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The European Union: A primer

This primer provides an overview of the European Union, including its history, objectives, key players, and powers. Learn about the enlargement of the EU, the euro, European institutions, legislative procedures, EU budget, and the powers of the European Parliament. Stay connected with the EU through their official website.

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The European Union: A primer

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  1. The European Union: A primer Source Note: This is a modified version of the Power Point presentation from the EU Parliament presenter in June 2016 in Brussels. Some of the slides originally presented to the EU Study Tour from the University of Pittsburgh have been deleted or revised to better fit the objectives of this course module.

  2. Eu HISTORY AND objectives Peace Stability Sustainability Freedom and security SolidarityArticle 3, Treaty of Lisbon

  3. The European union

  4. Enlargement: from 6 to 28 members • 1952 • 1973 • 1981 • 1986 • 1995 • 2004 • 2007 • 2013

  5. The euro 2016 • EU member states With the Euro 19 Without the Euro 9 With an opt-out: UK and Denmark • FI • SE • EE • LV • DK • LT • IE • UK • NL • PL • DE • BE • CZ • LU • SK • AT • HU • RO • FR • SL • HR • IT • BG • ES • PT • EL • CY • MT


  7. EU committees – advisory bodies 350 Members Representing workers' and employers' organisations and other interest groups 350 Members Representing Europe's regional and local authorities

  8. key institutions 751 Members representing the EUROPEAN CITIZENS 28 Commissioners representing the EU INTEREST 28 Heads of states and 28 Ministers representing the MEMBER STATES

  9. Key players Martin Schulz President of European Parliament Jean-Claude Juncker President of European Commission Donald Tusk President of European Council

  10. EU COMPETENCES • Exclusive Shared Support Internal market Social policy Environment Agriculture Consumer protection Transport Energy Research Public health Development cooperation Custom union Monetary policy (€ zone) Common commercial policy Culture Tourism Sport Education Youth

  11. Ordinary Legislative procedure TRIALOGUES • Readings • 1. • 1. • 2. • 2. • Conciliation Committee • 3. • 3. INITIATIVE CONTROL

  12. EU LAWS IN our LIFE

  13. Eu budget: total 2016 Source: European Commission

  14. Eu budget: revenue Source: European Commission

  15. Powers of the EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT • Legislation • Budget • Parliamentary • control • International • Agreements

  16. Seat distribution IN eupARLIAMENT

  17. Political groups

  18. Parliamentary committees

  19. EP Calendar 2016 • Plenarymeetings • Committeemeetings • Politicalgroupmeetings • Externalactivity

  20. Plenary chamber

  21. Languages eu uses

  22. Stay in touch ! • www.europarl.europa.eu

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