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Republic of Rwanda

Republic of Rwanda. Ared Alejandra García González African Studies. General Data. World Factbook CIA, 2013 INEGI, 2012. World Factbook CIA,2013 INEGI, 2012. GDP: 146/229 GDP per capita : 206/ 228 90% of population in agriculture.

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Republic of Rwanda

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  1. Republic of Rwanda Ared Alejandra García González AfricanStudies

  2. General Data WorldFactbook CIA, 2013 INEGI, 2012

  3. WorldFactbook CIA,2013 INEGI, 2012

  4. GDP: 146/229 • GDP per capita: 206/ 228 • 90% of population in agriculture Trends in Rwanda’s HDI componentindices1980-2012 HDI: 0.434 (167/187) LifeExpectancy: 55.7 years Education: 10.9 years GNI per capita: 1,147 USD Economy and HDI WorldFactobook CIA, 2013 PNUD 2013

  5. Rwanda’s legal systemisbasedon German and Belgian civil lawsystems and customarylaw. • Republicwithmulti-partysystem. Government

  6. Rwandawasnotanintegratedunity • Hierarchicalsystem • There was not a period of prolonged wars between kingdoms • Peaceful coexistence • In 1899, Rwanda became a German colony • In 1919, the system of indirect rule continued with Rwanda as a mandate territory of the League of Nations, under Belgium. • Colonial Period BeforeColonization

  7. Belgians considered the Tutsis more similar to Europeans • Rigid system of ethnic classification • Increased power of the king and Tutsi elites

  8. Trusteeship Council

  9. Under the pressure of the UN, the change was legitimized by a referendum How RW getitsindependence?

  10. From 1959, Tutsi were targeted, causing hundreds of thousands of deaths and sending almost two million of them into exile • 1961: Independence proclaimed by the Hutu • T.C: Voted to divide intothetwosovereignStates

  11. He kept the identification system • 1980: Economic and social differences

  12. Air plane crash: Habymarimana and President of Burundi died • April 6, 1994 • MINUAR Security Council removes it • Incompetence: UN, Western governments Genocide

  13. Consequences

  14. 2001, a new flag and national anthem  Promote national unity and reconciliation Rwandans

  15. Heavy fighting resumes on Rwanda-DRC border, Al Jazeera: • http://www.aljazeera.com/news/africa/2014/06/heavy-fighting-resumes-rwanda-drc-border-2014611134650993769.html • A reversalby a militia of rwandan hutus in DemocraticRepublic Of Congo, The New York Times, • http://www.nytimes.com/2014/06/29/world/africa/a-reversal-by-a-militia-of-rwandan-hutus-in-demo • OutreachProgrammeontheRwandaGenocide and theUnitedNations http://www.un.org/en/preventgenocide/rwanda/education/rwandagenocide.shtml • OfficialWebsite of theGovernment of Rwanda http://www.gov.rw/Structure?lang=en • CIA TheWorldFactbook https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/rw.html • TrusteeshipCouncil, UnitesNations: www.un.org/en/mainbodies/trusteeship/cratic-republic-of-congo.html?_r=0 • Valera, Hilda, De crisis humanitarias ignoradas y mitificadas: Rwanda1994, Estudios de Asia y África XXXV: 3, El Colegio de México, 2000. References

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