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Fruit Juice Solutions. Who we are. Liqu A is an industrial packaging and logistics group with an extensive network throughout the world.
Whoweare... LiquAis an industrial packaging and logistics group with an extensive network throughout the world. The company is incorporated in Spain and its factory is located in Istanbul, Turkey. Liqua team has been in the industry since 1997 as a packaging manufacturer. The starting product has been big bags. In 2007, the group started producing flexitanks and developing solutions for bulk liquids. In 2011, LiquALogistics LTD was established to provide service to its clients through Liqua network. Customers are provided high quality of bulk liquid logistics services as well as the most innovative packaging solutions. 2
QualityAssurance... Liquaproudly holds; PAS 1008 : 2016 FlexitankProductionManagmentSystem ISO 9001 : 2008 Quality Management System ISO 14001 : 2004 Environmental Management SystemISO 22000 : 2005 HACCP Food Management SystemFSSC 22000 : 2010 FoodSafetySystemCertificate OHSAS 18001 : 2007 Occupational Health and Safety Management System Kosher : KosherPareveIncludingPassover Halal : 22:2011 Halal Product Management System 4
Production... • CleanRoom • UltrasonicCutter 5
E-FlexEasyFlexitank... The first and only flexitank that; Does Not require bulkhead Does Not require special fitting equipment Does Not exert pressure to the side walls of the container Patented, harnessed, wave breaking design Dual Flexitank possibility to load two different products with two separate compartments in a single flexitank Fittingby two people in three minutes only Removes the pressure on the side walls of the container. Relaxed selection criteria, expanding the range of usable containers Low Residue Environmental Friendly Elimination of bulkhead to reduce the carbon emission Carbon Foot Print 40% less than conventional flexitanks, Easy recycling No need for wood, steel, polystyrene or other plastics used as a bulkhead system
E-FlexEasyFlexitank... No Side Wall Presure No ContainerDamages
E-FlexEasyFlexitank... Railroad ImpactTested in USA accordingtoboth AAR and PAS 1008:2016 Approved by Container Owners Association Approvedby All Major ShippingLines Approvedby Railroads in USA andRussia
E-FlexEasyFlexitank... Easy Fitting
E-FlexEasyFlexitank... EasyandSafe Access totheValve at FillingandDiscgarge
E-FlexEasyFlexitank... ProtectiveBonnet 1. Safety 2. Hygiene Inner Structure Front HarnessingCoverRemoved…
E-FlexEasyFlexitank... Dual Flexitank... Two differentcargoes in the sameflexitank
T-Flex... The first and only flexitank applicable for; Truck-trailers Reefer trucks 40ft ISO containers 40ft reefer containers North American 53ft vans Easy fitting by two people Maximized payload due to light weight Low Residue Single use, hygienic transportation. Eliminates the chemical contamination risk compared to road tanker cleaning process Allows return loads of conventional cargo when liquid is not available or vice versa… Possibility for economical transportation in remote areas Avoids delays for obtaining tankers due to the imbalance of global freight traffic Environmental Friendly. Carbon Foot Print 40% less than road tankers due to the availability of return cargo Easy recycling
T-Flex... Wave breakers integrated in the T-Flex design minimizes the flow of the liquid within chambers to keep the hydro dynamicenergy andsurgeat minimum level.
T-Flex... • Tested and certified by Dekra Germany according to European Norm EN12642 • & • Railroad Impact Tested and Certified by TTCI, USA • & • Fully compliant with USDOT road and rail requirements
T-Flex... EasyFitting in Minutes T-Flex53ft
R-FlexReefer Solutions… Flexitanksdesigned for commodities that require temperature control. Flexitanksfor; Reefer20ft Containers Reefer40ft Containers ReeferTrucks 22% more payload compared to drums and IBCsAseptic, Foodgrade, GammaIrradiation Dual Flexitank, possibility to load two different products with two separate compartments in a single flexitankApplicable for all kinds of containersandtrucks Low Residue, Environmental Friendly, Easy recyclingLessCarbon Foot Print thantankersand ISO tanks
Organization… Due to delicate nature of the commodities to be transported in reefer containers and also relatively fragile nature of 40ft reefer container boxes, CMA CGM, Teconja&LiquA joined their forces exclusively to provide door to door service to the customers worldwide.
What is R-Flex 40ft?… R-Flex 40ft is an easyandcosteffectiveway of transportingbulkcommodities. A safeflexitank design for 40ft Reefer Containers.It is the one and ONLY Monobloc (one piece) flexitank with anti – wave technology that stabilizes the liquid. R-Flex 40ft does NOT allow liquid to generate any hydro dynamic forces/sloshing.
What is R-Flex 40ft?… Wave breakers integrated in the R-Flex design minimizes the flow of the liquid within chambers to keep the hydro dynamicenergy andsurgeat minimum level.
What is R-Flex 20ft?… R-Flex, Easy Flexitank for 20ft reefer containers is a harnessed design that, thanks to its anti- wave technology, does not require any bulkhead and does not exert any pressure to the side walls of the containers.R-flex, stabilizes the liquid and does NOT allow liquid to generate any hydro dynamic forces/sloshing.
What is R-Flex 20ft?… It is made out of two tanks standing on each other and incorporated with 6 big interconnections.
What is R-Flex Truck?… R-Flex Truck is basically «T-Flex flexitank fortrucks» applied in reefertrucks. ReeferTrucks / Trailers
Features & Advantages… • The first and only Monobloc (one piece) flexitank available for 40’ reefer containers. • No need to go inside the container to load or discharge, in line with health and safety standards. • Patented robust wave breaking designs providing a stabilized journey. • No pressure on thesidewalls. • Anti-wavefeature. • High chilledaircirculation. • Upto 22,000lt capacity in 20ft and 24,000lt capacity in 40ft.
Features & Advantages… • Direct filling from stevedore tanks into R-Flex 40ft. No Re-loading. • Lesspackaging tara, morecargo… • Upto11%(2100kg)morecargo in a containercomparedto metal drums. • Upto3.5%(700kg)morecargo in a containercomparedtoplasticdrums. • Upto6%(1250kg)morecargo in a containercomparedtoIBCs. • No inventory foremptypackaging (Drums/Bins/IBCs) • Extreme labor cost saving from packaging, filling, handling, emptypackagingstorage. • Capital saving from packaging. • Lessloading time.
AsepticFlexitank... • Single use hygienic transportation, eliminating contamination risk. • Production in clean room under FSCC 22000 Food Safety System. • Positive air pressure condition in the clean room with capability of less than 0.54mg particleper m3. • Food approved raw materials according to Regulation (EU) 10/2011. • 15kGy Gamma Irradiation. • Dairyconnection, thermoplasticvalveforasepticloading & discharge. • EVOH Oxygenbarrier.
AsepticFlexitank... • 3’’ Dairyconnection EN 11851
Sterilization with gamma rays is one of the most reliable, effective and common alternative sterilization methods used today. Irradiation facility makes use of gamma rays released from Co-60 source. Gamma rays are ionizing rays. Ionizing rays can remove electrons from the atoms when they react with substances. This process is called “ionization”. Free electrons can participate in chemical reactions or detach DNA molecules from living organisms. This reaction is the basis of terminating microorganisms such as bacteria, parasites, mold, yeasts or fungus. Gamma rays are electromagnetic energy just like radio, TV waves or microwaves, visible lights or x-rays. What is Gamma Irradiation…
It is an ionizing ray. It can remove electrons from the atoms or molecules when it penetrates through a substance. That causes charged particles called "ions". • Its penetration capacity to materials is high because it is more energetic than other types of rays. • It is on the shortest wave length of the electromagnetic spectrum and the highest energy level. • Gamma rays don’t have any mass or charge and they travel with light speed. Gamma IrradiationFeatures…
QR Code Application… • The QR Code application is another innovative initiative by LiquA that operators can use through their smart phones. • Our QR code application is specially developed for; • Guiding Liquaflexitank fitting operations • Getting instant information about your flexitankfittings • Ensuring that the operators follow all the instructions in order to complete insurance procedures. LiquAflexitankboxeshave QR Codes on alllabels. Scanningthe QR CodedivertstheusertotheLiquA site.
QR Code Application… Through the serial number of the flexitank, LiquAprovides up to date written and video manuals for the specific product. Photographs showing the condition of the container and fitting operation must be uploaded to our server prior to the flexitank filling.
Give it a try… • Download a free QR Code reader to your smart phone • and give it a try with the QR Code on the right… • Username : demo • Password : demo • We recommend the below applications as QR Code readers
Network… As being a flexitank and container liner manufacturer, the dynamics of the industry led us to the expected conclusion for customer satisfaction. Liqua Logistics…We aim to integrate secure transportation with custom made packaging under one roof. Through the joint work of extensive network of agents/distributers and the logistics partners, Liqua provides door to door service.Depending on the conditions of the route, geography and the qualities of the cargo, Liqua team; Designs the right packaging Organizes just in time delivery Determines the right mode of transportation