezuela, Costrica , Bolivia , Malaysia , Philippines, South Africa , Democratic Republic, Congo and Madagascar • India accounts for 7-8% percent of the earth’s total Biodiversity

  6. UNCED Earth Summit at Rio de Janerio, Brazil, June 1992. • BACKGROUND: • Accelerated loss of Biodiversity and Extinction of Species on account of economic activities and fragmentation and degradation of Habitats • Commitment of Global Community for Conservation and Sustainable use of Biodiversity. • Fair and Equitable sharing of benefits arising out of the utilisation of Genetic Resources. • Sovereign Rights of the Parties guaranteed CONVENTION ON BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY

  7. GUIDING OBJECTIVES OFCBD • Sovereign rights of the States over their Biological resources • in-situ and ex-situ Conservation • Incentives for conservation and sustainable utilisation of Biological resources • regulating access to genetic resources • Access and transfer of technology and provisions of financial resources • Impact assessment • Research and raining • Education and awareness

  8. NATIONAL POLICY AND GOALS • India has had a long history of Conservation and sustainable use of Natural Resources. • Legal, Policy and Institutional Framework as well as Field Action Programmes are in place. • Biodiversity is a multi –disciplinary subject involving diverse sectoral activities and number of Stake holders with conflicting interests and concerns.

  9. ECOSYSTEM DIVERSITY • Forest Ecosystem • Grassland Ecosystem • Wetland Ecosystem • Coastal Ecosystem: - Mangroves - Coral Reefs • Marine Ecosystem • Desert Ecosystem

  10. India is one of the 18 Megadiversity Countries of the World. • With 2.4 % of the land area, India accounts for7 –8 % of the recorded species of the world. • India is one of the 8 primary Centers of Origin of Cultivated plants and is rich in Agriculture Biodiversity. • Flora : 46,000 Species • Fauna : 87,000 Species • Microorganisms • Cultivated Plants • Endemic Species SPECIES DIVERSITY

  11. GENETIC DIVERSITY • DEFINITION: • Variation in the Genetic Composition of individuals within or among species • Wild Relatives of Crops : 320 Varieties of rice, maize, millets, barley and brinjals • Domesticated Animals : 114 Breeds of Domesticated Animals (Buffaloes, Cattel, Sheep, Goat, Camel, Horses etc)

  12. THREATSTO BIODIVERSITY • Threats to Species • Threats to Genetic Diversity • Threats to Ecosystem Diversity

  13. BIODIVERSITY ACTION PLAN • Legal and Policy Framework • Survey and Inventorisation • Training and Capacity Building • Institutional Framework • Establishment of Database Network

  14. IN SITU CONSERVATION • 4.2% of the total geographical area of the country earmarked for extensive in situ Conservation. • Establishment of Protected Area Network: • National Parks: 85 • Wild Life Sanctuaries: 448 • Biosphere Reserves: 14 • World Heritage Sites: 5

  15. IN SITU CONSERVATION • Animal Species Targeted Projects • Project Hangul,1970 • Project Tiger,1973 (23 Tiger Reserves) • Manipur Brow-Antlered Deer Conservation Project,1973 • Crocodile Breeding Project, 1975 • Project Elephant,1991

  16. CONSERVATION & MANAGEMENT OF ECOSYSTEMS • Conservation and Management of Wetlands • Conservation and Management of Mangroves and Coral Reefs • Conservation and Management of Coastal and Marine Biodiversity • Forest Conservation • Wildlife Conservation

  17. EX SITU CONSERVATION • Botanical Gardens : 33 • Zoos: 275 • Deer Parks • Safari Parks • Gene Banks for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants : 3 • National Zoo Authority • Conservation of Endangered Species

  18. ECOSYSTEM MANAGEMENT • Conservation and Management of Wetlands 67 • National Lake Management Programme (10 Urban Lakes) • Conservation and Management of Mangroves 35 • Conservation and Management of Coral Reefs (ICRMN) 4

  19. SUSTINABLE UTILISATION • Equitable Sharing of Benefits of Biological Resources • Environmental Protection Act,1986 • National Conservation Strategy and Policy Statement on Environment Development,1992 • National Forest Policy • National Wildlife Action Plan • Coastal Zone Regulation Rules,1991

  20. INDIGENOUS KNOWLEDGE SYSTEM • Communities and local people in India make extensive use of biodiversity in day-to-day life for health care, food and other purposes. • Studies carried out under the All India Coordinated Research Project on Ethnobiology (AICRPE) have estimated that 9,500 Species are utilised by native communities for diverse uses, such as medicinal, fibre,fodder,gums,resins etc.


  22. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES • Botanical Survey of India (BSI) • Zoological Survey of India(ZSI) • Fisheries Survey of India (FSI) • Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI) • National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR) • National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources (NBAGR) • National Bureau Of Fish Genetic Resources (NBFGR)

  23. EDUCATION TRANING AND EXTENSION • Central Drug Research Institute (CDRI) • Central Research institute for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants(CIMAP) • Central National Harbarium • Indian Institute of Forest Management • Forest Research Institute • Forest Survey of India • Wildlife Research Institute • Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education

  24. INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION • Convention on Biodiversity • Ramsar Convention • Convention on International Trade in Wild Species of Fauna and Flora (CITES) • UNDP/GEF/ ICEF Projects • ICRI/GCRMN/ICRAN/ICRIN

  25. BIODIVERSITY LEGISLATION • Very few countries so far have enacted legislations specifically for biodiversity. These are: • Philippines • Coasta Rica • In addition the five Andean Countries (Bolivia, Colombia,Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela) have entered into a pact for common regime on access to genetic resources. • Brazil, Ethiopia , Ghana, Nigeria are in the process of developing Biodiversity Legislation .

  26. WHY LEGISLATION ? • Concerns emerging from new developments in Bio-technology and Information Technology and from the on-going erosion of Biodiversity • Challenges related to IPRs and Patents, access and benefit sharing arising out of the utilization of rich Biological resources and bio-piracy • Compliance with CBD

  27. THE BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY ACT,2002 • AIM: • Conservation of Biological Diversity • Sustainable use of its components • Fair and equitable sharing of benefits and • Recognition of traditional knowledge and related matters

  28. BACKGROUND • India : Rich in Biodiversity ( one of the 18 Megadiversity countries) • Traditional knowledge • India is a Party to the CBD

  29. National Biodiversity Authority • Established at Chennai under the Biological Diversity Act, 2002 • Composition:Chairperson and 5 Non-official Members as also 10 ex-officio Members • Powers: To regulate all activities relating to Access and utilisation of Biological resources and fair and equitable benefit sharing • Financial Mechanism: Central Government shall provide grants to the Authority

  30. REGULATION OF ACCESS TO BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITYNATIONAL BIODIVERSITY AUTHORITY • Prior approval of the Authority is required by the following: • A person who is not a citizen of India • A Non-resident Indian (NRI) as defined in Clause 30 of Section II of IT Act ,61 • A body corporate/association or organisation not registered in India OR • Registered in India but has Non-Indianparticipation in its share capital or management • For transfer of research results to above category • or applying for IPR based on research on a biological resource obtained from India

  31. BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY RULES,2004 • Acomprehensive Rule covering various aspects of the Act has been notified on 15th April,2004 • Various Sections of the Act have also been brought in to force.

  32. EXEMPTION FROM SEEKING CLEARANCE FROM NBA • Collaborative research involving exchange of biological resources or information between institutions of India and other countries provided they satisfy conditions mentioned earlier. • All collaborative Research Projects which concluded before commencement of the Biological Diversity Act , 2002

  33. State Biodiversity Boards • To be established by the States , by Notification in the official Gazette • In respect of Union Territory, the NBA shall exercise powers and functions of State Board • The State Board shall have a Chairperson, 5 ex-officio embers and 5 experts • Grant to the Boards to be provided by States.

  34. BIODIVERSITY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE • Every local body shall constitute a Biodiversity Management Committee • The NBA and State Biodiversity Board shall consult the Biodiversity Management Committee while taking a decision relating to biological resources and associated TK within their territorial jurisdiction

  35. Duties of the Central and State Governments • Central Government shall develop national strategies , plans, programmes, for conservation, sustainable use,including measures for identification of areas rich in biological resources for their conservation • The State Government in consultation with the local bodies may notify in the official Gazette , areas of Biodiversity importance as Biodiversity Heritage sites under Biological Diversity Act ,2002 and may frame Rules for their conservation in consultation with Central Government


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