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Perm National Research Polytechnic University Perm National Research Polytechnic University PNRPU (ex. Perm State Technical University) is one of the leading technical higher schools in Russia. It is the largest educational, scientific and cultural center in the Western Ural.
Perm National Research Polytechnic University Perm National Research Polytechnic University PNRPU (ex. Perm State Technical University) is one of the leading technical higher schools in Russia. It is the largest educational, scientific and cultural center in the Western Ural. Perm Krai is situated on the West of the Ural Mountains, between Europe and Asia, in the very center of Russia. It has an area of 160.6 thousand square kilometers and 2.7 million people of population.
Since 1953 we have trained more than 110 thousand specialists. About 30 000 students, including 450 post-graduate students, study today at PNRPU. University has high-qualified teaching staff: • 730 Candidates of Science • 220 Doctors of Science • Satisfaction of citizen and society needs in high-qualitative higher, graduate and additional professional education; • Realization of fundamental and applied scientific researches on the level of international achievements; • Stimulation of knowledge and technology promotion, development of innovation-based market infrastructure; • Personal versatile education of a future specialist showing high level of expertise, culture, refinement, social activity and features of a patriot citizen; • Arrangement of conditions to make information resources and generated knowledge accessible to the population.
Faculties: • Aerospace • Car And Road Building • Mining And Oil • Mechanical Engineering • Civil Engineering • Chemical Engineering • Electrical Engineering • Applied Mathematics And Mechanics • Humanitarian
PNRPU offers: • 57 master degree programs • 130 bachelor degree programs • 15 specialties • 80 postgraduate programs • 30 Doctor of Sciences programs. International cooperation has been recently one of the priorities of PNRPU activities. The University's goal is the enhancement of teachers’ professional development in the advanced world universities; speeding up the research activities in common with the foreign partners; strengthening international relations between different organizations and companies of the world; expansion of the variety and amount of educational services; speeding up students and teachers exchange.
International activity of PNRPU involves cooperation with universities of Europe, the USA and China. Among cooperation partners are:
Civil Engineering FacultyUrban Planning Department The head of department: Doctor of engineering science, Professor PNRPU Maksimova Svetlana Valentinovna. Urban Planning Department was founded on 1 of October in 2011 with active support from Perm Kray Administration.
Staff : MaksimovaSvetlana Valentinovna – PhD., D.E.Sc., Professor Head, Department of Urban Planning, PNRPU Maksimova S.V. started her scientific-teaching practice since 1984. She finished study course by international programme “Tempus-Tacis” at the University of Vienna and at the HochschuleRheinMain University of Applied Sciences at the department of architecture, department of Civil Engineering, department of Urban Planning. GolovinAndreyVladimirovich – PhD, Associate Professor of Urban Planning department, director of Scientific-educational urban planning center “Gradcenter” by the Urban Planning department. As a director of MAU “City projects office”, he lead the projects “Strategic master plan of Perm city”, “General plan of Perm city” and “Deployment scenario of general plan of Perm city”. Gudz Tatyana Vasilievna – Associate Professor, Doctor of Urban Planning department From 2000 to 2009 expert, first deputy chief of department of planning and development of Perm city on the matter of normative regulation of urban planning.
Vancutsem Didier – visiting Professor. Professor of Rural and Urban Landscape Planning, Urban Planning at the Higher Institute of Town Planning Brussels (since 1998). Professor at the Brussels University – Faculty of Architecture and Landscape (since 2010). Vice-President and Treasurer ISOCARP 1999-2006. Gudz Tatyana Vasilievna – Associate Professor, Doctor of Urban Planning department From 2000 to 2009 expert, first deputy chief of department of planning and development of Perm city on the matter of normative regulation of urban planning. Parrinello Sandro -visiting Professor. Professor Architectural Drawing and informatic Graphicin at the university of Pavia. Professor of civil engeneering and architecture department at the university of Florence. Member of International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS). Shamarina Anna- Phd student, assistants professor of landscape design. Pimenova Ekaterina– Phd student, assistants professor of architecture and urban planning.
Main programmes: • Master courses • Refresher courses (over 500 hours) • Advanced training courses (72-500 hours) Guidelines of department: • Training of specialists, who able successfully solve tasks of urban areas development in new economic conditions, who ready to work in all spheres connected with urban engineering, urban planning, design of urban areas. • Permanent approximation the topic of engineering with real tasks of development and reconstruction in Perm and cities of Perm Krai, fulfillment of projects connected with them. • outsourcing of foreign specialists and scientists • participation in urban planning projecting • Integration into international (European) educational system in the field of urban planning, students exchange