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Phase separation in strongly correlated 2d electron liquid. B. Spivak University of Washington. Schematic picture of MOSFET’s. Electrons in semiconductors can have metallic conductivity. The electron band structure in MOSFET’s. oxide. eV. 2D electron gas. Metal.
Phase separation in strongly correlated 2d electron liquid B. Spivak University of Washington
Electrons in semiconductors can have metallic conductivity. The electron band structure in MOSFET’s. oxide eV 2D electron gas. Metal Si d + - As the the parameter dn1/2 decreases the electron-electron interaction changes from Coulomb V~1/r to dipole V~1/r3 form. + - + - + - n-1/2
The role of the electron-electron interaction. If the inter-particle interaction energy is V(r) ~1/rg, then Epot~ng/2 while Ekin~ n. (n~1/r2) g=2 is critical. At small n the electron kinetic energy (g=1) can be neglectedand the systemforms a Wigner crystal. (3He and 4He(g>2 ) are crystals at large n.)
Phase diagram of 2D electron system at T=0. The inverse distance to the gate. MOSFET’s important for applications. FERMI LIQUID 1/d correlated electrons. WIGNER CRYSTAL n Experiments by V. Pudalov, T. Klapwijk, S. Kravchenko, M. Sarachik, S. Vitkalov et al.
Transitions between the liquid and the crystal • should be of first order. • (L.D. Landau, S. Brazovskii) • First order phase transitions in 2D systems • with dipolar interaction are forbidden.
Phase separation in the electron liquid. crystal liquid phase separated region. n nW nc nL There is an interval of electron densities nW<n<nL near the critical ncwhere phase separation must occur
To find the shape of the minority phase one must minimize the surface energy at a given area of the minority phase In the case of dipolar interaction g> 0 is the microscopic surface energy S At large L the surface energy is negative!
Finite size corrections to C E~1/x minority phase. majority phase. x - - - - d R + + + + metallic gate R is the droplet radius This contribution to the surface energy is negative and proportional to –R ln (R/d) !
Shape of the minority phase The minority phase. R NR2 =const. N is the number of the droplets, R is the size of the droplets.
Mean field phase diagram of electron system at T=0. (Small anisotropy of surface energy). A sequence of more complicated patterns. A sequence of more complicated patterns. Wigner crystal Fermi liquid. Bubbles of WC Bubbles of FL Stripes n nW nL Transitions are continuous. They are similar to Lifshitz points.
Mean field phase diagram of electron system at T=0. (Big anisotropy of surface energy). An example: the magnetic field parallel to the film. Wigner crystal Fermi liquid. Stripes L n Lifshitz points
Finite temperature effects. a. The case of the magnetic field parallel to the film. “crystal” “cmectic” liquid n b. The case of strong anisotropy of the surface tension. “crystal” “nematic” liquid
Transitions between uniform, bubble and stripe phases in 2D have been previously discussed in : a. 2D ferromagnetic films (T. Garrel, S. Doniach) b. lipid membranes ( M. Seul, D. Andelman) In these theories the transitions between the uniform, the bubble and the stripe phases were of first order. In 3D the macroscopic phase separation is impossible. only at large enough |deW/dn-deL/dn|. d. neutron stars (Bethe) e. HTS (J. Zaanen, S. Kivelson, V. Emery, E. Fradkin) T B S B n
T and H|| dependences of the area of the crystal. (Pomeranchuk effect). S and M are entropy and magnetization of the system. The entropy of the crystal is of spin origin and much larger than the entropy of the Fermi liquid. • As T and H|| increase, the crystal fraction grows and • the resistance of the system increases. • At large H|| the spin entropy is frozen and the • resistance should be independent of T.
Several experimental facts suggesting a non-Fermi liquid nature of the electron liquid in MOSFET’s at small densities and the significance of the Pomeranchuk effect:
There is a metal-insulator transition as a function of n! Kravchenko et al insulator metal Factor of order 6.
Pudalov et al. A factor of order 6. There is a big positive magneto-resistance which saturates at large magnetic fields parallel to the plane.
Vitkalov et al. (unpublished) H|| The magnetic field parallel to the plane suppresses the temperature dependence of the resistance of the metallic phase. The slopes differ by a factor 100 !!
Comparison of the magneto-resistance in the hopping regime in the cases when the magnetic field is parallel or perpendicular to the film. Kravchenko et al (unpublished) H||
A comparison of conductivity of metals and viscosity of liquid He in semi-quantum regime EF<<T<<Epot. At the Fermi liquid-Wigner crystal transition the critical rs= Epot / EF ~ 38. and the liquid is strongly correlated. If EF << T << Epot the liquid is not degenerate but it is still not a gas. (Semi-quantum regime). Such temperature interval exists in the case of liquid He as well.
He3 phase diagram: The Pomeranchuk effect. The liquid He3 is also strongly correlated liquid: rs; m*/m >>1. The temperature dependence of the heat capacity of He3. The semi-quantum regime. The Fermi liquid regime.
A connection between the resistance and the viscosity of electrons in the semi-quantum regime. In this case lee ~n1/2,and hydrodynamics works ! (lee is the electron-electron mean free path.) Stokes formula in 2D case: u(r) Viscosity h(T) of classical liquids decreases exponentially with T. Viscosity of classical gases increases as a power of T. What about semi-quantum liquids?
Comparison of viscosities of two strongly correlated liquids (He3 and the electrons in the semi-quantum regime ( EF <T < Epot ). r h He4 Factor 1.5 1/T T Experimental data on the viscosity of He3 in the semi-quantum regime (T > 0.3 K) are unavailable!? A theory (A.F.Andreev):
T - dependence of the conductivity s(T) of 2D holes in GaAs at “high” T and at different n. H. Noh, D.Tsui, M.P. Lilly, J.A. Simmons, L.N. Pfeifer, K.W. West. Points where T = EF are marked by red dots.
Additional evidence for the strongly correlated nature of the electron system. Vitkalov et al B. Castaing, P. Nozieres J. De Physique, 40, 257, 1979. (Theory of liquid 3He .) E(M)=E0+aM2+bM4+…….. M is the spin magnetization. “If the liquid is nearly ferromagnetic, than the coefficient “a” is accidentally very small, but higher terms “b…” may be large. If the liquid is nearly solid, then all coefficients “a,b…” as well as the critical magnetic field should be small.”
At T=0 bubble superlattices melted by quantum fluctuations The interaction between the droplets decays as 1/r3. Therefore at small N droplets form a quantum liquid. At small temperatures droplets are characterized by their momentum. They carry mass, charge and spin. Thus, they behave as quasiparticles. Question: What are the statistics and the effective mass of the “droplet quasiparticles”?
Quantum properties of droplets of Fermi liquid embedded in the Wigner crystal : • a. In this case droplets are topological objects. • The droplets have DEFINITE statistics. • It is determined by the number of electrons which should be changed in the system to create droplets. • The number of sites in the crystal is different from the number of electrons. Such crystals can bypass • obstacles and cannot be pinned. • c. The corresponding set of equations is a combination of the elasticity theory and the hydrodynamics. • This is similar to the scenario of super-solid He(A.F.Andreev and I.M.Lifshitz). The difference is that in that case the zero-point vacancies are of quantum mechanical origin.
Quantum properties of droplets of Wigner crystal embedded in Fermi liquid. WC R(t) • The droplets are not topological objects. • b. The action for macroscopic quantum tunneling between • states with and without a Wigner crystal droplet is finite. The droplets contain non-integer spin and charge. Therefore the statistics of these quasiparticles is unknown.
What is the effective mass of the droplets m* ? At T=0 the liquid-solid surface is a quantum object. • If the surface is quantum smooth, motion of a Wigner crystal droplet • is associated with a redistribution of the liquid mass of order b. If the surface is quantum rough much less mass need be redistributed. (A.F.Andreev, A.I. Shalnikov (unpublished).) 1/d WC FL n
Orbital magneto-resistance in the hopping regime. (V.L Nguen, B.Spivak, B.Shklovski.) To get the effective conductivity of the system one has to average the log of the elementary conductance of the Miller-Abrahams network : A. The case of complete spin polarization. All amplitudes of tunneling along different tunneling paths are coherent. is independent of H ; while all higher moments decrease with H. The phases are random quantities. j i The magneto-resistance is big, negative,and corresponds to magnetic field corrections to the localization radius. Here is the localization radius, LH is the magnetic length, and rij is the typical hopping length.
B. The case when directions of spins of localized electrons are random. j i i j j i Index “lm” labes tunneling paths which correspond to the same final spin Configuration, the index “m” labels different groups of these paths. In the case of large tunneling length “r” the majority of the tunneling amplitudes are orthogonal and the orbital mechanism of the magneto-resistance is suppressed.
Conclusion: At large rs there are phases of pure 2D electron system which are intermediate between the Fermi liquid and the Wigner crystal .
T-dependence of the drag resistance of 2D GaAs holes. Tsui at al.
H-depemdence of the resistance and drag resistance of 2D GaAs. Tsui at al.