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Rwanda. Statistics about Rwanda. Approximate size of Maryland Religion: Christian 93.5% Life expectancy: 47 years Most densely populated African nation = 345 people per .39 square miles. Rwanda’s Ethnic Groups. Pygmies (1%) originally in the area Hutus (84%) = established farmers

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  1. Rwanda

  2. Statistics about Rwanda • Approximate size of Maryland • Religion: Christian 93.5% • Life expectancy: 47 years • Most densely populated African nation = 345 people per .39 square miles

  3. Rwanda’s Ethnic Groups • Pygmies (1%) originally in the area • Hutus (84%) = established farmers • Tutsi (15%) = cattle breeders arrived and established a monarchy • made the Hutus serfs [attached to land= forced laborers]

  4. European Imperialism • 1916: Belgians • Identity cards issued • Belgians “rule” through Tutsi • Taller • Lighter-skinned • “thinner noses”

  5. Ethnic Strife • Hutus push for power equal to their numbers

  6. Independence - 1962 • Kayibanda elected president (Hutu) • 1973 – Military coup – Gen. Habyarimana (Hutu)

  7. Hutus seek control of Tutsi • Interahamwe:Hutu civilian militia • armed and supported by Hutu army • Weapon of choice = machete • Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF): • Tutsi rebels • Form in Uganda • Cross-border invasion 1990

  8. Assassination?  Civil War 1994: President Habyarimana’s plane is shot down, Hutus blame Tutsi “cockroaches”

  9. Start of Massacre Rwandan National Radio: “Cut the tall trees” • Targets: • Tutsi • Moderate Hutu

  10. 800,000 dead in 100 days from April to June

  11. Genocide • Deliberate and systematic destruction of an entire people who belong to one racial, ethnic or political group.

  12. Hotel des Mille Collines Paul Rusesabagina = “Moderate” Hutu

  13. International Intervention • Peacekeepers • sent • attacked by militia • withdrawn • Token force of 270 left behind • Other countries? • Evacuate their citizens • No intervention / aid for Rwandans

  14. Collapse of the Hutu Government • RPF attacks from Uganda again • Hutu army, interahamwe defeated • Ends the Genocide

  15. Post-Genocide Government • Paul Kagame = Former RPF Commander = President • Tutsi president = Hutus flee to D.R.C. • Attempts at Multi-ethnic ‘coalition’ government • Kagame re-elected 2010

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