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Flexible Precision Irrigation Platform for Enhanced Farm Water Productivity

Economic assessment and policy guidelines based on Delphi study results for UNIBO in the development of a precise irrigation platform to enhance water productivity at farm scale in European agricultural regions.

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Flexible Precision Irrigation Platform for Enhanced Farm Water Productivity

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  1. FIGARO WP7 Economic Assessment and Policy Guidelines Delphi results and T7.6 workplan Rome, January 2015

  2. Stated goals for UNIBO in WP7 Flexible and precIse irriGation plAtform to improve faRm scale water prOductivity Objectives • to explore the viability of PI in a number of European agricultural regions (T7.1 and linkages with T2.3) – Delphi Study • to explore the the outcome of the FIGARO PI assessment (from T7.2 to T7.5 and linkages with T2.1) and the Delphi study through a stakeholder consultation (EU, Case study level)

  3. Background T2.3 T7.1 • LitteratureReview • DelphiStudy DRIVING FORCES T2.2 T7.2 • Identification of Assessmenttools • Calculation of performance indicatorsat the case studylevel FIGARO PI PERFORMANCES ? T7.6 • Stakeholder consultationthrough a surveyand a meeting to verifytheirconcernabout the diffusion of PI and to set up policy guidelines SWOT and POLICY GUIDELINES Flexible and precIse irriGation plAtform to improve faRm scale water prOductivity

  4. BackgroundCBA (from T7.1 to T7.5 and linkages with T2.1) Flexible and precIse irriGation plAtform to improve faRm scale water prOductivity

  5. BackgroundCBA (from T7.1 to T7.5 and linkages with T2.1) Δ Δ Legend: r = discount rate; t = time horizon; ∂NB = net benefit differences between the FIGARO PI with the TRADITIONAL system • Do you think we will be able to share data through the platform in the 2015 irrigation season? • What about previous irrigation season, how many experimental sites collected data ? • Are this data going to be share trough the platform? • Do you think data from experimental sites will be enough reliable to show the FIGARO PI potentialities? Flexible and precIse irriGation plAtform to improve faRm scale water prOductivity

  6. Stated goals for UNIBO IN WP7 Flexible and precIse irriGation plAtform to improve faRm scale water prOductivity Objectives • to explore the viability of PI in a number of European agricultural regions (linkages with T2.3) – Delphi Study • to explore the the outcome of the FIGARO PI assessment and of the Delphi Study (from T7.1 to T7.5 and linkages with T2.1) through a stakeholder consultation (EU, Case study level)

  7. Delphi Study Flexible and precIse irriGation plAtform to improve faRm scale water prOductivity Methodology 1st Step: selection of factor limiting/fostering the uptake of PI through a survey in the experimental site regions 2nd Step: presenting back to respondents results from the first round renewing the survey Target respondents Agronomists, Water Authority representatives

  8. Delphi Study: theoretical framework Flexible and precIse irriGation plAtform to improve faRm scale water prOductivity List of factors conditioning the adoption of PI 1. Environmental Sphere: water availability (Sauer et al.,2010), land quality (Fridgen et al.,2000; Redulla et al., 2002), etc. 2. Regulatory Sphere: subsidies (Bjornlund et al., 2009; Morales et al. 2011) , water pricing policies (Miranowski, 2005), enforcement and monitoring capacity (Molle, 2008), etc. 3. Farm Sphere: farmer’s networks (Boyd et al., 2000), farmer’s skills (Nash et al., 2009; Nikkila et al., 2010), etc.

  9. Delphi Study: theoretical framework REALISTIC SCENARIO Our elaboration on Miranowski (1993) Flexible and precIse irriGation plAtform to improve faRm scale water prOductivity Quasi rent function for a land quality augmenting by comparing traditional (∏b) and modern (∏a) irrigation technologies The adoption of modern irrigation technologies has been mainly found to: increase in regions with higher temperatures, decrease with land quality augmenting (field capacity and orography), increase with increasing volumetric tariffs (when they occurs), increase with increasing costs of substituting inputs (labor and energy), increase with increasing output prices (Miranowski, 1993)

  10. Delphi Study: theoretical framework REALISTIC SCENARIO ? Our elaboration on Miranowski (1993) Flexible and precIse irriGation plAtform to improve faRm scale water prOductivity Quasi rent function for a land quality augmenting by comparing traditional (∏b) and modern (∏a) irrigation technologies The adoption of modern irrigation technologies has been mainly found to: increase in regions with higher temperatures, decrease with land quality augmenting (soil texture and orography), increase with increasing volumetric tariffs (when they occurs), increase with increasing costs of substituting inputs (labor and energy), increase with increasing output prices (Miranowski, 1993)

  11. Delphi Study: results General Information Flexible and precIse irriGation plAtform to improve faRm scale water prOductivity

  12. Delphi Study: results Main environmental factors conditioning the adoption of PI in South European (SER – Portugal, Greece, Italy) and North European (NER - Denmark) regions Legend:  – Fostering the adoption of PI;  – Limiting the adoption of PI; X – Not relevant for the adoption of PI; *, ** – respectively, 0.95 and 0.99 probabilities that factors impact differently among SER and NER regions in conditioning PI adoption. Flexible and precIse irriGation plAtform to improve faRm scale water prOductivity

  13. Delphi Study: results Main regulatory factors conditioning the adoption of PI in South European (SER – Portugal, Spain, Greece, Italy) and North European (NER - Denmark) regions Legend:  – Fostering the adoption of PI;  – Limiting the adoption of PI; X – Not relevant for the adoption of PI; *, ** – respectively, 0.95 and 0.99 probabilities that factors impact differently among SER and NER regions in conditioning PI adoption. Flexible and precIse irriGation plAtform to improve faRm scale water prOductivity

  14. Delphi Study: results Main farmer’s characteristics conditioning the adoption of PI in South European (SER) and North European (NER) regions Legend:  – Fostering the adoption of PI;  – Limiting the adoption of PI; X – Not relevant for the adoption of PI; *, ** – respectively, 0.95 and 0.99 probabilities that factors impact differently among SER and NER regions in conditioning PI adoption. Flexible and precIse irriGation plAtform to improve faRm scale water prOductivity

  15. Delphi Study: results SWOT – SOR Analysis with respect to PI Flexible and precIse irriGation plAtform to improve faRm scale water prOductivity

  16. Delphi Study: results SWOT – SOR Analysis Flexible and precIse irriGation plAtform to improve faRm scale water prOductivity

  17. Delphi Study: concluding remarks CONVERGENCES OF RESPONSES: The adoption of PI is conditioned by the field capacity, by the orography, and by the energy costs for irrigation. DIVERGENCES OF RESPONSES: Limitation about farm characteristics: farm size seems to negatively condition the adoption of PI in the Denmark case study region as farmers need to save labor rather than water, while farmer’s financial capacity and skills are considered the main limitation for most of the other case study regions. Expected environmental impact: in the Denmarck case study region the adoption of PI is mainly driven by the need to reduce nutrient leacing while the other case study regions by the need increase water use efficiency. Public intervention: Infrastructural investments, direct subsidies and advisory services are seen the most relevant driving forces for the adoption in most of the southern regions while the imposition of quality standards along the agri-food chain is addressed for the Denmarck case study region. Flexible and precIse irriGation plAtform to improve faRm scale water prOductivity

  18. Delphi Study: results SWOT – SOR Analysis Improving the current level of regulatory clearing and the quality of the information available to local authorities Flexible and precIse irriGation plAtform to improve faRm scale water prOductivity

  19. Stated goals for UNIBO IN WP7 Flexible and precIse irriGation plAtform to improve faRm scale water prOductivity Objectives • to explore the viability of PI in a number of European agricultural regions (linkages with T2.3) – Delphi Study • to explore the the outcome of the FIGARO PI assessment and of the Delphi Study (from T7.1 to T7.5 and linkages with T2.1) through a stakeholder consultation (EU, Case study level)

  20. T7.6: planning the next synthesis of assessment results and inventory of policy measures potentially supporting its diffusion Planning/Conducting a new survey based on assessment results and on the inventory of policy measures from the Delphi Planning a meeting with the stakeholders participating at the survey and with case study stakeholder to validate results and get comments Report on SWOT and policy guidelines based on previous steps collection of structured reaction about SWOT and suitability of related policy measures from the stakeholder through a questionnaire provided at open field days and training workshops (M6, M17, M36) ? please advise us if something is planned for M36 Flexible and precIse irriGation plAtform to improve faRm scale water prOductivity

  21. T7.6: planning the next • synthesis of assessment results and inventory of policy measures potentially supporting its diffusion INPUT NEEDED • LITTERATURE REVIEW and DELPHI SURVEY (OK) • First results of PERFORMANCE INDICATORS in test sites (when will they be available?) • POPOSAL(if it is not yet possible to share data through the platform) (linkages to T7.5) • Partners from experimental sites directly share information already available with WP7 partners. • WP7 partners (UNIBO leading) carry out a survey intended to end users which are already using DSS. [linkages with T10.3] ? Flexible and precIse irriGation plAtform to improve faRm scale water prOductivity

  22. T7.6: planning the next • synthesis of assessment results and inventory of policy measures potentially supporting its diffusion • POPOSAL for further investigating the economic viability of PI- QUESTIONNAIRES FOR END USERS ALREADY APPLYING PI • THE OBJECTIVE IS TO MINIMIZE EXTRA-EFFORTS for the benefit of the whole consortium • UNIBO set up an online questionnaires and invitation letters (we can provide also translations) • We need contacts and persons introducing questionnaires in those countries where the concept of PI is already applied. Is there anybody capable to provide it? • UNIBO collect questionnaires, process information, include contributing partners in any scientific/reporting documents. • EXPECTED IMPACT • Extending target stakeholders from field test partners to other PI users will enable the consortium to collect enough information to verify the usability of the FIGARO innovation (linkages with T10.3) • CONSEQUENCES • We need to shrink the expected time for T7.6b (M26-M36)in order to include this additional survey Flexible and precIse irriGation plAtform to improve faRm scale water prOductivity

  23. Stated goals T7.6: planning the next Survey intended to regional agricultural policy representatives, stakeholder from the agri-food chain (M26-M36) • UNIBO will provide first draft questionnaires among task partners and deliver the final version. • UNIBO will ask for the address of regional representative potentially interested for participating at the survey for each site test regions + EU-level representatives (better 2 or more). • UNIBO will deliver questionnaires and provide first draft results to be shared with the TASK team. • UNIBO will deliver an intermediate version of results asking for comments from participants. Flexible and precIse irriGation plAtform to improve faRm scale water prOductivity

  24. T7.6: planning the next Planning a meeting with the stakeholders participating at the survey + case study stakeholders (M36-M42) Our proposal is to organize a meeting hosting regional agricultural policy representatives (the ones involved in the previous survey) just after the 3rd irrigation season and test sites representatives in which we will have: A brief presentation of results from site tests A brief presentation of a final SWOT analysis for the adoption of PI (UNIBO, ___) A brief presentationofresultsofquestinnaires in M17 & 36 A structureddiscussionabout the practicabilityof policy measuresaddressing FPI. Flexible and precIse irriGation plAtform to improve faRm scale water prOductivity

  25. T7.6: planning the next Report on SWOT and policy guidelines based on previous steps (M44) this analysis could be exploited for setting an indoor policy for the indentification of target users and marketing strategies - linkages with the EXPLOITATION PLAN (T10.4) Flexible and precIse irriGation plAtform to improve faRm scale water prOductivity • Summary of SWOT etc… • Types of issues addressed by policy • single farm • infrastructure • Instruments • Regulation/Subsidies/taxes • Coordination mechanisms/contracts/chain connections • … • Specific mechanisms • Addressees • Cross compliance • … • Implementability • Framework legal conditions • Consistency with CAP, WFD, Energy policy • Acceptability • Sequencing

  26. References Boyd, C., Turton, C., Hatibu, N., Mahoo, H.F., Lazaro, E., Rwehumbiza, F.B., Okubal, A.P., Makumbib, M., 2000. The Contribution of Soil and Water Conservation to Sustainable Livelihoods in Semi-Arid Areas of Sub-Saharan Africa. Agricultural Research and Extension Network. Network Paper N° 102. Bjornlund, H., Nicol, L., Klien, L., 2009. The adoption of improved irrigation technology and management practices: a study of two irrigation districts in Alberta, Canada. Agric. Water Manage. 96, 121–131. Morales, L.C., Duchin, F., 2011. Policies and Technologies for a Sustainable Use of Water in Mexico: A Scenario Analysis. Economic Systems Research 23(4), 387-407. Nash, E., Korduan, P., Bill, R., 2009. Applications of open geospatial web services in precision agriculture: a review. Precision Agriculture 10 (6), 546–560. Nikkil , R., Seilonen, I., Koskinenet, K., 2010. Software architecture for farm manage- ment information systems in precision agriculture. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 70 (2), 328–336. Fridgen, J., Fraisse, C., Kitchen, N., Sudduth, K. (2000). Delineation and analysis of site specific management zones. 2nd Int Conf on Geospatial Inf in Agr and Forestry. Florida Jan. 10-12. Miranowski, John A. Agricultural and environmental resource economics. Eds. Gerald A. Carlson, and David Zilberman. Oxford University Press, 1993. Molle F., 2008. Can water pricing policies regulate irrigation use? Paper presented to the 13th World water Congress, 1-4 September 2008, Montpellier, France. Redulla C. A., Davenport J. R., Evans R. G., Hattendorf M. J., Alva A.K Boydston., R. A. (2002). Relating potato yield and quality to field scale variability in soil characteristics. Amer. J. Potato Res. 79(5): 317-323. Sauer, Timm, et al. "Agriculture and resource availability in a changing world: The role of irrigation." Water Resources Research 46.6 (2010). Flexible and precIse irriGation plAtform to improve faRm scale water prOductivity

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