1 / 53

PHP4 PostgreSQL

2001/03/16. PHP4????PostgreSQL????????. 2. ?????. PHP?????????PHP3?PHP4???PHP4?????????????PEAR DB??????????????????????. 2001/03/16. PHP4????PostgreSQL????????. 3. PHP??. ??Web????????????????PHP: Hypertext PreprocesserHTML?????C?????Apache???????????????????????????????????????????????

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PHP4 PostgreSQL

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Presentation Transcript

    1. PHP4???? PostgreSQL???????? ???? (?)???·???? koyama@beatcraft.com

    2. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 2 ????? PHP??? ?????? PHP3?PHP4??? PHP4????????????? PEAR DB??????? ???????????? ???

    3. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 3 PHP?? ??Web???????????????? PHP: Hypertext Preprocesser HTML????? C????? Apache??????????? ?????????????????? ????????????????????????????

    4. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 4 ??????????? PHP/FI?? Perl?????cgi????? Rasmus Lerdorf???? ???C????? Personal Home Page Tools??????? Personal Home Page Construction Kit ???????? FI (Form Interpreter)??? PHP/FI 2.0

    5. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 5 ??(2) PHP3???? Andi Gutmans?, Zeev Suraski? ?????????????? PHP4???? Zend???????????

    6. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 6 ????? <html> <head> <title>PHP test</title> </head> <body> <?php echo "Hello World<p>"; ?> </body> </html>

    7. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 7 ??(1) $??????? ????????????? <?php echo $HTTP_USER_AGENT; ?> ?Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98) <?php phpinfo( ); ?>

    8. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 8 ??? <?php if (strstr($HTTP_USER_AGENT, "MSIE")) { echo "You are using Internet Explorer<br>"; } else { echo "You are not using Internet Explorer<br>"; } ?>

    9. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 9 ??????????? <form action="action.php" method="post"> Your name: <input type="text" name="name"> Your age: <input type="text" name="age"> <input type="submit"> </form>

    10. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 10 ??(2) ????????????? (0 == "") -> true ????????????? (0 === "") -> false ????????????? $hoge = 1; echo $hgoe;

    11. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 11 ??(3) local?????????????global????????? function func() { global $hoge; echo $hoge; } $hoge = "funya"; func();

    12. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 12 ??(1) ?????????? ????????? $ar = array( "a" => "A", "b" => "B" ); $ar[ ] = "C"; $ar[ ] = "D"; print_r( $ar );

    13. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 13 ??(2) ???????????? reset( $ar ); while (list($key, $val) = each($ar)) { echo "$key: $val\n"; } reset() ??????????

    14. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 14 ??(3) reset() ???????????? foreach ($ar as $val) { echo $val; } foreach ($ar as $key => $val) { echo "$key: $val\n"; }

    15. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 15 ??(1) ??????? function funcname( $arg1, $arg2 = "hoge" ) { : }

    16. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 16 ??(2) ?????????? function hoge() { return array( 1, "a" ); } list( $num, $str ) = hoge();

    17. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 17 ??(3) ???????????? function hoge( &$a ) { $a++; } $fuga = 1; hoge( $fuga );

    18. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 18 ??? ???????? class Base { var $a; function hoge() { } } class Derived extends Base { var $b; function fuga() { } }

    19. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 19 PHP3???? ???????????(????)??????? ????PHP-3.0.18-i18n-ja-2 php.ini???????????????????? ?????????????????? PHP4??????????,????????

    20. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 20 PHP4??? Zend Script Engine??? ??????? Reference Counting Here Printing Extention API ????? ???????? ?????????? PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions) Output Buffer?????

    21. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 21 PHP4??? PHP3??????????? ??????????????????(?????) ?????????????????????? ? jstring ftp://night.fminn.nagano.nagano.jp/php4/ ???????????????????

    22. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 22 PHP4?????????(1) ??? PHP4??Output Buffering??? ????????????????? ???jstring????????? Content-Type??????? ??????????????????? ???????????????????

    23. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 23 PHP4?????????(2) ???(??) Get/Post ???????????????? $HTTP_POST_VARS, $HTTP_GET_VARS ??????????????????????????????????????? ??????????EUC-JP???????? ????

    24. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 24 charconv.inc class CConv ??????????????????????????? ????PHP3??????????? ??: EUC-JP ??: SJIS ????????

    25. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 25 CConv???(1) ?? <?php CConv::start(); ?> <html> <head><title>??????</title></head> <body> <?php echo "??????<br>\n"; ?> </body> </html> <?php CConv::finish(); ?>

    26. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 26 CConv???(2) ?????????????? <?php CConv::convAll(); // $input_value??? ?> CConv::start() ????? convAll() ?????? ????HTML??????????? start() ???OK ?????? <input type="hidden" name="__encoding" value="?????????">

    27. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 27 PEAR???? PHP Extention and Add-on Repository TeX?CTAN?Perl?CPAN?Ruby?RAA PHP?????????????????? Stig Bakken???????????? PHP????????????????????? Reference Code PHPLib?PEAR?????????????

    28. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 28 PEAR DB PEAR????DB??? ????DBMS????PHP????????????? ????C?????????????PHP?????????? ???????????DB???????????????? Perl?DBI + DBD?????

    29. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 29 PEAR DB???(1) ?? $con_str = "host=localhost dbname=phptest user=koyama password=xxxx"; $con = pg_connect( $con_str ); $sql = "select * from test_tbl"; $result = pg_exec( $con, $sql ); $vals = pg_fetch_row( $result, 0 ); foreach($vals as $val) { echo "val: $val<br>\n"; } pg_freeresult( $result ); pg_close( $con );

    30. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 30 PEAR DB???(2) PEAR DB???? require_once( "DB.php" ); $dsn = "pgsql://koyama:xxxx@localhost/phptest"; $db = DB::connect( $dsn ); $sql = "select * from test_tbl"; $result = $db->simpleQuery( $sql ); $vals = $db->fetchRow( $result ); foreach ($vals as $val) { echo "val: $vals<br>\n"; } $db->freeresult( $result ); $db->disconnect();

    31. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 31 DB??????? SQL?????????????? ???SQL?????????? ???????1?????????????? select * from test_tbl where xxx='xxx' ?????????????SQL???????????????????

    32. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 32 ????????? 1????????????? ????????????????? primary key????????/??????? SQL????????? ????????????????????? ?DBMS????????? ????????????

    33. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 33 ???? PostgreSQL-7.0.3 PHP-4.0.4pl1 PHP4?????????????PHP3???????? PHP-4.0.4???PHP4???????????????????????? ????????????????? Create table t1 ( v1 int primary key, v2 text, v3 bool, v4 date );

    34. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 34 hoge1.php pg_xxx()?????? pgsql??????????????? DB?????????????????????????????????

    35. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 35 hoge2.php PEAR DB???????? DSN(data source name)?????????????DBMS?????????? ?????Oracle??PostgreSQL???????? ??????DBMS??????????????(?)

    36. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 36 hoge3.php ??????????????? ????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ???????SQL?????? select / insert / update /delete PostgreSQL??bool???t??f???????PHP? true/false??? ???? '' ??? ??? ???? insert/update????????????

    37. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 37 hoge4.php ??????????????? load/insert/update ?? setup/commit ? commit()?????DB????????????????????insert/update ?????? getValsForDB() insert/update ????

    38. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 38 hoge4.php???? ????t1???????? ???????????????????????? ???????????????????? ??????

    39. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 39 ??????????? ????????????? ????? ????????? primary key ??????????????????????????????

    40. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 40 hoge5.php(1) class AbstructTable ????????? ??????????????3????????????? getTableName() getPrimaryKey() getType() ?? primary key?????????????? setup() ?1???????????

    41. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 41 hoge5.php(2) setup() ????????????DB?????? keyCheck() primary key??????? primary key??????????/???????? makeWhereStr() where??????

    42. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 42 hoge5.php(3) getVal() ???????SQL??????????? ???? ' ' ??? ???? NULL???? exists() ????????????????????? primary key??????select???? ??????????????????

    43. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 43 hoge5.php(4) commit() exists()???????update()/inset() ????? load() ?????DB????????????????????? DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC ??????(??)???????(???)???key?????????

    44. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 44 hoge5.php(5) insert() DB???????? update() DB????????

    45. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 45 hoge5.php(6) Table1????AbstructTable??????? class Table1 extends AbstructTable { … } ??????????????? ?????????? hoge4.php ???

    46. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 46 ???? ?????????????????? $name = "job"; echo $$name; // $job ????????????? $name = "member"; echo $this->$name; // $this->member

    47. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 47 get_class_vars() get_object_vars( $this ) ????????????????????? get_class_vars() ??????????????????? class Hoge { var $val1 = ""; } $h = new Hoge; $h->val2 = "val2"; get_object_vars( $h ); // "val1", "val2" get_class_vars( get_class( $h ) ); // "val1"

    48. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 48 ????????????? abstructtable.inc ?????????? ??????????????????????????

    49. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 49 hoge6.php ??????? ???????? SQL??????????DB???????? ?????????????? ??????????regist_date????? ???????last_updated?????

    50. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 50 ????????????(1) define() ?????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????? ??????????? .xxxrc ???? localconfig.inc???????????????????????????????

    51. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 51 ????????????(2) ????????????????? define( "LOCAL_CONFIG_PATH", "localconfig.inc" ); function isLocalConfigExists() { $fp = @fopen( LOCAL_CONFIG_PATH, "r", 1 ); if (!$fp) return false; fclose( $fp ); return true; } if (isLocalConfigExists()) { include_once( LOCAL_CONFIG_PATH ); }

    52. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 52 PHP???????? Zend Cache ???????????????????????????? Zend Encoder ???????????????????????????? Zend IDE ?????? Java??? ????????????

    53. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 53 ?????? ?????????????????????… PHP-GTK ???????????????

    54. 2001/03/16 PHP4????PostgreSQL???????? 54 Q&A

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