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Lviv Polytechnic National University, with a rich 200-year history, has a legacy of notable figures like Julian Zachariewicz, Kazimierz Bartel, Ignacy Mościcki, Stanislav Ulam, and Stefan Banach. Ranked highly with global affiliations, it offers a wide range of academic programs and boasts a large academic and research staff. The university's mission is to nurture creative leaders and promote innovative solutions. With over 35,000 students and various doctoral programs available, Lviv Polytechnic National University is known for its excellence in fields like architecture, engineering, geodesy, power engineering, computer science, and more. Its academic institutes cover a wide array of disciplines, ensuring a comprehensive education for its students.
LvivPolytechnic National University: modern university with 200 years of history and traditions LVIV POLYTECHNIC NATIONAL UNIVERSITY
Julian Zachariewicz was the first Rector of Lviv Higher Technical School, the founder of Lviv architectural school that defined the architectural face of the Lviv in the second half of XIX - early XX century. He was the author of the main building and the chemical building of our university; • Rectors Kazimierz Bartel and Ignacy Mościcki were famous politicians. Kazimierz Bartel was Prime Minister of Poland for three times. Ignacy Mościcki is also known as the developer of nitric acid production technology and was President of Poland; • Stanislav Ulam, a graduate of the Lviv Polytechnic, he was the participant of the Manhattan Project on development of nuclear bomb, co-inventor of hydrogen bomb and thermonuclear bomb; • Stefan Banach, one of the founders of modern functional analysis and Lviv Mathematics School. His collection of mathematical tasks was named after known in the whole world Shkotska book. Among the famous personalities of Lviv Polytechnic LVIV POLYTECHNIC NATIONAL UNIVERSITY
MagnaCartaUniversitatum; • EuropeanUniversityAssociation(EUA); • AllianceofUniversitiesforDemocracy (AUDEM); • AssociationofCarpathianRegionUniversities (ACRU); • BoardofEuropeanStudentsofTechnology (BEST); • AssociationdesEtatsGénérauxdesEtudiantsdel’Europe(AEGEE). Participationin the international organizations LVIV POLYTECHNIC NATIONAL UNIVERSITY
16academic institutes (118departments)and90 research, testing and branch laboratories; • International Institute of Education, Culture and Diaspora Relations; • Postgraduate Institute; • 8 colleges; • 32 academic and laboratory buildings; • Polytechnic Project Construction Association; • geodesic polygon; • geodesic laboratory; • scientific-technicallibrary; • publishing house; • 14 hallsof residence; • 3 recreational camps for students and teachers; • Prosvita Cultural Association. Structure and staff LVIV POLYTECHNIC NATIONAL UNIVERSITY
Mission: to form the generation of creative leaders and to develop innovative solutions • more than 35,000 students; • 600 postgraduates; Structure and staff • 66Bachelor programs (1st cycle); • 130Master programs (2nd cycle); • 54 PhD Programs (3th cycle) LVIV POLYTECHNIC NATIONAL UNIVERSITY
Over 2,000 scientific and pedagogical personnel: • over 350 hold the degree of doctors of science, professors; • over 1,200 - PhD, Associated Professors Structure and staff LVIV POLYTECHNIC NATIONAL UNIVERSITY
Doctoral school has the responsibility of providing students with structured doctoral training in a disciplinary field. • 54 Ph.D. Programs (3th cycle) 7 English PhD Programs: • Electrical energetic, electrical engineering and electro mechanics; • Automation and computer-integrated technologies; • Micro- and nano-system technology; • Building and civil engineering; • International economic relations; • Management; • Marketing. Doctoral School LVIV POLYTECHNIC NATIONAL UNIVERSITY
Institute of Architecture(architecture and construction, arts and culture). • Institute of Building and Environmental Engineering(architecture and construction, civil safety). • Institute of Geodesy (geodesy, land planning, and Earth sciences for environmental monitoring using geodesy, geodynamics, remote sensing and mathematical modeling methods). • Institute of Power Engineering and Control Systems (electrical engineering, automation and instrument making). • Institute of Engineering Mechanics and Transport (engineering mechanics and transport). • Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies (information technologies, social sciences, manufacturing and technologies) • Institute of Computer Technologies, Automation and Metrology (information technologies, automation and instrument making). • Institute of Applied Mathematics and Fundamental Sciences (social and behavioral sciences, natural sciences, mathematics and statistics, information technologies). • Institute of Telecommunication, Radioelectronics and Electronic Engineering (automation and instrument making, electronics and telecommunication). • Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies(chemical bioengineering, mechanical engineering, manufacturing and technologies, healthcare). Academic Institutes train specialists in the fields of: LVIV POLYTECHNIC NATIONAL UNIVERSITY
Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences (information technologies, social and behavioral sciences, arts and culture, social work). • VyacheslavChornovil Institute of Ecology, Nature Protection and Tourism (natural sciences, manufacturing and technologies, management and administration, service sector, social and behavioral sciences). • Institute of Economics and Management (social and behavioral sciences, management and administration). • Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology(of social and behavioral sciences, law and journalism). • Institute of Administration and Postgraduate Education (provides programs for students of Bachelor, Specialist and Master degrees and professional development courses for specialists in all fields and specialties licensed at the University) • Institute of Distance Education provides an opportunity for students to gain basic higher education on-the-job; education process is conducted by using distance learning technologies such as video classes with electronic textbooks, manuals and other methodological support. • International Institute of Education, Culture and Diaspora Relations was established for developing cooperation with higher education institutions, strengthening educational and cultural relations with the Ukrainian diaspora. Academic Institutes train specialists in the fields of: LVIV POLYTECHNIC NATIONAL UNIVERSITY
Architecture and design; • Civil and environmental engineering; • Power engineering and control systems; • Geodesy; • Computer sciences and information technologies; • Computer technologies, automation and metrology; • Nanotechnologies, advanced materials and production technologies; • Telecommunications, radio and electronic engineering; • Chemistry and chemical technologies; • Biotechnology; • Mechanical engineering and transport; • Applied mathematics and fundamental sciences; • Humanities and social sciences; • Law and psychology; • Economics and management. Main Scientific Research Areas LVIV POLYTECHNIC NATIONAL UNIVERSITY
NCP within Horizon 2020 • Marie Curie Actions on Skills, Training and Career Development National Contact Point • Information and Communication Technologies National Contact Points http://www.lp.edu.ua/ncpmka http://www.lp.edu.ua/ncpict LVIV POLYTECHNIC NATIONAL UNIVERSITY
Lviv Polytechnic publishes 36 scientific journals: • 10 in English: • Chemistry & СhemicalTechnology (Scopus, IndexCopernicus); • Computational Problems of Electrical Engineering; • Economics, entrepreneurship,management (IndexCopernicus); Mathematical Modeling and Computing (IndexCopernicus); • EnergyEngineeringandControlSystems; • UkrainianJournalofMechanicalEngineeringandMaterialsScience; • Architecturalstudies; • AdvancesinCyber-PhysicalSystems; • EnvironmentalProblems; • UkrainianJournalofEducationalResearch; • 4 in English and Ukrainian: • HumanitarianVision; • HistoricalandCulturalStudies; • Geodynamics; • Catalysis and Petrochemicals. Publishingactivity LVIV POLYTECHNIC NATIONAL UNIVERSITY
The University has more than 100 agreements on scientific and educational cooperation with more than 80 universities, research institutions and companies in Europe, America and Asia (more than 50 agreements have been concluded with Poland). International scientific cooperation LVIV POLYTECHNIC NATIONAL UNIVERSITY
Research teams of Lviv Polytechnic implement international projects and research works within: • international grants (NATO, ICDD, STCU, VOLKSWAGEN STIFTUNG); • European Commission projects (FP7,ERASMUS +); • intergovernmental agreements; • commercial treaties commissioned by foreign companies and institutions. International scientific cooperation In 2017 have been applied 10 proposals for the Сall for proposals of the the joint Ukraine – Poland R&D projects for the period of 2018 – 2019 LVIV POLYTECHNIC NATIONAL UNIVERSITY
Educational and scientific laboratories and centres established under the auspice of foreign companiesand institutions LVIV POLYTECHNIC NATIONAL UNIVERSITY
Educational and scientific laboratories and centres established under the auspice of foreign firms and institutions • Training laboratory of flexible methodologies of software development (with support of “Sigma Software”). • Training and research centre “Schneider Electric” (France). • Training and research centre of “Moeller” firm (Germany). • Research laboratory of low-voltage electrotechnical equipment of “АВВ” (Switzerland), “ЕТІ” (Slovenia) companies. • Training centre for computer diagnostics of transport means Lviv Polytechnic – Bosch Academy. • Training and research laboratory on IT-technologies (“EPAM Systems”, the biggest developing company in the sphere of IT-consulting in Eastern Europe). • Training centre “Computer technologies of design and processing products” (in the framework of cooperation between Ukrainian higher educational institutions and “Delcam plc.” company, the UK). • Training and reserach laboratory of processing satellite measurements (with the support of “Leica Geosystems” company, Switzerland). • Material Engineering Service-Office – MESO (in the framework of TEMPUS project). Про підготовку та атестацію наукових і науково-педагогічних кадрів в університеті 18 LVIV POLYTECHNIC NATIONAL UNIVERSITY
Business-innovative centre Lviv Tech Challenge Про підготовку та атестацію наукових і науково-педагогічних кадрів в університеті 19 LVIV POLYTECHNIC NATIONAL UNIVERSITY
Treaty between the Polish Republic and Ukraine on Good Neighborhood, Friendly Relations and Cooperation, signed on 18 May 1992; • Agreement between the Government of Ukraine and the Government of the Republic of Poland on Cooperation in the Field of Science and Technology, signed 12 January 1993; • Agreement between the Government of Ukraine and the Government of the Republic of Poland on Cooperation in the Field of Culture, Science and Education, signed 20 May 1997; • Agreement between the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Minister of National Education of the Polish Republic on Cooperation in the Field of Education, signed on 19 January 2015. International cooperation between Ukraine andPoland LVIV POLYTECHNIC NATIONAL UNIVERSITY
Ukrainian-Polish Forum of the Association of rectors of higher technical educational institutions of Ukraine and the Conference of rectors of technical universities of Poland Technical Education for the future of Europe (Lviv, Lviv Polytechnic, December 2011); • Forum of rectors of higher technical educational establishments of Ukraine and Poland (Kyiv, April 2017). • The exchange of academic staff and university cooperation in the scope of Horizon 2020 were discussed by the Ministers of Education and Science of Poland and Ukraine. • Poland and Ukraine will prepare the Agreement on Deepening Cooperation in the Field of Higher • Education and Science. The Agreement • will help to deepen cooperation in the areas of: • academic integrity; • interuniversity mobility. Cooperation of Lviv Polytechnic National University with higher education institutions, research institutions of Poland LVIV POLYTECHNIC NATIONAL UNIVERSITY
Cooperation of Lviv Polytechnic National University with higher education institutions, research institutions of Poland LVIV POLYTECHNIC NATIONAL UNIVERSITY
Cooperation of Lviv Polytechnic National University with higher education institutions, research institutions of Poland LVIV POLYTECHNIC NATIONAL UNIVERSITY
Among46 Doctor Honoris Causa of Lviv Polytechnic21 are polish professors and scientists Maria Skłodowska-Curie (1912) Feliks Józef Tadeusz Kucharzewski (1925 ) Roman Witold Ingarden (1925) Rudolf Modrzejewski (1930) Leszek Balcerowicz (2015) Krzysztof Pawłowski (2009) Tadeusz Więckowski (2011) Piotr Łebkowski (2014) Wojciech Zieliński (2008) Andrzej Józef Wiszniewski (1999) Andrzej Mulak (2001) LVIV POLYTECHNIC NATIONAL UNIVERSITY
Rector of Lviv Polytechnic National University prof. YuriyBobalois Doctor Honoris Causa of Wroclaw University of Technology • Professor Rostyslav Bun was awarded with the Knight's Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland (KRZYŻ KAWALERSKI ORDERU ZASŁUGI RZECZYPOSPOLITEJ POLSKIEJ) by decree of the President of Poland BronislawKomorowski in 2013. In the Presidential decree the following is written: “for outstanding achievements in teaching and research activities and development of Polish-Ukrainian scientific cooperation”. Achievements and Scientific Awards LVIV POLYTECHNIC NATIONAL UNIVERSITY
Among the most prominent scientific events are the following: • ХІІІ International Scientific and Technical Conference «Perspective Technologies and Methods in MEMS Design» MEMSTECH 2016 (co-organizer:KrakowMiningandMetallurgicalAcademynamedafter S. Staszica, WarsawUniversityofTechnology, WroclawUniversityofScienceandTechnology); • International Scientific and Technical Conference «Experience of the CAD Development and use in Microsystem Electronics»CADSM 2017 (co-organizer: LodzUniversityofTechnology, WarsawUniversityofTechnology, UniversityofZielonaGóra); • 6-thInternationalYouthScienceFestival «LitterisetArtibus» (co-organizer: CouncilofYoungScientistsoftheWarsawUniversityofTechnology, TheFoundationforYoungScientists); • InternationalConferenceofYoungScientists "Finance, banking, insurance» (participants: WroclawUniversityofEconomics, MariaCurie-SklodowskaUniversity in Lublin); • XIII InternationalScientificConference «ModernProblemsofRadioEngineering, TelecommunicationsandComputerScience» (participants: CzestochowaUniversityofTechnology, MilitaryUniversityofTechnologyinWarsaw, InternationalLaboratoryofHighMagneticFieldsandLowTemperatures in Wroclaw, LodzUniversityofTechnology). Cooperation of Lviv Polytechnic National University with higher education institutions, research institutions of Poland LVIV POLYTECHNIC NATIONAL UNIVERSITY
In 2017 Ukrainian-Polish project Search, Identification and Scientific Study of the oldest church of Virgin Mary built in Chelm by King DanyloHalytsky. The project was conducted for 5 years (2013-2017) jointly with: • The Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, • The National Heritage Board of Poland, • Lviv Polytechnic National University, • Ivan Krypiakevych Institute of Ukrainian Studies. • The project is realized with financial support of: • The Petro Poroshenko Charity Foundation, • The National Heritage Board of Poland, • Lviv Polytechnic National University. Cooperation of Lviv Polytechnic National University with higher education institutions, research institutions of Poland LVIV POLYTECHNIC NATIONAL UNIVERSITY
Several projects conducted by research teams of Lviv Polytechnic: • Geoinformation Technologies, Spatio-Temporal Approaches, and Full Carbon Account for Improving Accuracy of GHG Inventories, FP7(Polish partner – Institute for System Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences); • Technological and Design Aspects of Extrusion and Injection Moulding of Thermoplastic Polymer Composites and Nanocomposites, FP7(Polish partner – Lublin University of Technology, coordinator); • New Dosimetry for the Triage of People Exposed to Ionizing Radiation, NATO; • Developing Multidomain MEMS Models for Educational Purpose, FP7(Polish partners: Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Lodz University of Technology – coordinator); • Multicoloured ambipolar conducting polymers for single polymer optoelectronic devices, FP7(Polish partner – Silesian University of Technology, coordinator); • Developing an Innovative Model of the Cross-Border Use of Zeolitic Tuff, Cross-border Cooperation Programme Poland - Belarus - Ukraine 2007-2013(Polish partners: University of Management and Administration in Zamosc, Lublin University of Technology, Institute of Agrophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences). International scientific cooperation LVIV POLYTECHNIC NATIONAL UNIVERSITY
Scientists of Lviv Polytechnic are members of the editorial boards of polish scientific journals, such as: • FactaSimonidis (The State School of Higher Education (PWSZ) in Zamość); • TransportProblems (Scopus, IndexCopernicus; TheSilesianUniversityofTechnology, FacultyofTransportKatowice); • CzasopismoInżynieriiLądowej, Środowiska i Architektury, JCEEA. JournalofCivilEngineering, EnvironmentandArchitecture (IndexCopernicus; UniversityofRzeszow); • Informatyka, AutomatykaPomiary w Gospodarce i OchronieŚrodowiska (IAPGOŚ) (IndexCopernicus; LublinScienceandTechnologyPark); • Ecological Chemistry and Engineering (SocietyofEcologicalChemistryandEngineering); • МarketingiRynek (Polskie Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne). Publishingactivity / Cooperation with institutions of Poland LVIV POLYTECHNIC NATIONAL UNIVERSITY
Over the last seven years have been published 44 joint monographs Publishingactivity/ Cooperation with institutions of Poland LVIV POLYTECHNIC NATIONAL UNIVERSITY